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&%$#*& decapping pins


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Anyone have a recommendation for a universal decapping die with a pin strong enough to stand up to military/crimped primers?

I broke the pins on *both* of my Redding universal decapping dies tonight. Looking for a better way. (or at least a die with a cheap/replaceable pin)

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I've never damaged a decapping pin due to a crimped primer. They have always come out with no apparent additional effort. Sounds like either the pin is off center or bent so it does not hit the primer or you encountered some Berdan primed cases.

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Another +1 for the Lee. I've decapped probably a thousand rounds of LC since I purchased it with no issues. Prvi Prtizan or however you spell it tends to be even more of a PITA during decapping. That red primer sealant they used can keep things really tight some times, but it was nothing more than lowering the pin just a hair more to make sure it handles the PPU headstamp.

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Lee's universal decapping product works well. The only way I've ever broken one is through user error.

Hornady's CGND dies have a nearly unbreakable pin as well. They're the strongest I've found for a FL sizing die and all I use to decap and size 5.56mm brass.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using the Lee Universal Decapping Die too. It works well. One modification I've done to mine is ground a taper on the shoulder of the decapping pin. It's a pretty close fit for the .223's case mouth and tapering the shoulder helps to guide the pin in the case.

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My dad always told me "You could break a crowbar" well I've not broke one yet but I have broken the Lee Decapping pin, a couple of them by the way, but they are the hardest ones to break! :surprise:

If a case falls over the lee will punch right thru it where all the others will bend and then break.

"If brute force isn't working you are just not using enough"

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I've resized 5 or 6,000 once fired LC 5.56 cases with a Dillon 223/5.56 die with absolutely no problems, also several thousand once fired 45 acp military cases on an old Lyman 45 acp die, I have never bent or broken a decapping pin...ever.

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Thx. Anyone have any experience with the Dillon "universal" decapping die? Do they take the same replaceable tips as the normal Dillon decap/size dies?

I have tried and exclusively use the Dillon universal de-cap die ( I own 3) and think it is the strongest one I have seen!

It has a different pin from the regular Dillon dies (much beefier)and are not interchangeable.

I am still able to break them but much less frequently

I would suggest you buy some spare pins when you buy the die the first time.


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I use the RCBS Universal decapping die. I can tell you that they will accept Hornady pins, because when I broke one, that's all I had on hand. And yes the Hornady pins will break too, but they do seem to be pretty long lasting compared to the RCBS.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lee Universal, used for LC 5.56 and 7.62 and LOTS of 9mm brass. Never broke a pin. (Used with a Lee hand press)

Now the hand deprimer and punch setup I have broken it, and the replacement from Lee costs as much as the kit did.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have been using a Lee universal for the last two years on non-military brass with no problems, but broke the pin on the first batch of military 5.56 brass. It was used in a lee single stage press. I looked for replacement pins and LEE charges about $3 for one pin. I decided to buy an RCBS universal decapper and a bag of 50 pins for about $35 total. LEE lasted a long time, but for the money, RCBS works out better. You can get a bag of 5 pins for about $3.

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