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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by GIO

  1. 2nd on the Blind spots. Had one for a bit. Honestly, it's not as tough looking but a AWD limited Highlander worked better for me. If you're off road most of the time I guess the FJ would be better but then an old LC or modded Jeep would do also.
  2. if it had a better ret and illumination that would be a nice option
  3. Might be a bad finish or something with the solvent you are using? I like the Dewey coated rods.
  4. GIO

    Country Folks

    Well..me and the wife were out in rural Iowa looking at a house and we had a bit of a problem...but it could have been worse without the help of some nice people. We had a huge snowstorm/blizzard out here in the big square states and it got pretty deep in spots. We were driving on a rural back road that had been plowed (kinda) by a local farmer. The plowing made the road nice and even. Unknown to me it also lightly filled in the 3 foot deep ditches on either side of the road. Well...I tried to do a turn around to get a better look at the property and my SUV went nose first into the snow filled hole. Back wheels in the Air and the wife in my ear I knew I was stuck. I jumped out, bundled up and started walking up the road. Along came a young man named Dakota, his Brother and Dad. They were out doing their chores, feeding cattle, etc. They jumped out and took a look at things. Before I knew it they were under my truck hooking up a strap. Their pickup couldn't get me loose so they went home and came back with a tractor. A few minutes later we were on our way. Anyway, it was nice to see good old fashioned decent people going out of there way for a stranger. I found their address on-line and the wife baked some goodies to send their way but I owe the country folks for getting me out of a pickle.
  5. This may be opening a huge can of worms but..... If you were looking for a pickup to keep out at rural farm property with min serviced roads and an 1 hour commute to the closest metro what would you buy? It needs to be dead ass reliable, comfy, good cold weather performance and long lasting (10-15 years) and able to handle high mileage (25-30k a year) Thoughts? I was thinking Chevy or Ford but I am open..
  6. Anybody know how much a complete upper (18-20 inch , all the goodies) would be from Benny? Yes, i know his number but patience is not my strong suit and I have Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket
  7. Brownell's screwdriver set and a Dremel......I may need some cash to fix the damage I cause with my new toys
  8. I think this is the new Vortex reticle. They are releasing a much needed mid priced FFP mil/mil LR optic along with a new 1-4. Vortec HD line seems to be top notch.
  9. If you were going to send a vendor a bunch of cash for a Swaro 1x6 ill who would you buy from and who has the best price?
  10. I may be buying a place out in the country. Would you go with a pellet stove/heater or traditional wood burner. I am not much for chopping wood but I wondered if the pellet deal works when the power goes out? any thoughts?
  11. Solid organization but they are a bit "quirky". You really need to fit in with their "CULTure" or you won't make it.
  12. We always here "He's a good shot" meaning someone shows some level of competency with a given firearm. What would your standard be before you blessed someone with the coveted title of "Good Shot" with the following firearms Pistol (auto or revo) Rifle (optic or irons) Shotgun (sporting or tactical) This may be a good one...
  13. Good Point Wheel Gunner. As in life, the good often suffer due to the actions of the not so good.
  14. This is not about Low Ball offers. A simple "No Thanks" solves that. This is about an "I'll take it" PM or post followed by delayed follow up and re-negotiation or backing out of the sale. It was a simple observation to say, established board members are less likely to pull that BS and moving forward I will only deal with such. If it narrows my potentail market so be it. It is a huge waste of time and unfair to serious buyers when you deal with less then credible folks. I had to pass on selling an item to someone I highly regard on this forum and whom I have done business with before only to get Jerked around by a Newbie. To top it off it happened again two days later in the exact same fashion with a differnt item. No Thanks. Maybe an across the board policy change is not warranted but for me I will be changing my requirments to avoid the BS. I really enjoy this forum and it is very well run I just have concerns about this one issue. Thanks again for Listening. Mods..Thank you for the quick response GIO
  15. There's this guy named Benny.... kidding
  16. Quartertime, I have had excellent experiences on the Forum/Classifieds and I do not want to burden the forum by asking the Mods to play big brother. It may be as simple as taking a personal stand by putting on note on items you have for sale "no bids from those with a post count under xxx". I may be unjustly fired up because I just had two deals go south with noob "I'll take it" pms, only to have them back out. I wouldn't care so much but I had to hold off accepting offers from well known forum members. I try to do the right thing and deal with offers as the come in but someone who stalls a sale with BS just to get out of an impulse buy burns my ass. There is no way to prevent this but it seems much less likely with established members. I think I may have answered my own question. I will post my own regulations when I have something for sale. GIO
  17. I know the classifieds are a "enter at your own risk" area but can we think about raising the bar a bit? I have had multiple "I'll take it" messages followed by "what's your best price?" or "I would really like to look at it first". The common factor is always someone with a super low post count. IMHO we should create some type of minimum standards for using the classifieds Buying or Selling. Again, I understand the classifieds are not the primary use of this forum and nobody is forced to use them but there must be some way to weed out the bad apples. Thanks for listening, GIO
  18. If you really are interested this site below has more info then you can possible need. From what i have seen FFP Mil/Mil adjustments seem to be the ticket. If you get a fixed 10x it does not come into play. SWFA just released a real nice upgraded super sniper you may want to check out www.snipershide.com
  19. Very sorry Brian. You're in our prayers
  20. I had to dump all of my cleaning supplies due to a move and I need to re-buy my supply. Thought it would be a good time to try new things. I shoot Pistol/Rifle/Shotgun. Standard Calibers .223/308 12ga .45 .357/38 and .22 What is the ticket for Bore cleaning, Lube, general cleaning, etc. What is everybody using these days? Thanks for the info, hope everyone had a great thanksgiving!
  21. I just got into a regular routine (forced by HBP and borderline Diabetes). I put my money towards a personal trainer and in my 20 years of "trying" to get in shape it is the only thing that has worked for me. I actually re-routed my big 40th b-day gift to off-set the training expense...who needs a corvette right? As far as equipment my trainer has been using my own weight against me (a big enemy..lol) and it has really kicked my butt. No real weights or machines, mostly bands, kettle bells, medicine balls, etc. Lots of squats, lunges, weird stuff (sledge hammers, fire hoses, half water filled 10ft pvc). It may be the new thing but this type of training seems to be sticking. Here are a few suppliers of torture devices. http://www.monkeybargym.com/ http://www.ironwoodyfitness.com/ http://turbulencetraining.blogspot.com/ I wish you the best!
  22. Thanks KGunz. As always...the cheap way is not always/ever the best way. Rem is not a hallmark of quality but those 700's seem to do pretty well.
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