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Everything posted by spook

  1. Thanks for noticing it Jake. You nailed it once again Wow, I really don't know what to say Mike. I am in doubt between asking the moderators to delete my hate thread because I don't want the great atmosphere on these forums to deteriorate because of what I wrote. On the other hand I feel like I should be able to rant (specifically without naming names, because I trust/know that it was never Patrick's intention to offend) in a forum where people whine about the little irritating things in life, like people in cars on cell phones etc. Anyways, I'm sorry if I gave you the impression I was looking for a fight or something. It's just that I have worked so hard and it was already a big disappointment to come in third, that this was just the straw. Yes, the rant comes from personal failure on my side (and no, I am not looking for pats on the back or other compliments, because no matter how many people say I did well, what matters most is what you think yourself, and I think I sucked, period) As long as we're "sharing" here anyways, I have seriously contemplated quitting shooting altogether because of my performance at the WS. At the moment I am seriously trying to find the motivation to pick up the wheelgun again and it is not easy. So these 13 little words got to me. It is weak that I let that happen, but I did. I can only apologize for that.
  2. Thanks for all the great words people! It really made my day waking up reading through the replies!
  3. I read the last Front Sight. There was an article about the World Shoot and revolver shooters. It said Ricardo Lopez and I got so close to Jerry Miculek because Jerry had an inner ear infection (and that Jerry was going to kick our asses a little harder next time on Bali). That f%cking sucks, because it is not true. We got so close to Jerry because we both worked our f$%king asses of dry firing and spending every hour we had on the range. And we didn't work hard enough, because we did not win. While Jerry suffered from an inner ear infection I puked my guts out for two days, had to run to the toilet every half hour and had the worst fever I had in years. Well, guess what? We don't measure that stuff. All that counts is you time and your points and I don't care how you earn them as long as it's done in a sportsmanship fashion. If you have a peg leg and pink eye on match day, tough shit. The three of us were all good sports and we all worked very hard to beat eachother fair and square. I hate being put down like that. You work for years and someone insinuates that what you did is not thanks to you, but because the best guy didn't perform that well. BS! BTW, don't think I blame Jerry. I talked to him and he seems like the last guy to blame anything or anyone but himself.
  4. Well Sam, I don't have to tell you I have experience with that I got burned out at least twice. The problem is that it's hard to let go of being competitive. Even if you say to yourself that you are just going to have fun, subconsciencly you're saying that and at the same time hope that it will improve your performance. To me it's mostly the fear of "losing it". My remedy up until now is do exactly what you want at this moment. Don't go out shooting because you are afraid to lose it. Have genuine fun
  5. spook

    Funny Pic

    Hehe, nice one 300lbs.! Have you seen this one yet? Tom Cruise Kills Oprah
  6. I'd go with the G27. It gives you a Glock frame you don't have yet. If you want a 9mm you can always turn the .40's into one with a new top end. You can shoot the ammo you have/make through the G27 and you obviously really want it. That last reason is the most important. Just buy what you want most
  7. Well, my switch to Glock might be permanent. Man! This is fun!
  8. Man, I love to see 50 yd stuff at matches. Hell, I'd love to see 50 yd shots with a rifle, let alone a pistol. Same here Dave. I love a SHOOTING challenge. The funny thing is that is really not that difficult to hit a 50 yd popper. I think most people are more intimidated when they hear how far they are away than how hard they are to hit. Difficult shots make a match a fun to me. If you guys want accuracy, I really suggest you come to visit Europe some time. There are many great matches and almost all of them require a great deal of real accurate shooting.
  9. Yeah, well they do that at our matches too. I guess our match directors just don't give a sh!t We had one nice stage some time ago that consisted of 6 poppers at 50 meters (about 55 yards). The Stage designer did not make many friends with that one.
  10. Well, I have never seen a 6" plate at 50 yds yet in a match. The toughest shot I've ever encountered was a 50 yd mini-popper. But it wouldn't surprize me if I would ever have to shoot one at a match (even one of the small national matches). I love to practice shooting groups, but I rather practice hitting the target Where the bullets land is more important than how close they are together IMO
  11. There's a difference between shooting a good group at 50 yds. and hitting the target at 50 yds. I find hitting the target easier What I consider good enough is this: I take the smallest target I ever expect to see in an IPSC match and try to hit it 100% of the time. To me that would be a Classic target cut in two or a 6" plate.
  12. FWIW, that sounds like the exact description of my gun when I shot the 2004 Europeans. I broke off the hammer stud three weeks before going and my smith repaired it for a couple of bucks. It is easy to repair. I retired this gun soon after that though....
  13. Anything beats Ecuador when it comes to healthy food When and where is it? I might combine it with a visit to my little brother in NY. I've also planning on combining my visit with the US Nationals. But I must admit that I really like my recent switch to the Glock. Hell, I might even switch permanently...... .....naaaahhhhhh
  14. That is evil man! If you try one of Randy's revolvers at a match, you'll send yours there right away. I tried Cliff Walsh's revolver (done by Randy Lee) at a match and that thing was sweeeet (and it wasn't even one of the miracle 4.5 or less lbs. trigger jobs) So, another vote for Randy Lee!
  15. Hmmm, I wonder why I always like the non-sexy guns best. Great looking blaster!
  16. Animals are cool! Nice pic Ron. I wish we had deer like that walking around here.
  17. I had the pleasure of shooting in the same squad as Derek at the World Shoot. He is a stand up guy and I was impressed with the quality of his work. Definately one of the good guys!
  18. OMG! That is friggin' gorgeous man! Congratulations with the new gun!
  19. Cool! Thanks for the info guys!
  20. One reason why a 686 might be a better choice eerw. Used, they're also really cheap.
  21. So what can you do if you want real good rust prevention? Whatever I touch rusts. The only thing that doesn't rust is my glock and that is probably because of the tenifer. I know chrome on carbon steel is nice, but it does rust. Any other options? I was thinking along the lines of TiN-ed SS. Or maybe there's a company that tenifers carbon steel parts?
  22. The S&W Model 10 is a great classic and they can be had fo' cheap!
  23. I like the way you think For me it's the exact same way.
  24. spook

    Something Odd

    That's some funny sh%t man!
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