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Advice on sharing gear


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I am just getting started in USPSA production with a Shadow Target, CR Speed belt deluxe (36"), 4 CR versa pouches and a DA Magnet. I would like to try get my wife involved in shooting in production. I only expect her to come once in a while so I would like to share gear between to two of us. I would actually just be shooting at club matches(saturdays), no classifiers as they are held on Sundays. My question is how practical is it to share gear? With only 1 belt, I would have to take off the outer belt, then the inner belt and swap...

I think it would be beneficial if I could find a extra inner belt so we only have to swap outer belts. The problem is I don't believe they sell brand new inner belts. So my options are: 1) to just share 1 belt... 2) find an inner belt 3) buy a whole belt and just use the inner belt.

I would prefer to keep my cost down and would like to go with option 1 or 2. Is option two worth pursuing? I may be waiting and never find one. If I were to get another inner belts, would it be ok to get a larger size if thats all that is available?



Edited by dachness
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Hello: Don't do it. Buy some other gear for your wife to use. If you buy some Uncle Mikes stuff and a good belt you will have about $100 in it and a spare setup for you. The Uncle Mikes double mag holder are about $16 each(need 2) and a holster is about $30. You can use a sturdy leather belt for her that you can find at Walmart etc. Or ask around here to see what shows up? Thanks, Eric

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I understand the need to cut costs but when I have seen people share gear at matches, they wind up not paying quality attention to the stages due to dicking around swapping and re-swapping gear and have crappy matches. Too many distractions for our game. Also the shooting order has to be manipulated to suit the folks sharing the gear and some folks may that annoying. Also, people swapping gear do not have as much time for patching targets, scoring, and picking up brass as the rest of the squad. Again, annoying.

at least, find a way to get belts, holsters and pouches. And try not to get DQ'ed when doing the extra gun handling!



PS: What is a "qualifier"? :rolleyes:

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A) How important is the money issue? Is it a situation where you won't be able to afford a set-up for your wife for some time, or one where you don't think the money would be well-spent on your wife, until she decides if she likes shooting? If its the latter, see if you can borrow a set-up - I lend out my G17, since I view it as a "rented mule" for all intents and purposes.

B) Where are you located?

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Be careful what you wish for. If you truly think you want your wife to get into USPSA shooting, buy her the whole get up, a red CR belt, a good holster [readytactical,bladetech, comptac], and some mag carriers [ditto the foregoing holster recs]. And then krylon the holster and mag pouches a lustrous hot pink. And then start saving, because in a couple of months your wife is going to want an Open gun, and you better be prepared to spend $3000+, plus a monthly fee for Super ammo, to keep her interested - if you know what I mean. Best wishes.


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First of all thank you everyone for your feedback. I definitely did not consider many of the aspects brought up. My Shadow Target will be arriving at my FFL tomorrow. I will be stoping by to take a look :D. I will be applying for my permit and waiting out the two week background check/cool off period before taking possession. More specific responses below:


I understand the need to cut costs but when I have seen people share gear at matches, they wind up not paying quality attention to the stages due to dicking around swapping and re-swapping gear and have crappy matches. Too many distractions for our game. Also the shooting order has to be manipulated to suit the folks sharing the gear and some folks may that annoying. Also, people swapping gear do not have as much time for patching targets, scoring, and picking up brass as the rest of the squad. Again, annoying.

at least, find a way to get belts, holsters and pouches. And try not to get DQ'ed when doing the extra gun handling!



PS: What is a "qualifier"? :rolleyes:

Thanks for the heads up. I wouldn't wan't to detract from the match by not contributing etc. If I do end up sharing gear I will try to make sure it is for a limited "trial run". Of course, always gotta pick on the new guy ;). Correction made.

A) How important is the money issue? Is it a situation where you won't be able to afford a set-up for your wife for some time, or one where you don't think the money would be well-spent on your wife, until she decides if she likes shooting? If its the latter, see if you can borrow a set-up - I lend out my G17, since I view it as a "rented mule" for all intents and purposes.

B) Where are you located?

I am just not sure that the money would be well spent on belt, holster, and mag holders for he at this point in time. Currently we have a 14 month old and one more along the way (March 20th). So we are just playing this by ear on me attending Saturday local matches. She would like to compete, however she feels that it would be hard to have some one watch our children each match. She is also concerned about getting things done around the house. Because of this she thinks she would only be able to go once in a while. I attended a local match held by the club I would be shooting with, four courses of fire were shot that day. While I didn't ask if I could borrow a setup to compete, no one offered to lend me a setup.

I really wouldn't have a problem with getting her a production setup similar/identical to mine if she would use it. I have my eye on a CZ 75 with some trigger work done (for her/ as a loaner for taking family/friends shooting) however I don't think she wants us to spend any more money on another gun...

We live in Hawaii, on the Island of Oahu.

If she rarely comes, have you thought about shooting limited? a full mag in the pocket and a full mag in the gun, and start at low ready position?

In hawaii hi caps are banned so, two mags would provide 20 rounds at our disposal.

