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RO'ing Major Matches

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I like to help as much as possible with RO'ing larger matches. I am finally in a position that I have plenty of vacation/free time to be able to, within reason, call my shots per say.

I am currently signed up to help with the Kentucky match in October and am thinking about sending in my app to help with the Michigan match in September. Am I taking on too much?

What do you all consider "too much" when offering to help with matches?

Besides, I think it is a great way to meet folks! :cheers:

Edited by Sarge
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I worked the New England Regional IDPA last year. (including building stages) This year I'm planning to work NER again along with CT state IDPA. I could probably comfortably add one or two more, but I don't want to burn out on it and there's only so much time. I also work 1-2 club matches per month.

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I do every one I can. I don't mind helping out and it has allowed me to shoot more major matches this year because I'm a student and too poor to attend all of them.

It's hard to staff and be competitive, but I just enjoy shooting for the time being. I'll worry about the rest later.

Edited by twodownzero
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Not counting local matches, I typically officiate at 3 to 4 major matches a year which accounts for about 15 days. RM3G is obviously the biggest since I do a bit more than just RO. :wacko: RM300 is the least amount of time since it is close, about 6,000 rounds on the clock, but only one day of ROing.

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I do a lot and have found its had a terrible effect on my ability to compete. I was the Asst. MD for the VA/MD Section and Area 8 last year and again for the Section match this year. I have taken over as the MD at Fredericksburg as well...

I love the camaraderie of working the big matches, but miss focusing on the performance. I try and shoot as many OTHER majors as possible, where I typically fair better.

Its a quick way to burn out... but can be a lot of fun and rewarding.

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I have worked from 6-7 major matches per year for about 6 years which has also involved set up for nationals. I have always enjoyed the work and the commraderie of the staff and MD's but last years Nats in LAS did me in. The physical aspect of long days and heat + my super senior status made me realize it was time to hang it up. I told the RM that it was time for me to retire before someone had to tell me too. Working major matches with 12+ stages makes it very difficult to have a staff matches for more than one day. I can not shoot my best shooting 12 hard stages in one day so therefore my score suffers. I still work matches at my local club but now leave the majors to the younger RO's. EVERY SHOOTER NEEDS TO GET RO CERTIFED AND WORK SOME MAJOR MATCHES. Hats off to all of the new RO's and CRO's that are listed every month.


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I only have time for the Minnesota Section, I would like to do more but I like being married too.

Eh marriage is over rated,

I work part time RO at majors in my area and it kicks my ass, All day shooting one day and usually it takes longer as the staff hasnt really worked out a system, Hotel then come RO, I usually do Area 8 and VA/MD section. Honestly I think I will either RO or shoot, doing both kinda made it not fun.

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I do DTC and Area every year and try to do a couple of others when possible. It is really hard on the RO's when you have to shoot all the stages in a day. Many times I haven't gotten done till 6-7 p.m. then check my stage for the next day. Been doing this for many years...

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Kevin, come up to the Michigan Section match, I'm sure Paul, Dave, and Carl would find the help appreciated. I will even save a parking space next to the Black Impala with MI plates. Remmember that although Kyle is a nice guy (I spent five years watching him mature somewhat), not everything he says about that "state up North" is true.


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Two to three per year recently...definitely less next year. As always time, distance and expenses become the determining factors. Worked Area 4 for the last two years but 2011 in Tulsa is just too much of a stretch.

Working a major is a great learning experience, especially if you get the chance to work with some topnotch, experienced CROs/ROs.


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I have worked from 6-7 major matches per year for about 6 years which has also involved set up for nationals. I have always enjoyed the work and the commraderie of the staff and MD's but last years Nats in LAS did me in. The physical aspect of long days and heat + my super senior status made me realize it was time to hang it up. I told the RM that it was time for me to retire before someone had to tell me too. Working major matches with 12+ stages makes it very difficult to have a staff matches for more than one day. I can not shoot my best shooting 12 hard stages in one day so therefore my score suffers. I still work matches at my local club but now leave the majors to the younger RO's. EVERY SHOOTER NEEDS TO GET RO CERTIFED AND WORK SOME MAJOR MATCHES. Hats off to all of the new RO's and CRO's that are listed every month.


Howdy Keith ! Good to see you post on the forum :cheers:

Edited by Paul Burtchell
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