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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. True...however, if the RO had not been touched...ie: stayed out of the way, the shooter wouldn't be offered a reshoot. The shooter may have created the situation, but the RO exacerbated it.
  2. It may not look like you interfered with the shooter, but if for one second, after the shooter makes contact, he is thinking in his head “why was the RO there, I fell and bumped him, why didn’t he get out of the way”, you in essence are interfering with how he is shooting the remainder of the COF. Is it subjective? Hell yes. If you don’t want to be put in a situation where you need to offer a reshoot for making contact / intference, then like Scott says…don’t be a Velcro RO.
  3. I've refrained a couple of times from responding, but I have to chime in now. I agree with every point Aztec has made. I pretty much disagree with the rest of you that say this isn’t interference, etc. Let's look at it this way: 1 – Did YOU as the RO make contact with the shooter? In this case, the RO did. The RO needs to ask the shooter if he feels he was interfered with. The rulebook doesn’t specify “if the shooter is having a crappy run and you make contact it doesn’t count as contact”. 2 – The shooter DOES NOT have to take the reshoot. This is one of the only examples ( I think there are only two ) of an optional reshoot. A shooter with class would say “No, you didn’t interfere, I don’t need a reshoot”. A – Yes, there will always be shooters that will take the reshoot….these are the same shooters that call for perfect doubles on 25 yard swingers, don’t paste or reset steel, and “shoot-N-scoot” at their local matches. 3 – Just because a shooter is having a crappy run and you interfere, most of you are making the assumption that because it was a crappy run, your interference is OK because he wouldn’t have scored well anyway. A – What if the shooter, while falling, put his hand out to brace himself, would have been able to spring back up and continue on his run. BUT, you got in the way, he wasn’t able to get up as quick. You INTEFERED with him. You caused his crappy run to be Crappier. You need to offer him a reshoot. 4 – Yes, the shooter is catching a break, but only because YOU interfered with him. A – Just like when a score sheet is signed, it’s found to have missing data on it, competitor gets a reshoot and does better. The other competitors got screwed for a paperwork issue. B – Shooter plugs a no shoot, then comes to an activator that doesn’t activate. Gets a reshoot for REF and doesn’t hit the not shoot the second time. The other competitors got screwed. C – Shooter has 4 mikes, two no shoots, and during scoring, someone inadvertently pastes a target before it was scored by the RO. Competitor gets a reshoot and does much better. The other competitors REALLY got screwed. It happens. It’s part of the game. It’s covered in the rulebook. If you touch a shooter and you’re the RO, offer him a reshoot. If in your opinion the interference had no bearing on the outcome of his run, you know he is “one of those shooters”. If he doesn’t take the reshoot, pat him on the back and tell him what a class act he is.
  4. The fantasy football league I'm in is changing to a keeper league in 2014. Apparently everyone is excited about this......except me. Who out there is in a keeper league and likes it, and why? My view is that one of the reasons you play Fantasy Football ( other than winning a good chunk of money you can the blow on guns ) is that you have the chance to draft the best guy ( in your opinion ) in the league. Once the handful of Studs are gone, if you don't have one, and you're in a keeper league, you are SOL. Sure, things change year to year. One year's Hero is next year's Zero sometimes. But for the most part, the marquee guys are Hero's for a couple of years. I don't know. The draft is tomorrow night and I would never just up and quit and leave these guys short a man, but I'm trying to figure out if I should at least tell them that I won't be around next year and if they want to try and get a guy before tomorrow night, maybe they should. Why should I stay in a keeper league...help me out.
  5. Having read hundreds (thousands?) of walk-throughs... they often contain a lot of useless crap. We should strive to make them shorter. More to the point. You mean like "all scoring will be done per the current edition of the USPSA rule book". So what you're saying is that we're not using the 2005 version of the IDPA rulebook? Thank God I was paying attention otherwise I might have shot this COF differently. I listen for round count, start position and basically tune out whoever is reading after that. Most times I look over their shoulder because I'm not paying attention when the say the round count. This way I see it for myself in black and white and it sticks in my head better.
  6. Wow..skipping targets? That's just plain dumb. Who the hell would do something like that....oh wait....I did. At a Sectional Match. But if you're going to do it....do it right. Skip three like I did!!
  7. This from the guy that once told me on the range to "Load and Make Sexy"
  8. Who thought it was a good idea for you to handle money in the first place?
  9. I haven't watched the whole video yet, but this is super cool. If you want to fast forward to the cool part, go to the 2:20 mark.
  10. #7 looks interesting. Handcuffs on both wrists, chain through eyelets on the table? Going to be interesting to see how a reload is going to work. 11 rounds of steel, a lot of Production guys will need to reload, and all of the SS crew will have to. Hope there is enough slack in the chain that you don’t pull the hand with the gun when the other hand goes for a new magazine. Peter and his crew know what they are doing. I have faith that when we see the stages on the ground, all will be good. I’m kind of surprised there is no jungle stage this year. I realize #8 was a washout last year but #9 was OK even after the downpour. And no Long range Strong Hand/Weak Hand Standards?? I killed that stage last year!
  11. Anyone else read Threat Vector and see this article get a shiver up your spine? http://news.yahoo.com/hacker-barnaby-jack-unexpectedly-dies-ahead-hacking-conference-131558623.html
  12. LOL, sounds like you spoke to Rob.
  13. I could be wrong, but I think that is exactly why they ADDED the language they did. They don't want shooters wandering away from the start box at Make Ready. Before it was ambiguous, now they cleared it up. ( although...........how BIG of a step can you take? ). I for one like this addition. Since I shoot Production, I need to lower the hammer. I don't like doing that in front of a wall. I like to step to the side and point away, but around here there is an Ornery Ole RO that doesn't let you move at all from the box. Now I can at least take a step away per the rules.
  14. The easiest way to make the Significant Advantage call is to NOT HAVE TO MAKE it in the first place! An advantage is an advantage, it’s always significant. I don’t care if you’re one foot closer, or one foot FURTHER away from target. If you’re outside the shooting area, YOU’RE OUTSIDE THE SHOOTING AREA! You’re gaining an advantage over other competitors that ensured they remained wholly within the shooting area. Drop the Significant language nonsense. Make it easier on everyone. One procedural for every shot fired.
  15. Another way to look at it is this: Extra shots are scored at the shooting box. Virginia Count, 16 shots, you took 17, you get one penalty for one extra shot. ( penalty assessed right then and there before going down range. Extra shot penalty received no matter how many shots are on the target ) Extra hits are scored at the target. Same story, 16 shots, you have 17 hits on paper. You get one extra hit penalty. IF, like in your case, there are only 16 hits, then no extra hit penalty assessed ( even though you took 17 shots, it doesn't matter, in your example, since there are only 16 hits...so no extra hit penalty )
  16. Still waiting....must be the Carolinas are on the bottom of the distribution list.
  17. Same here. Although, I know my Mailman is a gun guy so it probably showed up the other day but he's been busy reading it!
  18. I thought I saw it on the big dude. Then again it might have been a slimming belt thingy. I'm pretty sure its a microphone setup. I've seen it on other reality shows. The person wears what looks like a belly band that has the microphone and receiver unit.
  19. It all depends on which hammer from CGW you select. The Race Hammer is not legal for production. it is not an OEM part. He clearly states that on the website. The Hammer in the "Kit3" is legal for production. That is the hammer that is an OEM part that is modified.
  20. CZinSC

