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Everything posted by CZinSC

  1. Food truck will be there for lunch like it has in years past?
  2. I didn't receive that. I just emailed Val, requesting a copy be emailed to me and making sure they have my email. They do, I just checked my profile. Check your email junk file. Two different friends of mine didn't know about it, either, until I told them about it and they went and looked there. That is where mine was too. I get the emails when results are posted, but this newsletter ended up in the spam folder.
  3. If you were scoring while the shooter was still shooting, then common sense has to prevail. If the shooter isn't coming back to the start area, then sure, let the next guy stage his ammo. if you're talking about down range barrels, then possibly not. Depends on the flow of the stage. You don't want the shooter backtracking because he forgot a target and running into someone setting out ammo. But then again, if you're scoring behind the shooter, they scorers are going to get in the way too, so it' hard to tell the on deck guy to not stage his ammo when he'd just be another guy in the way. Now if the Range is Clear command was given, then 100% yes the on deck shooter should be able to stage his ammo. Waiting for the Make Ready command makes no sense and WILL cause a match to run slower than it should.
  4. No, Mark it is not. Jack made an annoucment on South Carolina Section FB page the other day. Jack SuberMay 4 at 10:08am · Columbia, SC Just a reminder, there will not be a regular monthly USPSA match at Mid-Carolina Rifle Club this month! We will see you at the Section Championship May 30-31.
  5. Silly American....that's how they write the date in other countries. 12/05/2014 is May 2014 in most places outside the US. OH yeah, and I sooooo want this trigger. I hate the curved trigger on the S2. Will the new trigger make me shoot better, most likely not...but we're talking gun parts here folks....how many things do you bolt on a gun ACTUALLY make you shoot better? Be honest...not many!! It's what we do...tinker and add expensive do-dads to our guns!!
  6. Mr. Amidon's return e-mail: Slight thread drift, but i'll ask anyway: On a regular Stage, NOT a classifier. WSB just says gun on table. Nothing more, nothing less. The Make Ready command is given, and the Competitor decides to stand his gun up. For argument sake, it's pointed downrange, the safety works, etc, etc. If the gun should fall over at ANY time whether the competitor caused it, (ie: he bumped the table ), or he didn't cause it ( wind blew it over ), is the competitor DQ'd? If you say yes, then clearly you need to yell stop and proceed with DQ. However, based on John's response which i shaded in red, how do you figure it's a DQ? Based on what rule? he says it is not a dropped gun? Is it a DQ? Cite the rule and the rationale. If you say no, not a DQ, is there any reason for RO to stop the shooter? I'd say no. As long as the gun is still on the table, it's satisfies the start position. IF the WSB stated a specific spot on the table, and by falling over it was no longer on that spot, then, yes, i would imagine a stop would be called and the competitor instructed to assume the correct start position. So....is it a DQ if the gun falls over? For argument's sake let's say it stays on the table, and doesn't ended up pointing in an unsafe direction.
  7. +1 - What Mike said. If it doesn't say "handgun laying flat" than game away! Busy at work, so I can't look up and cite the rule, but I believe if the gun is balance like you said, and after the buzzer the gun falls over ( doesn't have to fall on the ground, just falls on it's side before competitor grabs it ) it is a DQ. Not 100% on that, like i said, trying to pay attention to a conference call that i'm on!
  8. Going to have to respectfully disagree with you there Shannon. If you're going to build a stage, spell out in the WSB what you want people to do at the start. For example: Start position standing outside shooting area or Start position standing with both feet outside of the shooting area. You've just built a stage, which probably took upwards of an hour, or more. How much longer does it take to write the second sentence than the first? As a stage builder, you have to understand that putting props on the ground is only part of it. Spelling out what you want the shooters to do in the WSB is still very important. If you don't want someone to game a start, simply write it in. When I saw people gaming foot positions and hand positions, I wrote a WSB last summer where the start position was "Standing with both feet outside shooting area toes touching marks, and the tips of the index fingers of each hand touching competitors nose". Game that! If you can....more power to ya!
  9. CZinSC

    WSB. COF

    Ah yes...the old Significant Advantage clause. I wish they would take that out of the rulebook as EVERYTHING we do is a significant advantage! From cleats and grip tape to $5000 race guns to not carrying a briefcase on a stage. i can give you a Level 2 example that is VERY similar to this stage. I shot the Ohio Sectional in 2012. One of the stages was pick up a pair of handcuffs and deposit on table before last shot. Almost everyone DID NOT comply because it was ruled it was only going to be one procedural. Was it called correctly? I don't know. But i know that is how it was called for that match.
  10. CZinSC

