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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. Happened to me too. Ejector wire is either too low, or too high. I can't remember which it is. try fiddling with the wire. Did you put the thrust bearing kit in? If so, and you didn't bend the wire, it is definitely the problem. You will need to bend the wire so that it lays flat. Shoot me a PM if you want. I'm home all day and can take pictures of my loader.
  2. Knowing the rules will help you when you run into an RO that makes a call a certain way that you know is wrong, or at least feel strong enough that it is wrong that you question him and consult the rulebook. I've stopped counting the amount of times I've heard "i didn't break the perf"; "no, i don't have an overlay"; "no, i'm not an RO but i know that is correct"...you get the idea. There are plenty of guys out there that have been doing this for a very long time. They either knew the rules years ago, which have changed, or they never knew the rules, but have just called things a certain way for so long that they believe it is a rule. You will be better armed (yes, pun intended ) after the class to politely inform them they are incorrect, show them the rule, and you will benefit from the correct call, and hopefully that RO will benefit from your understanding of the rules.
  3. +1 on the Crossbread Supertuck. That is what i carry my P07 in. It is comfortable and fits the gun really well. I carry in the 4 oclock position and when you get in the right spot, you hardly notice it, even when driving.
  4. CZinSC

    Bomar cut for cz 75

    Can it be done? Yes. is it still legal for production? Yes. Check with Sperman on the forum. He did it to his 75 and it looks great.
  5. It's normal. Do a search on Coke Bottle effect.
  6. I was one of the many shooters that got my butt handed to me on stages 2 and 3. Were they too tough, ABSOLUTELY NOT. Were they tough, ABSOLUTELY YES. That is why I return every year to shoot the Florida Open. This is the most technical match you will shoot all year, outside of Nationals. I personally think the stages are better than Nationals ( but then again I've never been so I'm biased ). Florida Open is one of the premier matches all year. I for one hope they don't make the match any easier. I look forward to the challenge. This match takes all of those hosers that rely on speed only and brings them back down to earth. Hats off to Shannon and the rest of the staff at the Florida Open. Another great match.
  7. Yes, it is a new feature: http://www.uspsa.org/uspsa-announcements-details.php?Ch-Ch-Changes-New-Web-Features-103
  8. Anyone can sign up, at the range. Has nothing to do with the main match finish order. You pay your money, you are entered. You shoot by division. They do a bracket type of single elimination. If you shoot against someone classified higher than you, they will handicap it, ( each competitor has I think 6 poppers and the stop plate, they start you with one or two poppers down for the lower classified shooter ). Sounds like a big advantage right?! If you're a C Shooter facing a GM...its not that big of an advantage. ( at least that is what I've been telling self since getting my butt handed to me last year )
  9. Academy Sports always asks for my Zip code at the register, so I always give them my old Zip from when I lived in NY, 10994. If they ever do market research with that data it would be great to see them sitting around scratching their heads when they realize they have steady sales from a customer that lives 500 miles away....or so they will think.
  10. JimM, I found this link which you might find helpful. I think it made up my mind to get the COM. http://www.defensivecarry.com/forum/concealed-carry-issues-discussions/126416-center-mass-secure-car-storage.html
  11. I usually just make up the number. Take my number and change a few digits up or down one. I think I'm going to have to start memorizing this number for future use....202-456-1414. Its the White House Switchboard.
  12. Murphy's Law never fails to disappoint at the range when using a staple gun. Check the stapler before you do anything, and it will be full of staples. Don't check the stapler before you do anything, walk down to the target target stands 25 yards away with an arm full of targets, guaranteed to run out of staples. So easy to stick some extras in your pocket...but I hate when I forget to do it. The only good thing is that I need the exercise, so all is not lost.
  13. I'm looking for a gun locker for the car for those times when I go someplace that I cannot legally carry. I want to be able to put my firearm in something more secure than the glove-box. I found this thread, but i have a few questions, hopefully some people have experience with these and can offer some insight: The link to Center of Mass.com shows the gunlockers for the car that look identical to the Gunvault Nano. Anyone know if they are the same or not? Any experience with the key lock versus the combination lock? Anyone buy one version and wish they bought the other? For the Center of Mass unit - the long hinge model looks nice. I'm thinking that is easier and nicer, since everything else seems the same compared to the Gunvault Nano. Are there any drawbacks to the long side hinge? Any advice, reviews, feedback would be appreciated.
