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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by GIO

  1. I wish you a speedy recovery. There is nothing worse then that split second between knowing you are going to take a fall and actually hiting the ground...
  2. pmags. Just received my backorder from brownells. Ordered in November
  3. AR Gold trigger in stock at Brownells
  4. Does that thing have a cup holder
  5. I shot about 3k of GA canned Heat the last year or so and no problems. More accurate then I am.
  6. I made six calls today...Glad to see our friends in MT took up the cause. Good Job Men! THANK YOUR SENATORS FOR US
  7. I hate to say it but I feel we are getting to the "Put away what you can, soak the guns in grease, and pray". Basically we are f'd by the new America. First it will be rimfire, then Airsoft, then laser tag. I spent most of my day contacting my Senators and reps regarding the new DOD restrictions on rifle brass then I caught the front page of FOX and CNN staging the announcment of the new AWB that is giong to be blamed on the Mexican drug violence... Tea party anyone?
  8. Just called my Senator. His office is "looking in to it" Chris Rock was right http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFcVwDw4YLE
  9. I think this would be a good case for transporting multiple guns. http://www.militarycases.com/MobileArmory-FieldPak.html
  10. Just an outside observation.... Why deal with all the BS surrounding this "new" Super trigger when JP has a well established system that most agree is as good as it gets? Seems to me the makers of the ARGold put more into the hype and initial advertising then they did working through the design and keeping tabs on outside vendors (bad plating, etc) my .02..........
  11. Hello - I am a brand new M2 (tactical 18.5" barrel), and purchased the +3 tube from Cactus. It does fit perfectly and ends just before the barrel. I am having 'worries' about cutting down the spring as it says in the instructions. I did an initial cut to about 16-18" beyond the end of the tube, but only get 5-6 rounds in the tube (should get 8 if the specs are correct - original says 5+1, NC +3....) I have not had it out to function test yet, but am I being overly worried. Should I shoot it a while as it is not, and see if it loosens up? or cut another couple inches off..... Thanks for any help J You will only get 6 with a +3 tube. The "+3" is on top of the base capacity of a M2 which is 3 without any type of extension. 3+3=6. If 6 is hard to get in you can trim your spring a bit. I have an 18.5 M1 and i purchased the +3 and an extended end cap which gives me 7+1 and I can put one on the carrier giving me 8.
  12. GIO

    SEXY Meat

    Fire up the grill........ click on full screen it is way cool.....beware you may have a Meatgasam http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2008/12...rooms-pano.html
  13. VERY nice Revo. I wish SW never put that stupid lock (hole) in the side of the gun. Best of luck. If you want to sell your take-off grips let me know. GIO
  14. I hear you. My department at work often gets asked to "Collaborate" with other less effective departments which often turns into us doing all the work and the weaker group taking credit. Then I really love when they show the final product to senior leadership and give us the token "We collaborated" across lines of business BS. Gotta love corporate politics....
  15. last_call.bmp This pic always gets me.
  16. I have an 18.5 inch Benelli and I put a Nordic tube with an extended cap. I can load 7, float 1 on the carrier and 1 in the chamber. Any disadvantages for shooting tactical?
  17. Motorhead concet, Beacon theater NYC, 1983 for me. I remember turning to the side and catching an earful of noise that made me dizzy for a bit. After that I needed to sleep with a fan running or tv on low to offset the constant low hum in my ear. It was a good show but not worth it....
  18. Very sorry for your loss. You're in our prayers. GIO
  19. In our country's current situation it is nice to remember a time when we had some balls. It was a comfort growing up under President Reagan and benifiting from projects like this one. Change?...keep it
  20. JUst received my Burris xtr. Looks pretty good. Not happy with the illumination control, cuts on and off if you don't hit the clicks just right. The illumination isn't very bright. On the plus side It has good glass, I like the reticle and seems pretty sturdy.
  21. GIO

    Cheap Luggage

    Kinda like cheap guns...Cheap luggage is great until you have to use it. I did the cheapo luggage deal thinking I don't travel much....bad move. Broken zippers, crappy handles....AHHHHHHH. Anyway...buy good stuff it is worth it
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