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    Alpine, Ca
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    Dave Seely

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  1. How heavy a buffer are you using for the 40? I plan on shooting factory 180gr bullets.
  2. This is exactly what I have seen at the last couple of years i was involved as an RO at Multigun Nats in Vegas. Normal, experienced 3 gunners (all of whom have excellent safety records at every other 3 gun match in the country) were walking on eggshells at the this match. Why? They weren't afraid (necessarily) about DQing while on the clock. they were worried about all the nit-picking going on off the clock. And yes, i understand that USPSA has it's rules for "reasons", blah blah blah... But most Outlaw, UML, 3GN, et al. matches have great safety records too despite not having a 100 page rule book. The biggest hindrance is the RO's lack of willingness to educate and drive to collect DQ's. Now, you are saying to yourself, "well, that's unfair, not all RO's are like that" and you'd be correct. IMO it was just the ones wearing the NROI jerseys. Example: a couple of years ago I saw a competitor digging around in their rifle bags for a box of shotshells. This person was in between the safe table and the preload table. The person found the box he/she was looking for, and placed it on the table before standing up.....Whoops, placed it on the wrong table. the RO could get over there fast enough to throw them out. Why? Would it not have been better to correct the shooter, kindly educate them of the reasons no ammo is allowed in the safe area and let them fix the error. If you can't see why discretion should be applied to the ruleset, then you are part of the problem. (and before you set up this strawman: no, it does not mean we are going to let every infraction slide, nor is it just a free-for-all).
  3. If you decide to do it, you need to buy the ETS 40 round mags. It is about the only extended mag you can find.
  4. Did we send anyone to compete in the manual division? What kind of guns are they using to compete in that division?
  5. Yes, this is a two part system. get the Universal mount and you can adjust it to fit the eyepiece of whatever optic. I'll see if i can take some pictures of mine later.
  6. Most hollowpoint bullets have a flat-nose profile, if you don't have a ramped barrel, they may not feed reliably.
  7. ...unless this is IRONMAN or HAH, in which case you drive on with your long arm. A squad mate or RO can grab the belt and bring it along until you get to a dump barrel at which time you can figure out how to get dressed again... (the preceding IS dependant upon whether or not you have a good squad, or have been good to your squad, resetting and the like. They may let you get to the back of the bay and then tell you to run and go get it. :)
  8. I would say a good guideline would be approximately 1 yard apart for every 10 yards from the shooting position. I would also say there is nothing wrong with setting up the occasional double for a "price", like having to get off the main line of travel or going through a port in lieu of shooting in the open.
  9. https://www.tactrainers.com/collections/ipsc-practice Fun stuff
  10. The gasses want to take the path of least resistance. a bullet is super heavy compared to the light "candy shell" piece of brass. the Brass stretches and eventually rips apart. the bullet will stay in place.
  11. This is close, but not the whole story. When you pull the slide back slowly to clear the gun, the un-fired round is extracted from the chamber by the extractor. Because it is un-fired the brass has not expanded and slips from under the extractor, falling out your mag well. When you pull the slide back with force, the round is extracted, but doesn't have time to fall away before hitting the ejector. The ejectors job is to kick fired (and un-fired) cases up and away from the ejection port. Either is perfectly fine and safe. It can become unsafe when A) the shooter isn't paying attention and re-introduces a round into the chamber, or b) the shooter prevents the round from clearing the ejection port. the ejector can act like a firing pin if a primed round gets trapped between it and the barrel, slide, etc.
  12. What is the impetus behind this rule? I understand that technically the barrel of the pistol is pointing up range, but it is contained in the holster. The orientation of the barrel doesn't seem to matter at any other time, even if it breaks the 180, while in the holster. Is someone afraid the gun will fall out of the holster? that's usually DQ-able no matter where it happens. Most 3 gunners have figured out they need a good retention holster, so that isn't so much an issue anymore. I ask the question because I run qualifications for my guys at work and all of us have loaded pistols on during our rifle quals. I have never thought twice about going prone, nor has any of my other staff. It seems to be a non-issue. I contend it is not an unsafe act. Does anyone have a good reason why we should continue to DQ people who do it? If we do want to discourage it, Would it maybe be better to give a procedural instead of a DQ?
  13. I read that the Czechs told the EU to pound sand. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-guncontrol-czech/czechs-take-legal-action-over-eu-rules-on-gun-control-idUSKBN1AP1SA
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