  14. I believe you are referring to my post. What I was talking about is once the current shooter is done, and the targets are being scored, the on deck shooter gets a "last chance walk through" while the targets are being scored. Once the scoring is done, the shooter usually makes their way back to the start position and is ready to go. In reference to the Original post, Jaxshooter said that if the current shooter had an issue at the Make Ready command, that he would skip him, and ask for the next shooter. It was my contention that this wasn't fair to the next guy because he didn't get his "last chance walk through". Flex then pointed out that under those circumstances, he would let that shooter take one last look since he was being called to the line sooner than he thought. I agree with Flex and would handle it the same way.
  15. Send a PM to "doublealpha" and include your email address. I had an issue a few weeks ago and did that. Saul sent me an email the next day and sent a couple of follow up emails very quickly. Keep in mind he is in the Netherlands, 6 hours ahead of East Coast time. Saul was a pleasure to work with and resolved my issue extremely fast.
  16. I'm curious, what was the consensus from these shooters that made you decide there should be no DQ? What you described seems pretty black and white to me. Should have been Stopped immediately and DQ'd. We weren't there, so we can only go by your description of the incident, but it appears to be a DQ.
  17. I ordered mine on Thursday, got the shipping notice today!
  18. In those instances, I always allow the next shooter to walk the stage...the same as he would do while he was on deck as the stage was being scored. (I actually give them all the time they want. In every case so far, they are ready to go pretty quick.) I agree 100%, but part of my point was in this case, allowing the shooter to ULSC, get the other set of glasses, come make to the line and MR, would have been faster than skipping to the next shooter, letting him do his walkthrough, etc, etc. Unless that other set of glasses was in the car...then yeah, "Next Shooter please!" Thanks for pointing that out. I was thinking in my mind this was similar to when a popper falls down before the start and we have the shooter put their hands on their head, or just stand there not touching the gun while it gets reset. Clearly not the same thing, one is shooter standing still, the other shooter is walking around. Either way, as you have pointed out, the latter is against the rule you quoted. Thanks! I'm glad i asked.
  19. To the OP, I completely agree with your call and how you handled it. As others have said, if he wasn't ready, he could have told you, he did not. I don't agree with this decision. Only if the next shooter looked at me and said "Hell yeah I'm ready to go". Many shooters, including myself, when we are on deck, use that moment to take one last walk through. In fact, many matches forbid anyone BUT the on deck shooter from doing a walkthrough after the official 5 minute walk through is over. Turning around and telling the next shooter he is now up is unfair. You are putting him/her at a disadvantage compared to the others. Some may say, "well let him do a walk through at that time." That is not the same. The shooter will feel rushed because everyone will be waiting on him. Plus, I'm sure it would be slower than allowing the first guy to go get his glasses. I think the question is, Would you require the Shooter to ULSC before you allowed him to go to his bag?
