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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. Probably just someone trying to sell insurance.
  2. Removed, since it bordered on a rebuttal. rob
  3. Two hates in the past year: 1. 14 days for an EXPRESS (not priority) US Mail mailer to reach my PO Box. They didn't even have to take it out ot my house and it still took TWO WEEKS. 2. 12 days for a "Priority Mail" package with two fitted slides to the manufacturer in Texas. Package tracking alerted me when the arrived but, by that time, I figured they were a probable loss. The USPS is advertising 95 of 96% on-time delivery for express mail. I bet some manager at Fedex would lose his job is 5% of the packages he was responsible for were late.
  4. That's what I thought until an elderly board member spoke in favor of my request to allow practical shooting practice at the club. After he was dead, his daughter wrote a book about his exploits as an assassin and spy for our side in WWII, so I guess he understood practical shooting .
  5. No. Unless you are a manufacturer and pay the special occupational tax ($500/year), the only way you can get post 86 full auto is as "dealer samples" for demonstration to qualified government agencies. The catch is that you need a "demo request letter" from the agency asking for a demonstration of the specific model firearm and, at least here in the DPRM (Massachusetts), it is not uncommon for small town police departments to get the occasional letter from the very small dealer trying to get a "demo letter" - requests which are routinely discarded since departments don't have to go to small one man operations to buy their cool stuff. So, chances are you won't get a "demo letter" unless you have some sort of connection.
  6. One thing to watch out for when attaching the ACOG with the integral screws is that the screws can seize up (I use automotive anit-seize compound). I had one seize to the point where the hex hole stripped out completely when I tried to unscrew it. I sent it back to JP and he worked his magic and got the screw out without so much as the tiniest of scratches or marks. I've been using the JP ACOG mount since it's low profile, easy to change, and also fits my JP15 that doesn't have the integral ACOG mount.
  7. A man and an alligator walk into a bar and the man asks "Do you serve <insert target group here>"? The bartender says "Yes", and the main replies "Fine, I'll have a beer and my alligator will have a <insert target group here>".
  8. But did the waitress look the gift horse in the mouth?
  9. A used Dillon RL-1000 is going on the market in my neighborhood, and I was wondering how this press compares to the newer 1050 and Super 1050. Is it any better or was the reduction in price for the 1050 (compared to the 1000) a result of better technology rather than lowering the "goodness" of the product? Also, how is the parts availability from Dillon? Are they working off a fixed stock that will never be replenished, or do they keep making parts for the 1000 as long as there are presses in use?
  10. It depends . If the 38 Supercomp gun as a 9mm breechface, a 38 super round won't even fit. I found the out the hard way when I took a 38 Super/Supercomp to the range with some super ammo. I ordered the SVI with Supercomp/9mm and a Super breechfaces and extractors. I didn't check which was in the gun and which caliber kit was left in the safe at home .
  11. A Case Pro is a wonderful solution. The cases are roll sized from the bottom, then you die size them from the top and end up with ammo you can drop into the chamber without touching the rim (well, almost). Roll sizing is the nicest solution, but many have reported positive results with proper die selection and tweaking.
  12. It's a cool setup, but precludes use of the system in "tactical" division where only one optic is allowed.
  13. You're not missing anything. The system is designed to operate as follows: 1. Register competitors in EzWinScore 2. Upload 3. You or members squad on-line 4. Go to step #1 and repeat if desired (if some competitors are already registered online they will rename in the on-line system and their squad number will not be changed) 5. When it gets close to match day, disable online squadding and download squadding into EzWinScore.
  14. All GSI is saying is "we do not wish to employ the services of intermediaries to handle our sales". Effectively, you asked for a job and they replied with "not hiring". Since GSI products are not something one needs to have "in shop" for browsers, they may feel that it is more cost effective to take the phone calls and handle individual shipments themselves rather than work through a distributor network and pay from 15 points (Dillons' dealer cut last I heard) to several tens of points (a more typical markup required by distributors). As to being only a dealer show - it's also for the trade press, and word gets around very quickly when someone has a neat product at the Shot Show.
