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Swamp People


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I pulled a post that caused some backlash...along with the backlash.

Please folks...you are talking about a reality show. You are going to get upset about that on the internet? Here?

This is Brian Forum. Be excellent.

Kyle F.

Forum Administrator


Please be polite. Or if not polite, at least respectful.

No bickering. Regardless of the subject matter.

Antagonistic, offensive, or quarrelsome tones are not acceptable.

No further discussion of this matter will be allowed from either side of this issue. I will leave this thread open but you will not reply in it nor will anyone else who is discussing your negative reaction. If you have questions about this feel free to PM me or any other moderator or admin.

-Larry Drake

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Edited by Flexmoney
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It's not everyday you can go hunting or fishing with small boat's and sell the catck for $1700.00 pretty good day pay,I'd take it..I still like it,and the people who do it..

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Hi Larry.wink.gif I am intrigued to watch this show now. I have no idea where it is set-but I will find out. I live in a swamp, near a swamp, drive through a swamp to get to my practice range, go camping in the swamp, take my girls in canoes in the swamp, lie about swamping with Ty Gentry, and I love the swamp. Especially when it is hot and the water high- so many creatures, plants, and beauty. Primordial it is. Having the Okefenokee as my playground is the best part of south Georgia. Never shoot a snake in your boat.

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Never shoot a snake in your boat.

Don't have access to to Cable or Satellite, so I'm not sure when I will see an episode, but I thought that Jadeslade's quote above would look good as a tag/signature line. By the way, It is GREAT advice :devil:

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I thought it was pretty cool. In one of the scenes a gator was still alive while it was still in the boat. It look like the skipper shot the gator again while it was in the boat. He didn't look like he was afraid of putting a hole into the hull of the boat.

The narrator kept on saying the kill zone was the size of a quarter. I don't know about that. If it is then those guys should also be in Top Shot.

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I thought it was pretty cool. In one of the scenes a gator was still alive while it was still in the boat. It look like the skipper shot the gator again while it was in the boat. He didn't look like he was afraid of putting a hole into the hull of the boat.

The narrator kept on saying the kill zone was the size of a quarter. I don't know about that. If it is then those guys should also be in Top Shot.

Bullets don't go through gators.

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I grew up by Pierre Part and spent a lot of time in Lake Verrett. That show is about as real as it gets. Good people living off the land the way my parents and grandparents had to because there was nothing else. I was fortunate to be able to grow up seeing it and learned hunting, trapping, and fishing from the old ones who did it like that for decades.

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Never shoot a snake in your boat.

Don't have access to to Cable or Satellite, so I'm not sure when I will see an episode, but I thought that Jadeslade's quote above would look good as a tag/signature line. By the way, It is GREAT advice :devil:

I have to agree, Jade's quote is definitely signature line material... :lol:

My wife and I watched the show, it was interesting, I'll let the DVR keep recording it but I don't know how much either of us will watch it.

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I grew up in the swamp, a little town called "Gulf Hammock", on Floridas' west coast (about 120 miles north of Tampa). The entire town was a post office and a jiffy store, and one flashing caution light on the highway. I literally have lived as those on the show do, and it is accurate as can be. I had bee hives for wax and honey as a kid to sell, had victor traps for raccoons (the hides used to bring $15.00 each, the meat was $10.00 for a big one), and we used to hunt reptilians for food....

As a side note, there is a canoe race through the wilds on Otter Creek, called the "Wild Hod Canoe Race" every year. Racers start at 2 minute intervals, and paddle 15 miles through thick and thin to get to the finish line. I've done it twice, it is NOT easy. But, the funniest finish I ever saw was a canoe that was stopping about every hundred yards or so, the guys jumping out, then dumping the water from the canoe.....The reason, one of them had brought a snubby 38 for snakes, and had shot 5 holes in the bottom of their fiberglass canoe trying to kill one. When they got to the finish line, they were half naked, as they had taker off their shirts and cut them into strips to try and stem the flow of water....The snake lived, as they ended up flipping the canoe when they were done shooting...

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Just saw this on hulu today.

Like the man said, there's definitely a story to be told.

"I'm what you might call a coonass...."

If you've ever read a James Lee Burke novel, you'll love these guys.

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I would sure like to get to hunt gators :cheers:

But I bet the swamp would be a pretty tough place for a desert dweller :roflol:


I'm about to find out, after 12 of the last 18 years living in southern NM, I'm moving to southern MS for my (likely) last assignment as active duty USAF. The house I have already leased is located less than 4 miles from the Pascagoula River State Wildlife Management Area.

This show has me intrigued to say the least, I now know I am pretty dang close (~4 miles) to Gator hunting country. However, going after these monsters with a 22 does not seem that prudent to me.

I have already looked at Mississippi regulations and "Alligators may only be dispatched with a shotgun with shot size no larger than #6 shot or with a bang-stick chambered in .38 caliber or larger. All shotguns or bang-sticks must remain cased and unloaded until the alligator is restrained." I hope that I will be able to have my "CCW" :surprise: 500SW Magnum on my hip should I decide to give this a go.

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Never shoot a snake in your boat.

Don't have access to to Cable or Satellite, so I'm not sure when I will see an episode, but I thought that Jadeslade's quote above would look good as a tag/signature line. By the way, It is GREAT advice :devil:

I have to agree, Jade's quote is definitely signature line material... :lol:

My wife and I watched the show, it was interesting, I'll let the DVR keep recording it but I don't know how much either of us will watch it.

Agreed, worth a DVR entry to see how it pans out.

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Am I missing something or are they shooting them with .22's? Or was that a 10/44?

i caught part of it last night for the first time...GF wasn't too impressed so I DVR'd it. Looks pretty cool to me though.

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Yes they said the gators have a soft spot righy behind thier head,,I think would use something a little larger,,but that stew they cooked up last night sounds good,,I may have see if I can find some meat here,,I still like the show--everyone does not live in the city

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I liked it. I learned about gator hunting years ago, I was blown away when they said they just used 22's cheap ones at that, you don't want to damage the hide and that little spot is the path to their tiny little brains. You could shoot them to pieces with a magnum and they'd still eat you. Those are good salt of the earth people living like their ancestors have. They are better stewards of the environment than anything that comes out of DC. Not only that but pretty good shooters call Louisiana home.

My only real disappointment with the show is they are trying to make it some kind of race like the logging shows. I guess they think they have to so people will watch, I bet they are wrong.

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Im not sure I want to eat one of them critters :mellow:

A taste test would be in order..it may be pretty good...maybe not :huh:

i've had fried alligator tail many a time (back when I could actually eat fried anything) and it was awesome. texture a little like pork ribs, little gamey but delicious with seasonings (although everything is delicious after it's been through a deep fryer...)

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