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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. The assertion that only "4 hours notice" was given is inaccurate. The "official announcement" was contained in the Executive Director's column in Front Sight magazine (the issue that was delivered over a month ago). Although pretty much everyone uses the web, USPSA still considers Front Sight to be our official communication method. In fact, a basic requirement HQ established for the waiting list was that it MUST be announced in Front sight, not just on the internet. The "USPSA News and Anoucments" text at the bottom of www.uspsa.org has mentioned the waiting list for a some time (not sure, I think it's weeks) An anoucement regarding the waiting list was posted on www.uspsa-nationals.org (the official site linked from www.uspsa.org) on April 3 and has remained up since that time. The link at the top of www.uspsa.org was not intended as the "official announcement", but as a navigation aid to help people find the waiting list. The waitlist went live at exactly the promised time. We even synchronized the clock on the USPSA web server with the time service provided by the National Institute of Standards and Technology so you could, quite literally, set your watch by the time the wait list opened. Correct. It's a bit different this year, however, the official announcements covered that. We separated signing up for the list from payment (you pay after signing up, so you get onto the waitlist before we handshake with the credit card processor). The list was opened a week earlier than the time we are going to give out slots so that (a) people will have plenty of time to pay the waitlist fee, and (b ) If someone gets on the wait list but encounters a problem when paying the fee, there will be time to address the issue before slots are offered.
  2. This has been fixed. I didn't spend a lot of time to make it pretty - I just wanted to get the info to everyone ASAP.
  3. The status display does not appear to be displaying people who are signed up for both matches properly - I'm addressing that issue now and will have an improved status display on-line within the hour.
  4. Nope, but you have to submit a separate request for each match.
  5. That first minute was absolutely terrifying - I was watching the database and server waiting for something to melt down or go wrong .... and it didn't. Some status from the first ten minutes: 192 waitlist entries - 102 for Ltd, prod, Rev and 90 for Open, L10 By minute: Minute - # of entries 1 18 2 67 3 39 4 25 5 12 6 11 7 6 8 11 9 2 10 4
  6. I believe the most accurate term is "a s--tload". I'll be up watching the server until things calm down, and will do what is necessary to address problems, if any. You do need your member number so keep it handy. Also, read the policies carefully - particularly the part about HQ not making phone calls as has been the past practice.
  7. The waiting list for the handgun nationals in Tulsa goes on-line one minute after Midnight tonite - the link is at the top of www.uspsa.org rob
  8. There is a Cannon series called "Patriot" and a "Patriot Safe Company" - http://www.patriotsafe.com
  9. Ammo can be a problem - the common limit is "5kg or 11lbs, whichever is greater" (except for Air Alaska that allows 50lbs). You can pre-ship ammo via UPS, but you must label it "ORM-d, Cartirdges, Small Arms" and ship it via an actual UPS shipping depot, not a "UPS store" or pack-n-send operation.
  10. Don't be surprised if the instructor insults you at a general pistol class. I took one from a well known, big name instructor who ridiculed competition and USPSA shooting as useless, and the kind of thing that will get you killed. He also started the class with a basic shooting exercise and a standard that was pass/fail, that he felt indicated sufficient competence with a defensive sidearm. There where about 15 people in the class, and 3 regular USPSA competitors. Care to guess how many in the class could pass his drill every time, on demand? If you guessed 4 you're a bit too high.
  11. True, but the MD who recommended < 100 to me is not exactly a common doctor - Google for his name to see what I mean. He told me 137 was a problem, and gave me a passing grade when I got it down to 100.
  12. I've been getting my info from this doctor: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...751C0A962958260 He considers triglycerides over 100 a problem to be solved and has a habit of citing the specific studies that justify his guidelines and advice.
  13. There are two different height rear bases. Current production Infinity guns use the less tall version. The higher version is a direct replacement for the standard Bo-Mar height.
  14. If you send a stamped unaddressed envelope with a note for Chris to HQ in Sedro with a request to have it forward it to him, they will be glad to do so (they do not give out member addresses)
  15. A key difference is that you can't freeload the benefit of seatbelt wearing if you never wear yours but everyone else does. I would not be nervous about being unvaccinated in a society where everyone else was required to be immunized, but if others are not required to be vaccinated I certainly would want to be. It's an interesting catch 22.
  16. The part on the left is used to attach the bar to the powder measure that makes sure the powder bar retracts on the downstroke.
  17. Besides the free parts, the thing I like is that I know I can get a part quickly when I need it. Call some gun manufacturers and tell them you need a part shipped "today" and they'll explain that just isn't possible. I once had Dillon overnight a part under warantee - I had to pay the extra freight, but they were great about getting me what I needed, when I needed it.
  18. If it doesn't operate in semi automatic mode and accept a standard detachable AR magazine, I don't consider it an "AR Style" gun and, given that definition and my qualifier regarding grandfathered permits, I believe my statement is correct. Of course, others may disagree on what is an "AR style" gun. I realize there are special purpose guns built on the AR platform that don't accept detachable magazines, but I hardly consider those "AR style" guns. It all depends on the definition of the term I used, but my point is that you may not legally own an AR15 style gun that operates in semi automatic mode and accepts standard AR15 magazines unless you obtained registration papers during the limited window allowed. If there is a provision for buying a new AR15 that takes standard magazines and operates in semi automatic mode, please correct me so I can update my knowledge.
  19. 1). > 10 round mags are greandfathered ONLY if you PERSONALLY posessed them in CA before the Caliban. No, you can't legally buy a pre-ban mag from someone else, and a newcomer to CA will have no credible way to assert they personally possessed them in CA before the cutoff date. 2). CA does make arrests and initiates felony persecutions (no, that is not a misspelling) for possession of items such as 30 round AR mags (one felony count per magazine) 3). AR15 style and many other semi automatics not legal for civilian possession without a permit for the specific gun by serial number - and the one time deadline to obtain such permits has passed. Ditto for any 50BMG rifle.
  20. Springfield regularly initiates contact with the Area Championships each year to offer a couple of guns as a sponsorship. They were even nice to us folks stuck behind enemy lines in MA. Springfield handguns aren't on the lab tested or target list, nor have they passed double secret probation (regulations no one can understand and the state will not interpret), so we can't offer them as prizes. Springfield solved the problem by donating an M1A to the match. Too bad Glock doesn't make rifles - I'm sure they would have done the same thing. (Glocks are lab tested, but have not passed double secret probation and therefore cannot be sold new in MA).
  21. Look me up if you make it to the Boston marathon. My home club is located just down the street from the starting point, and you'll run about two miles north of my house as you head towards Boston.
  22. Business opportunity: Buy it, subdivide into one meter square parcels, and place an add in that carry group's magazine to sell the deeds. Of course, this is only a serious suggestion if SC is "shall issue for non-resident property holders", or the land is located in a jurisdiction with a very sympathetic issuing authority. And to think I that I had thought the MA ban on permits for persons convicted of failure to report a hotel fire (as opposed to any other kind of fire) was strange. When I teach the intro course, I tell people that a CCW is "More recognized that gay marriage, but less recognized than heterosexual marriage" - an absolutely true statement.
  23. No club picked it up when GMPS in VT decided not to host it in 2008
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