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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. CZinSC

    KWA KZ75 Questions

    i've only used .20g BB's. Here are two pictures for you. The Red dot is a 3" dot. The POA was at the bottom of the red dot, where you can see the X. I didn't go slow, so the groups are probably a little wider than it could be. But you can get a real view of where it hits at 7 yards. The first one is with the Hop Up set all the way down, the second one is the Hop Up set all the way up.
  2. "The only easy day was yesterday" "It pays to be a winner" - Navy SEALs
  3. CZinSC

    KWA KZ75 Questions

    The following is a copy and paste from another thread about the KZ75 that I've written, thought you might find it helpful. If you have any other questions, let me know. You may end up chopping off the back of the hammer after you use it for a while. If you have a high hold where the webbing of your strong hand is up under the beaver tail, the hammer will hit your hand. Doesn't hurt too much, but after using the gun for practice for any length of time, your hand will get sore. Also, be VERY Careful of the magazines. Handle them CAREFULLY, especially when they are really cold after shooting off a whole mag worth of BB's. If you hit the base pad at the wrong angle, which isn't hard to do, the flanges that hold the base pads on will shear right off. It has happened to me twice. And believe me, I'm not talking about dropping on concrete from a shooting position. I'm talking about a 3" drop onto my work bench. KWA replaced the first one, but it took several weeks. I didn't feel like going through the same process the second time so I just deal with it. You can still use the mags after the flanges break off, but it's kind of crappy. I would NOT practice reloads with the KZ75. #1 you will break the mags, #2, not real enough for good practice. Stick to dry fire with your Shadow and real mags for reload practice. As for the Green gas, its expensive and hard to find, but the propane is just awful. If you are shooting inside, you will probably not want to use the propane. The smell is just awful in an enclosed area. I really wish there was a CO2 version of this airsoft. I would buy it in a second. My buddy has the Tanfo Airsoft that uses the CO2 and the felt recoil is the SAME as the KZ75 with the green gas, so that functionality is a tie. But the availability and easy of use of the CO2 FAR outweighs the green gas.
  4. 1pm http://www.universalshootingacademy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Squad-Schedule.pdf
  5. I concur. No reshoot. Like Grumpy said...shooter needs to take responsibility for his/her actions.
  6. Same thing for me today. Went out in the garage to inspect a couple of magazines that puked on me in a match yesterday. After I was done i was going to reload. But after taking the mags apart, my fingers were freezing. Back in the house. Would love to get a space heater, but my damn garage has only one outlet in it. I have a power strip, connected by a long extension cord that has my workbench lights plugged in, the casefeeder plugged in, and the radio. Afraid that if I plug a heater in to that same strip I will trip the breaker. ( i know nuthin' bout 'lectricity )
  7. Thought it was a good movie until the end. Not that I didn't like the ending, just seemed to me the really tried for realism during the whole movie until the last 15 minutes. Other than that, I would definitely watch it again, and I'd recommend it. I liked the banter back and forth. It really felt like two guys busting each other's balls instead of forced scripted dialogue.
  8. CZinSC