  20. Hi Jeff, I’m Glenn. First off, I just finished watching the Super Bowl, and I've been drinking since 5pm, so I might be a little harsh, so apologize in advance! 1 – Get rid of the music! Some people like it, but for me, if I want to listen to some tunes, I’ll grab my iPod. When watching shooting videos, I want to be able to hear everything. When you are trying to learn from your videos and have people critique them, one of the things you listen for is your shooting cadence. With the music, it is very hard to hear that. Love the song you picked, just don't want to hear it when watching a shooting video. 2 - You need to find a camera guy that has a steadier hand, and someone that is willing to get closer to the action. ( trust me…I still bust my buddy’s balls over his videos of me at the Florida Open in 2010! I get queasy watching them because his hand was shaking so much!! ) The stages you show don't seem to be traps where a cameraman can get caught in a bad situation angle-wise. Tell your buddy to get a better grip on the camera and get closer. If the range prohibits it, or the RO is being a hard ass, not much you can do. But you said the RO was your mentor, so he should understand. As long as the camera guy is safe, he can get a lot closer to you which would enable you to see your shooting a lot better. 3 - On the first stage, you need to watch that 180! In the video, it looks like you flirted with it very close. Too close. It could have been the camera angle, but maybe not. It appears when you go from the far left you do a reload, is that correct? At this point in your skills, you should stuff that reload within the first one to two steps, focus on a good solid reload and THEN take off running. You are jogging and reloading, which is taking way too long. PLUS, when you finish your reload, it appears to me,( and again, because of the camera angle ) that your gun is pointing right down the 180. What you need to do is make sure that gun is pointing downrange. Since you're a lefty, you need to rotate your strong hand, palm side down and point the gun downrange. That will enable you to have gun pointing safely downrange. Either way, find a way to run to the right with the gun pointing downrange safely. For us righties, its easy, the gun wants to naturally point that way, for you leftys, its a little harder. Normally for a stage where you start in the middle, since you’re a lefty, I would go right first, then left, that way when you make the long run, you are pointing down range. However, since the far right side forced you to go all the way up range, you were forced to go left first. You just need to be very aware of the muzzle. 4 - If the software you are using to edit the videos enables you to, get rid of the make ready routine. When watching videos of other people shoot, it’s a lot more enjoyable if the when we hit play, we are taken right to the start signal. The 20 seconds on the second video of you jaw-jackin' with the RO makes me want to hit stop and move on to someone else’s video. Windows Movie Maker is pretty easy to use, usually preinstalled on a PC, and allows you to trim the videos. If you are using a Mac, I have no idea. 5 – On the second video it appears you are bending forward a little much at the waist. Maybe take a little more of an athletic stance. By that I mean a little more bend at the knees, straighter back…does that make sense? Also, after you shoot the first couple of targets from the start position, you run up to the barrels with the gun straight out in front of you. You will find it quicker in the future if you keep both hands on the gun, but kind of pull it back towards your body. It all depends on the distance you are moving. Long distance pull the gun in, move fast, if it’s a short distance, keep the gun up in a good shooting position. That distance in that video was kind of right in between, so you need to go with what feels better, but I’m guessing a little closer to your body. What was really good on that stage was the longer shots at the start, you took your time, got your shots, then when you moved up, you hosed the close targets. That is good (provided you got your hits ). It shows you are not shooting over your ability. Keep that up. 6 –Great job on the Star!! I’ve seen a lot more seasoned shooters than you have a lot more trouble than that. In fact, our local match last week I saw two B shooters throw a lot more rounds at the start than you did. Good on you. You said this was your first match. Overall I would say very good job. As you shoot/practice more, you will get better in all respects. It appears you are starting off the right way. Take everything you just read with a grain of salt. I’m a lowly B Production shooter. I don’t know everything……not even close!!! You asked for opinions, and I just happened to be the first one to respond!!
  21. I would, and I would quote the Rule to you, Appendix E3.. Appendix E3: Foremost limit for gun, holster and all other equipment behind the hip bone. Notice how it says ALL. Not "equipment competitor plans to use" I think it is pretty darn simple.
  22. CZinSC

    KWA KZ75 Questions

    That is a 1/3 sized airsoft target. I don't use the airsoft for actual shooting anymore. Got tired of loading the bb's. and the accuracy. i use it now for the recoil impulse and watching the front sight. Dry firing the SP01 in DA every shot blows. I've read where some people take the first shot DA, and then just don't let it reset and do sort of a SA mimic. I don't like that because I dont want to get not letting the gun reset ingrained in my muscle memory. This way the Airsoft simulates SA good enough.
  23. can you explain how you do the barrel drop test ? Take the barrel out of your gun. Hold it straight up and down. Drop a bullet into the chamber. Turn the barrel 180 degrees to dump the bullet out. if it falls out, good to go. If it is stuck, or pauses for a second then drops out, the bullet ogive is hitting the lands. Back off the OAL by small increments, like .002, until it drops free.
  24. Who's page? Universal Shooting Academy's page. Also, you can find them at the website: http://www.universal...s/florida-open/
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