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Everything posted by Biloxi23

  1. Here on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, any body living north of I-10 is a yankee (little y). Any body north of Tennessee is a Yankee, and anybody north of teh "Manson-Nixon" line is a Damnyankee. For those that are too serious, a pun was intended.
  2. No, and I'm not slim. some call me "husky," other a fat boy but I have small hands also.
  3. A true southern boy would not say Civil War. We usually call it the War for Southern Independence, or the War of Northern Aggression. Here's anotehr couple: I was so drunk I could'na seen through a ladder. He looked like he been shot at and missed, and sh-- at and hit
  4. Biloxi23

    Which one?

    We still ahve an Army? Ithought that used to be a football teamin the 50's! Speed loader. 34th wedding anniversary date or night pistol match? Guess which one I went to?
  5. Or the Fire Department has you on their list of houses they WILL NOT respond to, in case of fire. It's not just the ammo (what the Fire chief described as a huge amount, even after I told him there were no more destructive devices).
  6. All of teh original "Baby" Glocks came with adjustable sights. The adjustable target sights were needed to get enough import points, so BATF would allow them to be imported. when they arrivede in Georgis, the target sights were removed and sent back to Austria. I heard the rep tell somebody that if they could get the frequentflier miles for all the sets of sights that were flown back and forth, they'd never have to pay for planefare again.
  7. It's also an old trick for moto-cross riders for replacing handlebars and grips. After teh lighter fluid evaporates, you couldn't turn the grips with pliers.
  8. Good tip! I've been fighting getting my eyes behind the gun on close mulitple targets. After about two targets, my eyes never seem to catch up. I started putting paper plates up in a row of six or eight and kept practicing transitions from target to target. I'mnot good at it, or fast but I am starting to show improvements. Just got to keep up the practice and then apply the practice at matches.
  9. They had one when a friend and I went to shoot north of Mobile. I was just staring at it, very perplexed, and I was very relieved when they had some type of problem with the PPR and threw it out before teh shooting started. Of course, I felt teh same way about the Texas Star. I first saw the TS at teh same club, and though I am not great at it, I am not scared to death. Now that Swinging Texas Star.......
  10. If you're going to kick the tiger in the ass, you better have a plan for dealing with his teeth. Jack Ryan Jr in tom Clancy's "Teeth of the Tiger"
  11. Biloxi23

    Which one?

    Saturday college football (go SEC). direct gas or gas piston?
  12. Bicycles are dangerous. AT thirteen I lost my top front teeth to a bixcycke "flying W."
  13. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
  14. Man, I can only imagine what these things cost per round! I've seen what they sell those premium "boutique self-defense" rounds for. Imagine shooting 300+ round match!
  15. Biloxi23

    Which one?

    White tail (we don't have mulies in Mississipi). Stay in "D" and maybe win, or get bumped to "C?"
  16. Marco, I have a bunch of stuff I hate. What category do you prefer, and I'll front you some.
  17. Being from the Gulf Coast I am partial to a good PoBoy, although occasionally I'll partake of a French Dip.
  18. Welcome Albert. One of my life long dreams is a safari in your country. Ii may be beyond my finances, but I can still dream.
  19. I've never shot an open gun from the hip, but I have done some shooting from just above the hip using an "imminent danger" postion with my Glock 32C. I can be done safely, but you have to utilized about a 1/4 cant to the right, kind of a "modified outboard quarter homie" stule. Believe me, forget the outbaord cant and it eye opening (or closing).
  20. This morning we escorted two buses of WWII vets from the local Joppa Temple to the airport in Gulfport. Man, you should ahve seen all those blue strobes in the dark. There were about 50 police motors in the lead, with more in teh middle and rear, and maybe 50 or so marked and unmarked units. I was near the front and looked in my rearview as we came over a bridge on I-10, and it was a sight to see. The last time I sw that many sets of blue lights it was not near as pleasant, as it was an officer's funeral. It was special talking to the honor vets, as they are fast disappearing. Since they started the sign up for this flight, three of the guys passed away. Here's a big OOOOOOORah to the greatest generation.
  21. I have two with JP magwells. I am pleased with the JP.
  22. Shoot it for a while first. At first I left mine stock, then did a little polish job and spring kit. I thought I was done, but then I shot a Glock with a Vanek trigger. Wow! I had always spouted off about how I would never spend $175.00 for a Glock trigger. I spent it and I am happy I did.
  23. Duane: The difference is two Alpha versus Charlie, Delta.
  24. Biloxi23


    Welcome. My son in law is n Afghanistan with the 10th Mountain, and will be rotating back to Fort Drum in a couple of weeks. All of us respect and thank you for what you and your service mates have done for our country. Keep you head down.
  25. They are both outstanding, but I favor the Warren/Sevigny Tactical. I too like the narrow front. My old eyes seem to be able to find the sight alignment better wtih a little more light on each side of the front.
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