  15. You're lucky you don't live in MA - the insurance penalty is 6 years, and the courts are specifically prohibited from engaging in any form of alternative sentencing that would "defeat the purpose of the safe driver plan" (ie, deprive the insurance company of increased revenues). The rules are different for traffic infractions, since that is (a) the one place where admitting it may get you let off [yes, it will bite you if it does not work] and ( it often makes sense to appear in court without $300/hour legal counsel since the penalty if convicted may not be any worse than the legal fees to be represented. Of course, if you're charged with a criminal offense rather than a civil infraction, all the rules about "admit nothing" and "don't even thing of representing yourself in court" would apply.
  16. This one is a gamble - it can, and often does, work. When it doesn't, you can be assured that the officer's notes as to your admission of culpability will be written on the back of the ticket and read back in court if you fight the ticket.
  17. He was really asking "Care to make an admission of guilt that I can write on the back of the ticket and testify to if you fight this in traffic court?" As to the error - the answer is "it depends" - mainly on the practices in your state, and the inclination of the judge. If they push forward, the police are asking the court to accept the premise that they did not accurately record the details about the car being driven, but the police evaluation of your speed was none the less error free. I know I would not want to be attempting to convince the courts that while my statements that could be independently checked were inaccurate, those that could not be verified were indeed being accurately recalled.
  18. The Alias was created by IPSC since they needed something like a member number to associate scores with an individual. Since IPSC did not maintain information on individuals, they needed some identifier and they decided to let people pick their own. All registering the alias does with USPSA is allow an IPSC match held in the US to automatically report your scores to IPSC using the alias, without the need for the match to collect an IPSC alias from each competitor (the back end process looks up your IPSC alias before submitting scores to the world body).
  19. I probably wouldn't bother with barcodes for a local match where each shooter's scores are on a single sheet. This feature is far more useful at a big match where each stage is on a separate scoresheet and competitor are generally pre-registered.
  20. Scottish traditional attire includes a knife tucked into the sock - but now, the practice is to use a decorative handle that sticks out of the sock but has no blade. Perhaps it is something in the water.
  21. Glock, but they will only ship to you if you are a certified armorer.
  22. UPS stores are just pack and send operations owned by UPS and do not enjoy the rights of a recognized "common carrier" - so they generally take a pass on all regulated items. "Common carrier" status is what allows UPS to accept machine guns, silencers, guns, and narcotics being shipped in lawful commerce without having the specific paperwork to legally possess such items.
  23. Deadbeating doctors has gotten to the point where the practice I use has a sign up announcing that "self-pay" patients must leave a deposit for the estimated amount before seeing the doctor, and then settle up the adjustment in either direction when leaving the office. I've seen "payment expected when service rendered" signs for years, but this was the first time I've seen a medical practice operate like a pre-pay gas station.
  24. The service I got from the woman I spoke to at receiving post office - checking with the carrier just in case it missed a scan - was exceptional. I'll be dropping the postmaster at that zip code a thank you for this person's assistance and helpful nature. When a service is rendered to standard, I don't "take it for granted", but I am a satisfied customer. 12 days for something advertised as "2 or 3 days" is not acceptable, nor is 14 days for an overnight envelope (that's the amount of time it took a express mail letter to arrive at my PO box on one occasion last year). The PO has tracking info on many of these packages (unlike UPS, they charge extra for this - but they do offer the service). I'd love to see them do some data mining and report on-time statistics - percent on time, and a listing of the percent at each number of days post mailing for any tracked category of mail. The data is there on disk and this would be easy - if the USPS wanted to do this. UPS isn't perfect, but they tell me the exact day of delivery and have always been right - but I got lazy and used the post office since they had a more conveniently located branch.
  25. It was long enough (12 days, not 14 - I just checked) that I was starting to talk to the factory about fitting a couple of new slides into the work schedule . It's bad enough when one gun it out for work, but this was slides from two different 1911s.
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