    Mag pouches

    No, the Racemasters have different mounting points. The sideways is a little different than the 90*, but if you mount 90*, it will remain secure. I had them for several months. I didn't like the Racemasters for two reasons: they were scraping the magazines ( the aluminum edges started gouging the mags ), plus when you have 5 of them on your belt ( Production ), it can get a little heavy.
  21. CZinSC

    Mag pouches

    Be careful with mounting the Racers at 90*. The don't have the same attachment for 90* that they do for bullets forward. The belt attachment has a cog like attach point. The mag pouch has a cog like attach point on the side for bullets pointing forward method. The pouch is very secure with the cogs lining up. When you switch to 90*, the mag pouch is a smooth flat surface. You can still mount it, but there is no matching cog like surface so they have the tendency to rotate. I wanted to mount mine 90*, but because of this, I had to go back to bullets forward. I'm looking to move over to the Ghost 360's because I've been told they are very solid and mount 90* with no issues.
  22. Yes!! This happened in my last match. I felt like an idiot but had to ask, "Where is the other paper target?" It was basically hidden on the wall (We shoot indoors) with two feet between a tarp and the wall. The paper target was at the very end of it. I disagree with you there. The time to feel like an idiot isn't BEFORE you shoot and ask where the other target is. The idiot time is after you shoot the COF and have to ask "what do you mean i missed a target?!"
  23. Watch the other competitors too. There have been a number of times where I walked through a stage, had a plan in mind, and then noticed another shooter air gunning something that I didn't. Upon further inspection, they were aiming at a hidden target that I didn't see. I counted another target twice coming up with the correct round count. Don't discount what others are doing just because it's different.
  24. He was one of my favorite authors. He will be sorely missed.
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