    My b-day cake

    Wow...gun looks like a Hi Point and they have you pluggin' a No Shoot three times....that's a rough family! j/k....Very cool cake! Color me jealous!!
  9. I've watched the video several times. Still haven't seen the Glock that the title of the video mentions.
  10. LOL, an email from Amidon is not a vaild defense when you're a shooter, but in this case it is for the RO?? Nice. The magnet issue has been discussed on another thread here, and I think it came down to: 2013 they are supposed to be illegal for Production/Single Stack. However the rule book has not be rewritten yet, nor has a ruling been made. Therefore, until they are, it it technically legal...or maybe not. General consensus was to ditch the magnet and be on the safe side. As for pockets....um...no, they were wrong. You cited one ruling already, which covers during the COF. The other ruling was made to show that you CAN load and unload into a front pocket. http://www.uspsa.org...ils.php?indx=51 It's rare for me to use a pocket, so I don't worry about this. But for those that do, seems like the rules and rulings are on your side. For the RO and staff stating otherwise, unless they can show you the rule/ruling, they are wrong. IMO. **note to self...print these rulings out so I have them for back up in case I run into the same issue as Randy**
  11. +1 to what Grumpy said. The OP, while I'm sure you are suggesting this so that everyone has an overall good match experience, what you in essence are doing is punishing and possibly demoralizing the competitors that take too long. How about we punish and demoralize those competitors that don't paste and reset steel or help RO or score? Yes, it's a volunteer sport and no one is REQUIRED to do any of that in order to compete. However, the same thing goes for the flip side. Nothing in the rules says I have to RO, score, or set steel/paste for someone that doesn't do any work!!
  12. I am no expert, but I think I figured it out for you: My best guess is you will be a 64.61% after the next update. Take a look at how I calculated it, and someone feel free to correct me. Your initial calculation is best 4 of most recent 6. If more than four scores are in the database when the averages are calculated, the best four of the most recent six valid scores will be used. In the case of a classifier match, they rank the scores in descending order. Therefore your initial classification would be 60.55% ( 62.6139, 61.8849, 60.4202, 57.2917 ). The other two on Jan 20 are not part of the best 4 of 6. Also, per the classifier book, any scores in excess of the most recent 6 are not used for initial classifications. But they can be used going forward for reclassification if they are part of the most recent 8. So, with that said, after you are initially classified as a 60.55%, you would then be reclassified at 64.61%. ( 60.4202, 61.8849, 62.6139, 75.6383, 75.763, 51.3354 ). The 57.2917 is not used because you have a duplicate on Dec 8th, and they take the higher of the two. The 40.5346 and 10.6417 are not used now, nor will they be used going forward since they are more than 5% below your classification. Like I said, if someone has a better idea, i'm all ears.
  13. Since it's the "I Hate Forum" I will start by saying: I hate when we go out and I think I've done a good job of dog proofing the kitchen. We went out to dinner tonight, and before we left, I had this thread in mind, so I "thought" I dog proofed the kitchen. Unfortunately, we came home to a half eaten apple, and a bag of grapefruits on the ground. As you can see, our counter thief managed to eat half a grapefruit without chewing a hole in the bag. Very talented. Here is the evidence and the culprit.
  14. I'm surprised it took that long for someone to throw out that argument, so thank you. I use the charcoal for smoking. The all day affair. If I want something to eat for the meal of the moment, I use the Gas grill. Gas may be gay, but is quick! FWIW, filled both tanks at Lowes today. I'm good to go until the next time I run out of both!
  15. I hate when I run out of propane in the backyard gas grill. I actually took a step months ago to avoid this problem. I bought a second tank, so that way when I run out, I have a back up. Guess what i have in my backyard right now? Yep...TWO empty gas tanks! CRAP!
  16. LOL We have two dogs. I recognize that "Who? Me? I didn't do anything" look
  17. I was in the squad. I can attest that myself and the rest of the gallery almost had to change our undies after the first DQ. As I remember there was a collective gasp from everyone...and then a collective STOP from everyone. But as Matt said, the guy stuck around and was a champ helping out the rest of the day. Bravo Zulu to him for showing great character.
  18. You go out to the mailbox and while walking down the driveway you find a stray Montana Gold 124 FMJ just laying there.
  19. 5.2.5 Where a Division specifies a maximum distance that a competitor’s handgun and equipment may extend away from a competitor’s belt, the measurement shall be taken in the following manner: — perpendicular to the belt at the point of attachment to the belt — from the inner most surface of the belt equipment (against the pants/body) to the nearest body-side surface of the handgun and/or any reloading device.
  20. If you have a SteinMart in your area, check their mens section. The one by me has ProV1 refurbs all the time. Can't recall the price, but I know they are well worth it.
  21. They don't. At least not the last two years they haven't.
  22. Not really. When using the Dropped offset, it is very easy to go over 2". A lot of people need to use washers as shims to get inside the 2". Rule doesn't mention a specific point. In accordance with Rule 5.2.5, the maximum lateral distance of the handgun and mag/speedloaders from the inner side of the belt is specified in Appendix D, Item 10 So based on that, I would say closest part of the gun.
  23. I love this sport and love how generous fellow shooters are. One of the local clubs had a classifier match today and thanks to fellow forum member KTM300, I was able to get classified in Singlestack. Matt let me borrow his complete SS rig, Gun/Mags/holster/mag pouches...he even loaded me up the ammo! Of course now I'm amped up to get my own SS gun. The only problem is, the gun was a full on custom. Very sweet pistol. Could never afford one of my own. I will have to "settle" for a stock Trojan for now. But, good day of shooting, even in sloppy conditions. Home now...cold beer in the fridge, and Von Ryan's Express on The Military Channel.
  24. CZinSC

    Lawyer Jokes

    What's the difference between a lawyer and a prostitute? The prostitute stops screwing you when you're dead. How do you prevent a lawyer from drowning? Take your foot off the back of his neck!
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