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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Everything posted by -JQ-

  1. Welcome to the board! My own personal decision on this very same gun was to send it to gray guns for their "lightening" package. I have both the comp and tac and love them both but the tac (alloy frrame) seems to point better for me and feels quicker in the transitions. It is also 9mm v. .40 of the comp. I guess when it gets back I can answer better...just so you know it can be lightened if you decide. I think the general thought on this topic:light weight leads to quicker trans. versus recoil control...you might dig a round a bit with "search" to dig up the past. I may have over simplified this a bit and YMMV. Great gun choice though! Again, welcome.
  2. I think I followed this guy in traffic this morning... Thin the herd!
  3. Maybe this should be moved to the "What I hate" forum for shear stupidity (me for even posting it) Here it goes...enjoy
  4. -JQ-

    The Egret

    now that is some skill...but would send the local OSHA guy into fits...:-)
  5. -JQ-

    Posting Attitude

    It allows people with insecurities to adopt an arrogant persona they would never dare try to carry in real life because somebody would snap their pencil neck and stuff them in a dumpster. ++1 While we all have our off moments here, it seems everyone on this forum tends to have more decorum...maybe not 100% but dang close. I've been to many other boards and this one is one of the most "civil". I must admit that I was banned on SF for disagreeing with a mod. who was berating some newbie over some non-sense...so be it...I signed up with new alias but now instead of being a productive member I just lurk there...feels kinda dirty but not everyone there is like some of their mods...most are nice folks with a common interest and a true desire to learn. Heck I like a good arguement as much as anyone but there are times/places for that too.
  6. -JQ-

    Hat Cam

    I use the Helmet Hero ( http://www.goprocamera.com/ ) camera. I've found that it works best when I turn it on and leave it alone. It isn't hi-def by any means but it works fine. It helped me notice a couple of issues I had and didn't even know about...ooops letting out my training secrets. This camera has SD card w/2 GB capability (~1hr) built in...it takes any SD memory which beats dealing with a seperate camera. The chicks dig it...ok that is something I tell myself to overcome the nerdy feeling when wearing it. Pharoh Bender...it looks good on you though. It isn't the camera that makes me slow anyway.
  7. I just looked up robar refinishing for mags...$20/mag. That might be worth a try. The only problem as I see it would be that if they worked really well and then I would have to spend +$20 on all my comp. mags. The silicone spray sounds easier. thanks for the help
  8. -JQ-

    Bad product names

    Ford Aspire...one can only assume...aspiring to be a real car... It seems mountain bike products tend to be...edgy?...There used to be a lube called "Demon semen"...no matter how good that was I WASN'T buying...also NOT purchased was "slippery spitt"... Why not just use good ole wholesome names like Phil Wood Waterproof Grease?? It isn't catchy but it is hard to beat.
  9. Those are sweet mags...I hope you can.
  10. From brochure "Want to visit miles of sandy beaches? Have we got a place for you!!"
  11. -JQ-

    OPEN sub gun

    The only subgun matches I've shot are divided by: open (bolt), closed (bolt), with optics, no optics...all pistol calibers (being SUBguns) I mostly shoot closed bolt w/ optics....sometimes without. there are a bunch of subgunners on hkpro.com and some don't always shoot HK's ???
  12. Here's a Sig that would rock in the production class...I've already exceeded my pistol budget for the year or I would be all over it...plz buy it before I start selling plasma. This isn't mine but I KNOW it is sweet with GGI work already done. http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=66316
  13. As I'm getting rather addicted to this sport, I'm trying to figure out an affordable pace...affordable, not just in money, but burnout as well. Right now I would like to compete every weekend but that would quickly take its toll for $ure. Thanks.
  14. First big match - Last weekend at the IN sectional after starting last october in some local club matches. No DQ's and no AD's so that was good. Finished top D SS...I hope they make the "D" really small on the plaque
  15. either timex or luminox...I can't spend more than those...cause I don't care what time it is anyway
  16. I bought a SDB last week for 45 for these reasons...and I liked the price. This will sit next to my 550 set up for .40 Like Flex said, I figured once I get it all set-up I won't have to worry with resetting...I need all those extra seconds to remember where I put my glasses... ymmv
  17. Cool...thanks 45. I was just curious. Thanks to all who donated too!
  18. How did you find out about the door prize? email? Congrats on the c-more...
  19. Thanks to David et al.!! This was my first major match and I really enjoyed it...in fact there are a couple of stage I would like to go back today and re-shoot All the RO's were great. The stages were great. The cold water was AWESOME! Thanks!! Althought I blew the steel stage, I did well on the tx star stage...so that was a little consolation. Lessons learned: Go faster Shut up and listen (overheard some good pointers as we walked thru) Clean mags between stages if possible Even Wilson mags don't like dust crammed in them...same for gun Front site, Front site, Front site, Front site practice, practice, practice, practice I'm sure I learned more but my brain is still a bit overheated... Still ruling the SS "D" class!! hk_mtbr
  20. Sorry for your loss. VERY nice video...and outstanding Tx star...I'll keep that in mind tomorrow...
  21. Aiming fluid! Come on guys...you're just across the river from the epicenter of all that's good...bourbon I mean...rum is for silly umbrellas and sandy beaches. See you Sunday!
  22. even a broken clock is right twice a day...vista makes me think about a mmmm...mmmaaa.....can't say it...
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