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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. It's hard to know what was in the mind of the persons who created the rules, but it is possible to look at the benefits and disadvantages of any system. Hit Factor scoring weights stages so that each round counts the same amount, and avoids the situation where a competitor who shaves 2 seconds off a very long field course gets the same overall score benefit as someone who shaves a 6 second el-prez down to 4 seconds. The big disadvantage of hit factor scoring is that a match is actually a weighted series of separate contests (stages), so it is possible that the relative position of two competitors can "flip" if a new high hit factor changes the stage points awarded on a particular stage.
  2. Can't be too secret, since they mentioned Dillon in the credits. I remember speaking to someone who worked in a customer facing position at one of the largest gun companies in the US. He was told poession of a loaded gun on the job was grounds for immediate termination. On the other hand, the folks at Dillon explained that the only reason their counter staff carries is to give the folks in the back room time to get the machine guns deployed. Guess which one didn't make me unload and check my gun before the tour? Dillon definiely passes the attitude test If you're ever in the Scottsdale area, visit Dillon - their staff is great and if they have time you might even get a tour.
  3. These games share one characteristic - the house edge is small with perfect play. Play imperfectly and that single digit house edge suddenly becomes a lot bigger. In the case of video machines with "play choices", the casinos have found that different locations and times of day do indeed get different house edges because of the differing styles of play.
  4. Agreed, but if you wrap the chain around the base of the toilet it's going to mighty inconvenient for someone to unbolt the head and to get your gun box and, if they do, the hotel will get to share your pain.
  5. True NV; less so in NJ (as long as you are following all the rules).
  6. It's called the "Odds bet", basically a side bet on top of an additional bet that is paramutually neutral. The little "10:1 odds" or "100:1 odds" sign you see on the craps table is there to tell you how large the odds bet may be in relation to the main bet. Roulette was originally designed so that the house edge for each bet was the same - all bets were calculated as if there were 36 numbers on the wheel, but there are actually 38 (the greens). Bet a color, 1:1; a column of 12 - 2:1; a block of 4 - 9:1 a single number - 36:1, etc. Subsequently, some casinos got greedy and downgraded all odds except the 1:1 and 1:2 so a block of four would pay 8:1 rather than 9:1; a a single number might pay 32:1 instead of 35:1, etc. The result is that the even money and block of 12 bets give the house the a smaller edge that the other bets on the wheel. Casinos hate card counters, but love people who think they are card counters.
  7. And they'll use a flat rate manual so you can get three hours worth of billable work done in two hours of actual time, and pay a full retail markup on all parts which, with a car, can easily boost the effective hourly rate up to a couple of hundred an hour. Remember, the gunsmith's charge includes the time spent talking to you, as well as overhead including the time he isn't doing billable work. Just try to imagine paying overhead, making a living, and paying your own benefits and the $$ probably won't be enough to make you want to go to gunsmith school.
  8. Same thing; different coast; slightly different specialty. Found him in the company phone book
  9. Plaques will be send out directly by the vendor - The Rangemaster Dan Hurley sharkbike at aol.com would be able to tell you the allocation.
  10. Have you found a source for colored toner you can use to refill cartridges?
  11. I think you are referring to the Lamar Bean case where SCOTUS determined that there was no appeal possible since the feds did not accept the relief from disability petition. There was another case, Small v. US, where SCOTUS determined that a foreign conviction (Japan in this case) did not trigger the us felony disabilities - http://www.supremecourtus.gov/opinions/04pdf/03-750.pdf
  12. It can actually be quite entertaining to use these lines when the shoplifting beeper goes off because someone forgot to de-activate a tag and the store employees asks to look at the contents of a bag of your personal possessions (which are no longer "merchandise" since you have paid for them). I used these lines at Home Depot once and the clerk reacted like a deer stuck in the headlights without a clue as to how to react.