    WSB. COF

    Glenn F and i ran some numbers today. If you left the case and took the penalty, for Production you would have had to finish 1.8 seconds faster just to make it a wash, limited was 1.5, open was 1.4. ( simple math just based on first place finishers performance, you could say your hits on the targets you shot one handed would have been better scores had you not had the case in your hand, so it's not a perfect model, but you get the idea ). In other words, hindsight it doesn't appear leaving the case was worth it. Wish I could say that was why i chose to leave it...but sadly no. I just didn't have my Gamer hat on that day!
  11. yes, but i have it under control now. I've been on Allopurinol for probably 10 years now. Only time i suffer is if i really eat REALLY poorly for several days AND drink a lot of alochol. Even then, its not that bad. When it flares up, cherry juice is supposed to help ease the pain. That never worked for me, maybe it will for you. Without medication, you need to watch what you eat. No organ meats ( liver, kidneys, etc ) shellfish, red meat, turkey, alcohol. A really strict Gout diet consists of one that is low in Purines. What are purines.....can't really explain it. I've tried. Its very weird, you can eat certain vegetables, not all. Certain nuts are good, some not. etc, etc. I have a strict gout diet somewhere around, if i can find it, i will send it to you. Proper diagnosis is a very good start. I suffered for a few years before i was finally diagnosed properly.
  12. no idea. I noticed on Saturday while shooting after the first stage the panel was a little loose. Borrowed a screwdriver and gave it a turn. Still seemed loose and that is when we noticed a small crack below the screw. Figured I would worry about it after the match. Three stages later when I unloaded to show clear, the piece on the right fell off into my hand. I might have over tightened the screw once, not sure. I don't feel like I did, but clearly something caused it to crack.
  13. That's what happens when you break your wood grips and you have a match coming up in 5 days. I'm just guessing...... $25 under cost with shipping didn't hurt either.
  14. I could run MG 124 FMJ's out to 1.165 if i wanted to in my CZ SP01, and that gun has a short leade ( which is what you're talking about - the distance from the end of the chamber to the rifling. ). With the Stock 2, same bullets, MG 124 FMJ, I can only load out to 1.140 before i start failing the barrel drop test ( drop bullet in barrel, turn barrel over, bullet doesn't drop out ). So yes, you will need to load Stock shorter than most guns. This is with FMJ's which usually have an Ogive narrower than JHP's, so with JHP, you will be really short. Just keep an eye out for flat primers and signs of overpressure and you'll be fine.
  15. Go to Crown Burgers and order a Crown Burger. Make sure to ask for Fry sauce.
  16. Funny you should say that...i did that exact thing last night. I hit all four sides with 600 grit, then 1100 grit sandpaper then the jewelers rouge on the dremel to finish them off. I didn't spend a lot of time on it, so they aren't like glass or anything, but definitely smoother than they were. Will have to take a look at the other spots you mentioned.
  17. Just down the frame with the brake cleaner, use the little straw that usually comes with the can to be more directional. Do it outside and onto a surface that won't be damaged ( ie: grass ). Be careful with brake cleaner. There are two types, red can and green can. The green can is CFC free. Use that one. Either way, if you use it, it will STRIP everything it touches, so make sure you oil/grease everything you sprayed it on. I used it on my CZ, but only when I was tearing the whole gun down. Otherwise there are spots under the sear cage that can get pretty dry if you don't oil them really well after the brake cleaner. I am a big proponent of Froglube. Yep, i bought the snake oil hook line and sinker. But when i used it on my CZ, it kept things super clean and when I did have to clean it, everything just wiped right off. I haven't done the Stock 2 yet. Realized i didn't have a punch small enough to get the pin out of the safety. Finally got one yesterday, so I'll be doing the Froglube routine some time soon.
  18. This coming from the guy who wasn't man enough to shoot a Glock, so he stole his girlfriends gun. I'm all set for Open in a PM squad. 1st of all Tracy and I are married. :Secondly, I have issues with how Glock does business, so I sold them off. Thirdly: My sponsor provides my guns, and she still shoots an Open gun too. 4th, buy a real Open gun, that cz just went all gay. (Scott Thompson said so) Seriously? WTF was she thinking? Se wasn't. She was drunk in Tijuana. She had to be. Nah, she's too smart for that. My money is on roofies. You know those trainers have access to all sorts of "supplements".
  19. This coming from the guy who wasn't man enough to shoot a Glock, so he stole his girlfriends gun. I'm all set for Open in a PM squad. 1st of all Tracy and I are married. :Secondly, I have issues with how Glock does business, so I sold them off. Thirdly: My sponsor provides my guns, and she still shoots an Open gun too. 4th, buy a real Open gun, that cz just went all gay. (Scott Thompson said so) Seriously? WTF was she thinking?
  20. Mark, thank you for another great match. I had a great time again. Thank you to all of the hard working volunteers that made this an enjoyable match. I for one hope you do host again next year. I know the final results are on Practiscore, but will you be posting them to USPSA as well? Thanks,
  21. I have them, mounted just as you did, had same problem. I just chucked up each screw one at a time in a cordless drill and ran the head over a file. Took down the diameter just enough to clear the tension wheel, good to go. Should I have had to do that? No. Did it work? Yes.
  22. I always see people say that N320 is not temp sensitive. i disagree 100% with my own first hand experience. In my CZ SP01, every year, when the temp drops to about 30-40 degrees, I lose about 20-30 fps. ( compared to 70-80 degrees ).
  23. 4 days and a wake up...can't wait. I remember the cold last year. Shorts, Short sleeve shirt, windshirt....was freezing my twig and berries off. By 10am everything was good, but the first stage....yikes. I'll be prepared this year, that is for sure!
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