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Rob Boudrie

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Everything posted by Rob Boudrie

  1. Absent criminal action or intent, I didn't realize insurance companies had the option of denying liability claims because of absolute stupidity on the part of the insured. Could you explain how a claim for negligence could be denied, assuming, of course, there was not contract clause stating that violating the rules on the part of match officials would result in denial of coverage. If that were indeed the case, just imagine all the auto accident claims that would go unpaid.
  2. Is the Magma limited to rimless cases? I would assume that is the case since it needs to pass the case trhough the die. I have a CasePro I yuse dof 40s&w and 38 super and am very pleased with it. I find it takes as long to get the cases ready for CaseProing as is does to actually size them. I get large amounts of once fired mixed brass and have to pull out the non-blazer 40 S&W to size. It's essential to sort out the calibers, as one case of a caliber other than the size you are processing jams up the machine and slows things down (38 super nested in a 40S&W case is a particularly bad combination).
  3. Check out some of the court decisions that state the conduct which you have been acquitted of in a previous criminal trial may be considered at sentencing time. Not to mention that "club fed" is just that - a federal prison. OJ was convicted of state charges so the best he can hope for is a less than maximum state prison.
  4. Some things I've learned recently about hospitals: - If the hospital files an internal incident report for an error, it is immune from the discovery process (at least in MA) - The hospital is under no legal obligation to inform you of incorrect medications given, or prescribed medications not given as ordered, during your stay. Doctors will not generally volunteer this info (even if they know), and the nurses aren't going to rat each other out by telling the patient. - If they find the wrong medication was administered, NO RECORD of this administration will be added to your hospital record. The only clue in your hospital record is if they accidentally give you something that requires an antidote - in which case the antidote order will be in your record. This makes about as much sense as the police only reporting the intentional discharges of their weapons. - If you die as a result of a med error, they will tell you what happened without mentioning the med error - for example, "your loved one went into respiratory arrest and we were unable to save him" ... without telling you if a med error induced the respiratory arrest. - Nurse's aid is often the first bridge from welfare job. Think about what that means Be afraid.. be very afraid NOTE: This info is MA specific; it may very by state.
  5. That may be true for shipping ammo, but you can't beat the US for buying ammo. Anyone with a credit card can have ammo from one of the big manufacturers sent from one of dozens of mail order firms to the match, plus there is Atlanta Arms & Ammp, Precision Delta, Pony Express and other second tier ammo companies. How many choices can you pick in Indonesia by going on-line or picking up the phone to arrange to have ammo wiating for you at the match?
  6. You obviously held the one with the stainless grip. The Aluminum grip is much lighter. But the real question - do they need to get these new grips to Heros (which just had the series debut of the Tiki last night, after three seasons of the IMM Open in 45).
  7. If it's the obvious place you're hinting at, it's a fairly large operation. Make sure you talk to someone with command authority - there may be sales incentives in place that make it "costly" for a clerk to spend time handling your transfer when they could be making a new sale or a gun, membership or machine gun rental to some other customer. I recently had a problem with a Lowes home improvement center where the department manager was acting based on his interests, not that of the corporation (short form: expecting me to pay for his mistake). Once the store manager got involved, the concern shifted from "department manager does not want to look bad" to doing the right thing and protecting the reputation of the store. You may find that the manager of that business will be very interested in doing the right thing once you get past the underlings. Give him or her a chance, you may be pleasantly surprised. Don't expect to get through to this person on the phone - just show up and politely demand to speak to whomever is in charge - without explaining why to the underlings. I'll bet you walk out with your gun. Good luck. ps: Don't do it just before closing time - they will be in a rush, and they won't have to worry about you hanging around the store
  8. The fact that this question was even asked means you lost the battle before it even began
  9. The board will be meeting with Michael Voigt by telephone prior to his departure for the General Assembly so that we may provide him with our positions on the issues.
  10. Looks like you might has tried to store an exam before it was graded once. I fixed the divide by zero.
  11. That work is done. If you're expiring in the next 30 days, your membership is current, and don't see an exam listed with your classification record, let me know.
  12. The procedure, for all but the smallest of estates (where it's cheaper to risk losing all than paying legal fees) is to have an attorney experienced in estate issues handle the negotiations for you.
  13. I'll try to remember to take a look tonight.
  14. Are you saying she signed a legal document without reading it? Sounds a bit like self-inflicted injury.
  15. Precision Delta .40 S&W bullets are a truncated round nose and should work just find for wheelgun speedloading.
  16. Juniors are welcome on the field of honor, but part of the responsibility of using a real gun is behaving according to adult standards. Holding juniors to a lower standard on a safety/DQ issue does not serve anyone's interests.
  17. I've had this repair, as well as a borken hammer pivot stud replaced by the factory. the new stud is press fit into the frame from the inside, peended in place (looks ugly from the inside - definitely not factory original), and the outside of the gun repolished to the end of the stud blends in with the frame. Definitely not a job for most do it your selfers .
  18. I wonder if the gun ban group "Cease Fire" will be recruiting another celebrity to replace the seat made vacant by Paul Newman's demise. He was a great actor, but certainly no friend to gun owners.
  19. It's not about generating interest, but about finding a way to allocate the waitlist slots in a manner that is fair, transparent, and practical to administer. The waitlist is one way; a lottery is another.
  20. This is a non-issue in the US, since USPSA needs never drive gun laws, issuance of permits necessary to own guns, etc. It is, however, a very real fear for the rest of the world where proving the needs of a particular sport, and getting that sport recognized, are a pre-requisites to handgun ownership. Take for example Australia - recognized sports can have bore diameters > 9mm but - guess what - they are anti IPSC and will not grant said recognition. Ditto for Canada, eh? and magazines > 10 rounds. I was actually surprised that IPSC is interested in Airsoft, since I always assumed they would see acceptance of simulated guns as proof they didn't have the "need" they must continually prove to various nationals governments.
  21. Walk-ons are a danged if you do and danged if you don't scenario. If you guarantee that anyone who "just shows up" will get a slot, all hell will break loose at the nationals, squads will be overloaded, and it's impossible to properly plan for squad sizes, match flow, etc. If you don't guarantee walk-ins will get a slot, far fewer people will invest in airfare+hotel+rental car to try to get one, so there is a pretty good chance anyone who shows up will get one. So, while USPSA has historically accommodated those who "just show up", it not something the organization can promise.
  22. I predicted that move the day the neoclassic target was announced. Certain folks in IPSC told me I was wrong and that this was not in the works. I can only hope that my prediction that the next step would be to mandate that stages not resemble real life with things like doors, hallways, cars, etc. in order to become more "PC" is less accurate than my prediction they would be working to extinguish the original target with the upper A/B zone.
  23. Ever since the Disney buyout, ESPN has a policy that no handgun events will be covered.
  24. One the superpowers is to magically add a TiN coating to an SV IMM Open gun.
  25. If it's an original HK it's definitely steel, and probably a steal as well If you want a tough battle rifle, or a great collectable, get the HK. If you want a long distance tack driver a well built AR10 will outshoot the HK. I have a JP LRP-07 and had no problem keeping all shots on target with a Leupold 4.5-14x scope at 100 yards. Being the cheap sort that I am, I was using target pasters for targets.
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