Be careful what you wish for. If you truly think you want your wife to get into USPSA shooting, buy her the whole get up, a red CR belt, a good holster [readytactical,bladetech, comptac], and some mag carriers [ditto the foregoing holster recs]. And then krylon the holster and mag pouches a lustrous hot pink. And then start saving, because in a couple of months your wife is going to want an Open gun, and you better be prepared to spend $3000+, plus a monthly fee for Super ammo, to keep her interested - if you know what I mean. Best wishes.


I would support her for a production setup, however that is where I would draw the line. My wife truly isn't materialistic in the way women are typically perceived. I don't for see her ever wanting to spend that kind of money on a gun. I don't even think I can convince her we should buy a gun "for her", however this is prior to her handling the Shadow Target and competing.

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Keep in mind that there are very specific rules about gun handling that you'll have to observe when transferring gear and gun. You'll have to go to the safe area each time to do so.

I would suggest removing all of the mags from the belt before arriving at the safe area. I would then remove the gun and lay it on the table, transfer the belt(s), then reholster the gun. Remember to leave the safe area before handling the mags again.

Honestly, I would just get her a decent leather belt from Walmart for $10 and use some Uncle Mike's holster & mag pouches. If she does decide to get serious about it, then she can get a full setup and you'll have a spare to load friends when they come.

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I am surprise's you are not getting more support. I have perched inner belts separate before = I bet you can find one.

If you were at one of our local clubs we would just have you bag the gun at the end of the run, having your partner bring the bag behind the RO.

At the beginning of the next stage you would just bring the bag to the line and unbag and pass the bag back.

Work all that out with some practice before a match. and go over your plan with the Match Director before the match.

I bet If you have prepared you Will or (Should ) get plenty of support. =Train at home in dry fire so that the swap works smooth, with out the need for Verbal direction and request at the end and Begin of a stage.

if you were in San Antonio we would find a way to get her started with a loaner inner belt as a minimum. I have a spair that I could loan ,

With out the inner belt it would be a pain to switch.

I do not like the Idea of loaning a holster to a new, part time shooter. I feel like they should be more familiar with the holster and the gun fit . If I had one that was Identical to yours I would want her to use your holster and you=(the more experienced shooter) to use the loaner.

Most things can be accomplished with a good plan.

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I am just repeating others...

If it were me...

I'd order up an Uncle Mike's Instructors Belt ($25). I am not sure if any or our Forum Dealers carry it? Here it is at Midway: <clickity>

You will want some backup gear. (You'll end up with some anyway.)

A couple of Uncle Mike's double mag pouches. ($16x2)

And, a backup holster (get something a bit different to try...see what you like)

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Thanks every one. Definately have given me some food for thought.

The idea of bagging the gun is a refreshing solution, regardless if I share gear or get her her own(sharing gun). So it looks like getting her cheap gear may cost anywhere from $42-57 for belt and mag holders, plus cost of holster. If I go this route I would need to look into holsters for the sp01 as I only know blade tech which is $60...

Edited by dachness
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In my experience, you can share a lot of things - guns, mags, paddle mount mag pouches (2nd or 3rd set of pouches), etc... But not belts / holsters / belt loop mag pouches. You will be doing yourself, and your squad, a major dis-service if you are constantly running away to switch belts... (you will not have to time to walk through, and you won't be pasting /resetting...)

As stated above, you need to switch in a safe area. Taking your belt off with a gun in the holster ANYWHERE ELSE is a DQ.

Someone near you will have a spare holster and mag pouches for y'all to borrow for a few matches...

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Two inners with one outer belt still won't work unless you and your wife happen to have the exact same waist size and like your holster and mag pouches in the same position. Otherwise, you'll each have to move and reposition the holster and mag pouches to account for your different waist sizes.

I would suggest getting her own gear, either used or cheap stuff, and y'all can share a gun. After one person finishes a stage and the gun is cleared, the other person walks up beside the shooter and puts the gun in his/her holster. This is what I did when I was starting off. When I started off, my dad didn't want to invest a lot of money in gear for me in case I lost interest, to the point that I used a hand me down right-handed Rogers holster (I'm a lefty) and we shared a 1911.

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If she rarely comes, have you thought about shooting limited? a full mag in the pocket and a full mag in the gun, and start at low ready position?

Such a low ready start is prohibited in USPSA matches, per 8.2.3:

"A course of fire must never require or allow a competitor to touch or

hold a handgun, loading device or ammunition after the “Standby”

command and before the “Start Signal” (except for unavoidable touching

with the lower arms)."


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I'm going to assume you're shooting with MPPL at Kokohead...if so, best first place to start would be to talk to the older club members like Keith, Abe, Ian or Rob Loui. There's probably tons of older/used gear they or others have at home since they started before we did (Valley Isle Sport Shooters) and that was back in 1984. Might be able to borrow or get cheap 'til you decide on what route you want to go or if your wife really wants to shoot. The best way to get on their good side, by the way, is to get to matches early to help set-up and stay afterwards to help tear down, since the range rules at Kokohead mandate complete clearing of the range and all props every day. Later on when money isn't so tight (raised three, know that tune) and you have a free Sunday you want to spend on a neighbor island...c'mon over and shoot with us. A match every Sunday except the first.

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