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Drove 100 miles to the match and...

Jan R.

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Lesson learned, have a checklist and use it! I loaded up the car the night before and thought I was all good. Met my buddy in the parking lot and saw his gear and almost puked! Luckily the MD allowed me to shoot from the low ready position, many thanks to him. Scores won't count, but it was good practice.


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Checklists are great, but I've never been the type to write things down, much less remember where I wrote it. So I use a simple 4-step mental "checklist" or sorts. It goes like this .....

1. the bullets go in the mags

2. the mags go in the gun

3. the gun goes in the holster

4. remember the flippin' holster and you got it made! ;)

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Lesson learned, have a checklist and use it! I loaded up the car the night before and thought I was all good. Met my buddy in the parking lot and saw his gear and almost puked! Luckily the MD allowed me to shoot from the low ready position, many thanks to him. Scores won't count, but it was good practice.


I feel for you. I showed up an hour late for a match last month because I left my belt at home. Fortunately, I stopped to stock the cooler at a store 30 minutes from the house and realized something was missing when I opened the back of the jeep. I'm thankful my friends in law enforcement were sleeping in or busy elsewhere that morning!


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It is dependent on your division because Open guns do require a special holster.

I shoot Limited with a CR Speed system. I used to shoot using a Bladetech DOH but switched over to a WSM II. The Bladetech sits in the side pocket of my range bag so that if I have a problem I can slide the DOH on as a replacement. If I have a major gun issue prior to the match I can remove the DOH attachment and shoot Production using my Glock 34. If someone else forgets their holster or has a major malfunction and they shoot a Glock then I have borrowed it out to them to use for the match.

I do feel your pain though because last year I got about 5 miles from home when I realized my belt was still sitting next to the door. Shooting a match Limited but using Production equipment can slow things down a bit so I turned around.

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Don't feel too bad....when Mrs. Airedale was shooting, we drove an hour to a match and I forgot her belt/holster rig. That was after she made us late leaving and I had made a comment about it. Long drive home.


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Someone, no names mentioned, left his pistol at home and only realized it after helping setup and putting his belt on. :blush:

Fortunately, this person made it home and back before his name was called for the first stage. :D

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I got 50 miles away from home & realized my belt was still sitting at the house. Turned around, drove all the way back home, then all the way back. Fortunately it was the night before the match. Good thing I noticed as the match was just under 200 miles from my door. WHEW, that would have been a real bummer had I not realized my error! Now I make a computer list, check stuff off as I walk past the puter towards my truck, it helps a lot!


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Checklists are great, but I've never been the type to write things down, much less remember where I wrote it. So I use a simple 4-step mental "checklist" or sorts. It goes like this .....

1. the bullets go in the mags

2. the mags go in the gun

3. the gun goes in the holster

4. remember the flippin' holster and you got it made! ;)

Yup, mine is - GUN, AMMO, MAGS, GEAR.

Take it a step further and visualize what happens when you arrive at the range (Since I always seem forget this for practice sessions):


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Yup, gotta have the gun, the ammo, the mags, the holster, everything else can be bought at wally world lol.

Exactly ...... I use my list of 4 all the time, and there's 2 more biggies (eyes & ears) but like you said, you can beg, borrow, or buy them along with so many other things (cleats, towel, hat, sun screen, etc.)

Guns, ammo, belts, and mags are waaaay too unique to each shooter to really do your best that day with borrowed eqpt.

EDIT: I'm going to have to add my Rudys to that list of personal specialty items, because since I've been wearing Rudys, I can't ever go back to wearing inferior shooting glasses! B)

Yup, mine is - GUN, AMMO, MAGS, GEAR.

Take it a step further and visualize what happens when you arrive at the range (Since I always seem forget this for practice sessions):


Hey, how did you know? ...... I went to the range tonite, and forgot my stapler so I used a screw gun, and drywall screws !! Worked very well. B)

Edited by Chris Keen
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Chris taught me about his list as well but for me the best solution is to come home from shooting and reload the range bag immediately as if I were going right back to the range. I loop my rig through the handles on my shooting bag so all I really need to do is pick up the bag and go.

I took my mags out of the bag to mark them and let them dry one day. I decided to go chrono the next day and man was it a long chrono session loading one round at a time in the gun!:goof:

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you can beg, borrow, or buy them along with so many other things (cleats, towel, hat, sun screen, etc.)

I wear a size 15...if I forget my cleats...I'm pretty much S.O.L. They stay in the car, always.

You know what they say about guys with big hands and big feet......we wear big gloves and big shoes!

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So just so you know most Wal-Mart's carry a low quality holster that is kinda unfit for anything limited. Just a FYI. On another note I live about 2 miles from my range and was never really worried about it. Drove to Area 4 match 4-5 years ago and forgot my ENTIRE RIG. I live in OK the match was in LA needless to say I have 2 rigs now. An expensive mistake and I haven't made it again. I either had to buy the stuff or waste my entrance fee. Either way was expensive. Also forgot my bullets when going to another match, luckily a very nice older gentlemen shot .40 also and brought 1000+ rounds and GAVE me enough to shoot(offered but he wouldn't take he money) I will never forget him because that match I won my class for the first time(C Limited)

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I've forgotten all kinds of stuff when I show up for club matches; thankfully the drive was only 20 minutes each way. forgot my shoes one time and shot the match wearing slippers (flip flops). this was many years ago :surprise:

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I had all these great ideas about shooting video of my stages. I bought a gorilla pod for my camera(these things rock) I got filters for it, a couple tripods. Packed it all up nice in a big bag to take to a match. Got there and set it up in all kinds of cool places. I shot great and I'm thinking the whole time "these vids are going to be awesome" Each stage I jit the little remote REC button right before the load and make ready...

I get all the way home and open the camera to put the videos in my computer...

No Memory Card = no videos!!!

Gear wise I've never forgotten the gun/holster/mags or ammo thus far (knocking on wood) but I did bring the wrong caliber ammo for the wrong Glock to a Steel Challenge match before. Spent a whole minute at the line trying to feed a G17 a .40 round... I still have the round looks kinda like a 357 sig o.0 dumb da dumb dumb failboat

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Been there. Now I leave all but belt, gun and ammo in truck (although I have spare ammo stored there too) All I have to remember is gun, ammo, and mags and MATCH FEE but if you went through my range bag, you would find enough to cover the fee too :roflol:

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I picked up a bag off the table At Texas open that is big enough to hold everything including my rig and my cleats.

And yeah, I drove about 75 and had forgotten my whole rig. Rode with someone so I couldn't go back. Made it worse since I'm lefty but I did borrow a right handed holster and a couple mag pouches and made do.

Edited by spanky
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done it, twice

Drove out to Overland Park, KS from Indianapolis picked up my dad and we drove to Tulsa for the first Pro-Am. Forgot my belt with holster and mag pouches for my then recently aquired Brazo's that I had planned on shooting. I had stuff to shoot a single stack and 10 round mags, but that was not the plan.

Luckily I posted on here that I was an idiot, and had 2 people offer me their rigs to use!!

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