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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. It really depends - do the UPS stores have "common carrier" status. If not, many of the laws that allow the shipper to transport items while not being legally "in possession" of them do not come into play until the UPS driver has picked up the package. This would present complications in states requiring a license to possess the guns, or if the UPS store employee were a prohibited person. If, on the other hand, "common carrier" status extends to the stores, then it's just anti gun bs.
  2. Very No. There won't even be scoresheets. Hit totals (A/B/C/D/M/NS/PROC) are recorded along with shooter initials, RO initials, and time of day on a paper log. The competitor gets a carbonless copy for their records. In the event of any discrepancy, the paper copy is considered the official one. The paper copy also protects us in the event a Palm fails (or is dropped on a rock) before the scores are beamed to the master Palm.
  3. This is known as "zombie debt" - debt long since written off, sold for pennies on the dollar, and sent to collections whose skip tracers don't always get it right. Once the target of collections refuses to comply and the holder in due course ceases collection efforts, it remains dead until it's packaged as part of a batch and re-sold to another zombie debt buyer - at which point this previously dead debt takes on a new life, hence the term "zombie debt".
  4. Any chance of putting up low income housing on the land?
  5. Correct, however, you must ship from an actual UPS depot, not a "UPS Store" or any other shipping intermediary as ORM-D is not accepted by these entities.
  6. Yup, I could see the crystaline structure as well.
  7. Brian was kind enough to donate a dozen of his books to the match.
  8. It was hers. She also needs a strain screw since we lost that .
  9. This has got to be the most bizarre gun failure I've encountered yet... I was working at the Area 7 yesterday when a shooters S&W 625 locked up after firing two rounds and could not be opened. After the shooter and RO running the stage tried the usual things, I was asked to evacuate the unit to an empty pit and render assistance. Fortunately, rule 5.7.5 states "that under no circumstances is a competitor permitted to leave a course of fire in possession of a loaded handgun", so I served as an RO to take the gun to the other pit. (Nice wording by the rules committee) Finally, after giving up on the normal steps, and confirming there was no round stuck between the cylinder and forcing code, I removed the side plate (yes, I did this correctly) and discovered that this was, in fact, the only way to open the cylinder and remove the 4 live rounds from the cylinder. The interior portion of the cylinder release had broken off where it pushes on the doohicke that pushes the pin in the middle of the cylinder to unlock it. In addition to making it impossible to unlock the cylinder, the part fell down into the remainder of the action locking it up so the hammer could not be cocked and the cylinder not turned. Fortunately, I was also able to give the shooter the name of a USPSA member who works in service at S&W and who will not give her grief about having the side plate removed before returning the gun for repair.
  10. Just remember the "free lunch tickets" you will be issued at checkin are not standard for major matches
  11. That link will only tell you about classifier scores uploaded on-line. If you club is one of the ones that still sends in paper, the on-line status will not know about the classifier until the scores have been posted in a monthly update.
  12. USPSA released a few slots yesterday so we could test slot payment part of the process. After fixing one early morning glitch that impacted one user, we verified everything is working fine. I expect a significant number of slots will be released today or tomorrow. Remember, you have three days to pay for your slot, and you MUST check you classification record in case you don't get the automatically generated email. No, Sedro won't change the deadline for you if you didn't get the email. Please be sure to check your classification record after paying for your slot to verify the payment is properly on record. Once you see your slot payment on your classification record, you can be sure the USPSA has it.
  13. The separation allows a club to report match results several times (to allow for corrections - it's pretty common for the occasional shooter to have a division wrong at a local match), and then submit the classification report once you're sure the data won't chance. You can go to www.uspsa.org/club_services to list all classifiers submitted by a particular club, however, it will only report on those clubs that submit their reports on-line instead of via US Snail.
  14. What kind of policy are you suggesting, and what penalty do you suggest USPSA impose on a club that is not able to meet the performance standard set forth by such a policy? Policies are useful only if they can actually be followed - otherwise it's like making a policy that rain is not allowed on match day. Not all clubs have someone who can either do stats on site, or get to them as soon as they get home.
  15. Not necessarily. Some OEM XP licenses shipped with computers are locked to the specific brand or model computer and cannot be transferred.
  16. This is the case with federal law. State laws vary. Here in the Massachusetts, a stripped lower is not legally a gun. If I go to a shop to buy a gun, I fill out state forms + the 4473. If I buy only a stripped lower, I only need to fill out the 4473 and don't even need a state gun license (although some shops treat the stripped lower as the gun, they are not required to under MA law). This really helps people getting custom guns built due to the rather bizarre laws and regulations limiting the dealer sale of new handguns to only specific models (for example, you can buy an SVI new but not an STI; you can buy a Para 1911 but not a Kimber or Springfield; etc; etc.).
  17. Chuck - Assume for the sake of argument that it is as good. If they find something you'll need a second appointment which means another day of starving and crapping to get ready. Ask you doc what the odds are they will find something, then do the math before you roll the dice.
  18. Can anyone offer one logical reason why a supplier in their right mind would charge a lower price than the maximum amount the market will bear while still purchasing the entire production volume? If you willingly pay it, it's not overpriced (in the economists sense of the word). It's only overpriced if buyers evaporate.
  19. No need to check with Sedro - this is the correct understanding. HQ had a big problem one year when there was not waitlist charge - and ended up with hundreds of people on the list who did not accept a slot, slowing down the process of getting slots offers to people who would actually use them.
  20. The free market will sort this out - check out Precision Delta to get an idea what another supplier is charging.
  21. The shooter can also aso for a reshoot after firing their last shot, but before responding to gun clear, hammer down holster. They would, technically, be "stopping themselves before completing the stage".
  22. Do you have details on this law? If such a law was passed and is enforceable, it would be a reversal of long standing federal policy, and a change in the interpretation of the commerce clause of the constitution. I think you may be thinking of the recent law that expands the scope of on-line vendors that are requires to collect NY sales tax when shipping to a NY resident. NY has recently taken the position that a "associate program" (like the Amazon one in which USPSA participates) constitutes a nexus of operation if any associates reside in NY, thus requiring Amazon to collect tax on sales to NY residents - hence the state's use of term "the Amazon tax". Overstock.com recently dropped all NY based associates to avoid this situation, and Amazon is currently litigating the issue.
  23. Change "rd4" to you member number and use this: http://www.uspsa.org/dw/lookup_classification.php?number=rd4
  24. Invites start going out shortly after June 2, and your number displayed with your classification record will be updated as those ahead of you either get a slot, drop out by not paying the waitlist fee, or are offered a slot and don't sign up for the match. It is very important to check your classification record for invite, since email is imperfect and USPSA will not accept "I didn't get email" as an excuse. Your invite will remain open 3 days, so check at least one every 48 hours. Rob
  25. No offense taken on the notice issue. I hope to be able to tell Carina "glad you got in" in Tulsa (I'll be on match staff this year) Just curious - what kind of accommodation are you suggesting? You can add yourself to the waiting list now. Are you suggesting that HQ staff should guess when someone without power was trying to get in and insert such people ahead of others who have already been told what number they are on the list?
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