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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. CZinSC

    got it made

    Can we move this post to a new forum....the "I hate you" forum? Good shooting with you on Saturday Eddie. Didn't realize this was you or I would have said something. I was the big dude in the white T shirt and black shorts.
  2. At my heaviest, about a 52. Was probably a 48/50 just prior to July.
  3. Today was weigh in day at the gym. I'm officially down 40 pounds since starting in mid July. One of the really cool things is that I sat with the trainer on day one and set goals (month/3 month/6 month/1 year ). I hit my 6 month goal two weeks early. Back when i wrote the goal down, I was thinking it was going to be tough to hit. But now that I've done it, it doesn't seem so bad. Just rewrote my goals for the next 6 months. Want to hit my goal weight of 225 by my birthday, June 18. The other cool thing was buying a new pair of pants the other day, size 44. I think the last time I wore a size 44 Bush was in office.....the first Bush, not W!
  4. Yep, what you guys have all said sounds about right. Just really strange, since after the last election you couldn't buy anything but .22. Now it's the opposite.....for now. Just got back from Academy. Bought two boxes of Remington. Hopefully it's reliable, have never used them ( in .22 ). It's for steel challenge, and if you shoot that, you know that one jam is too many most times.
  5. I've been to two local Wal*Marts in the last week and neither one of them had .22 ammo. None! They had 380, 9, 38, 40, 45 30-06, basically anything you could want. They had 7.62, PDX, I mean everything. And not one damn box of.22. What gives with that? Any clue?
  6. I used to work with a Mike Hund. One day I called him, dialing his number from memory. A female answered the phone, which was strange because I dialed Mike's direct line. "Hello?"; "Yes, is Mike there?"; "Mike? Mike Who?"; "Mike Hund"; "Real funny a$$hole. Get a life" and then she hung up. I was flabbergasted. What the heck was that all about. Then I looked down, saw the number i had dialed.....oops. Poor lady thought it was prank phone call....it really wasn't. When I finally got a hold of Mike, he laughed his butt off when I told him what happened.
  7. I don't think I have ever bought a comic book in my life, so I'm not a big fan of them per se. However, this show on AMC is actually pretty good. The four guys that run the shop are self proclaimed geeks and don't try and hide it. Kevin Smith provides a Radio Show format interview each episode of the guys and offers his own comedy. With all of that CRAP that is on TV these days, this show is refreshingly funny.
  8. CZinSC


    I saw that too. I am absolutely incensed right now that Bob Costas did that. He is a piece of garbage for doing it. It had no place, even if he was quoting someone else's commentary. He needs to keep his mouth shut unless he talking about the actual football being played.
  9. CZinSC

    Hammer Down

    If it makes you feel better, go ahead and say something. But just know, there is NOTHING in the rules that states you need to inform the RO that you are lowering the hammer and therefore putting your finger on the trigger. As Sperman said, it is required per the rules for you to lower the hammer to comply with the rules, so not only are you not doing anything wrong, you are complying with the rules. If an RO has an issue, and makes a stink, what I would do is this: Unload, show clear, holster, then politely inform him of the rule that you are complying with. Then, tell him that you want to be dropped in the order because he has disrupted your Make Ready routine. I don't think this will happen, but you never know. FWIW, I've been shooting for three years with my CZ, I have never told an RO what I was about to do. I've never had an issue, and I've run into a number of RO's at both Level 1 and Level 2 matches that had a severe lacking of knowledge of the rules, yet even they did not have an issue. With that said, you never know.
  10. I've held and dry fired Sperman's CZ in that picture. It is SWEET. The trigger is one of the best I've ever felt.
  11. Ditch the Dillon seating die and get a Redding Competition Seating Die. Well worth the money. Accurate and VERY easy to make changes and adjustments.
  12. I've never read the books, but based on what y'all are saying, it sounds like the same person that cast Cruise as Reacher is the same one that cast Willem Dafoe as John Clark in Clear and Present Danger.
  13. Weren't you shooting a high quality 44 ounce gun in Singlestack....oops, I mean Open, earlier this year.
  14. Try weighing a sample of bullets. I recently got a box of 500 125 FMJ's from BBI and the weights ranged from 123.5 to 126.4. Not sure if that will throw off the velocity by 100 fps, but it certainly doesn't help. FWIW, I weighed a sample of Montana Golds I have with the same scale right after I weighed the BBI's, and they were all within .4 grains.
  15. Anyone know if we're getting a lunch break or running straight through all 7 stages?
  16. Classic movie on starting at 9:40pm. On DirecTV its channel 540, Encore Drama. To Hell and Back I've only seen this movie a dozen or so times....time to add one more viewing .
  17. Good idea, but that would also require returning the clear lenses to the case when not in use!! I have the case...it's on my work bench right now....just no clear lenses. Well, at least the ones I was looking for. The new ones showed up yesterday.
  18. CZinSC

    Wait time.

    Spoke to him last Saturday about a custom 1911 build ( we were speaking in vague terms, i was just trying to get an idea ), and he said he was running at about 3 months.
  19. Got to the poll at 10:30am, figured the "Vote Before work" crowd would be gone, and it would be too early for the "Vote at lunch" crowd. Unfortunately I forgot about the other groups: "Retired and go when they want crowd" "Kids are off from school, so are the parents crowd" "The Unemployed saying 'why aren't these people at work' crowd" ( that would be me! ) Anyway, took one hour. But I voted. So....Wahoooooo!
  20. i have every confidence I will find them tomorrow.......because I just ordered a new pair of lenses.
  21. I've been looking for my clear Rudy lenses since last Saturday. Can't find them anywhere. I know as soon as I place an order for a new set, they will turn up.
  22. CZinSC

    Useless Laws

    Talk about useless laws...I just found out that South Carolina is one of only TWO states that outlaws alcohol sales on Election day. WTF? The one day of the year that I think I will need a drink....FWIW, Kentucky is the other state.
  23. Go to post #9 in the link below for a picture of overlapping targets and the proper call for each shot. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=108162&hl=overlapping%20target&st=0
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