  13. Residents in the DPRM (Democratic People's Republic of Massachusetts) have yet another factor in the equation. The district and appellate courts in this state have ruled that ones license to possess any firearm other than a low capacity rifle or shotgun may be revoked if the police chief who issues decides that exercising your right to remain silent when questioned renders you "unsuitable to be so licensed" and that, while the former license may be entitled to some relief, that relief is not reinstatement of the license.
  14. Did you tell them you were using it in a limited warrantee only 1050?
  15. Ask Brandon, but I believe the high base is "Bomar compatible" and may be used with existing Infinities; newer slides will be cut for the low base SVI sight.
  16. Tort reform is not going to happen - the US just opened the 200th law school, and the lawyers all need work. If you think tort reform is good, would you also be willing to accept that your own personal injury suit could collect actual damages only, but nothing for pain and suffering? Many people draw the line at reform when it impacts their lottery ticket. Here in MA the seatbelt law contains a provision that the defendant may not allege that the plaintiff's failure to wear a seatbelt (and breaking the law by doing so) cannot be presented at trial as contributory negligence or failure to mitigate damages. This was added since there was concern that the fact that some plaintiffs aggravagated their injuries by violating the law could be used as an argument that would reduce contingency fee revenue.
  17. My answer: "I don't know" Questioner: "What do you mean you don't know how many guns you own?" My reply: "Well, do you know exactly how many shirts you own?" (substitute shoes if the person asking is female) Questioner: "Are you serious?" Me: "Yup". I went to a gun show the morning of my wedding 13 years ago. Things have been good since.
  18. For the same reason that dogs lick their private parts (because they can)
  19. USP regulations do not require overnight for inoperable guns (for example, assembled 1911 or AR15 lowers). If you're shipping to S&W, two boxes is probably not a realistic option due to the difficulties in synchronization into a single order at the factory - but it may be quite practical if you are shipping to Dawson, Brazos, Bedell, SVI, STI, or another of the smaller companies. They don't care if you like it. This is the best business model for them since they get to use the felonious activities of some of their staff as a reason to charge you more, and there is no competitive carrier that does not impose a similar requirement Non-declaration of firearms may run afoul of federal regulations regarding interstate commerce, and will certainly assure that you will not receive any insurance payment in the event of a loss - no matter what limit you have purchased.
  20. A few points - The battery operated Palm IIxe works great; about $20-$25 on ebay. The software costs a bit more than the Palms All Palms have all stages defined. When I run a match, I inactivate all but one stage on each Palm so that there is no chance a Palm will be set to the incorrect stage (one less menu item for scorekeepers to worry about). There is an individual version available - see www.autoscoringsystems.com If you have a score you need to enter manually and already have totals, hit TS (target summary), then you can proceed directly to entering hit totals - useful if you have entered a score on the incorrect shooter. You can remove an existing score, but I protect this with an admin password and have stats staff come and do it for the RO - to avoid having RO's trying to figure out dangerous functionality they rarely have cause to learn when running a stage. If an RO is comfortable enough to deal with this, I'll give him the password for this feature.
  21. You must still be printing result to paper. If you post electronically, you should be able to get this down to about 5 minutes.
  22. Totals, although the RO will show you the Palm and you can see the hits per target - that level of detail doesn't go down on the paper verification copy. The two errors to watch out for as a competitor: #1: Make sure you are you. Your name and competitor number will be at the top of the display. This should not be a problem at the nationals since we will be using the squadding in the Palm to pick you by name. #2: Time entry. Hits must "total correctly", however, there is no way the system can validate the time entry. The program will prompt the RO if you hit factor is over 20 (which generally means a missed decimal place or digit). Make sure you agree with the time before you sign the paper summary. The results stations will allow you to get a single screen detail report, so it should be very easy to check your paper slips against the reported scores. We will have interim results at the nationals up no less frequently than once every two hours, however, I am hoping we can get them up on an hourly basis.
  23. In which case it would be *very* unlikely for them to have governmentally recognized common carrier status.
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