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Everything posted by -JQ-

  1. Yesterday at a local match a "new" shooter was in our squad who had a few issues. I'm fairly new to the pistol game and I know odd things can happen after the sound of the buzzer but Yikes! The cof starts with hand on x's. After the buzzer step back and take 3 targets on the right, turn engage two on left. This shooter turns UP range sweeping the whole squad with the gun, we all ducked and yelled but it was too late. One of us would have been shot if the trigger was pulled. I'm not sure why she wasn't DQ's but when she got up after that we all got nervous...the only other stage was a no move classifier so little chance of sweeping the crowd. Of course the shooter was sorry/embarrassed and appologized but... We all had fun and made it home alive but this is a serious game...I guess it IS better to be lucky than good?! Just thought I'd share.
  2. Glockopop- I was in the same boat as you...heard the term...but didn't know its true origin. It was such a funny read that I had to share it even though some had seen it before. I still re-read it sometimes when I need a laugh. I can't decide if it was true or not. I have since found out that this guy is a mod on another board and his responses on that board seem to sound just like the story. Either way it makes a good read...and from where I sit everyone needs a laugh once in a while. I've even thought about making some Mall ninja t-shirts...might still. I can see him walking through the parking lot holding up armor plates next to his head...
  3. As a new-ish competitor, it doesn't bother me if people are talking so long as is isn't to me or the RO, etc. I figure if they are chatting they aren't as focused on me and my backward mags :-) ...and besides the only thing I hear is the whump whump whump of my heartbeat after LAMR anyway ymmv
  4. I don't need to hear your business while I do mine... I do however feel obligated to give extra flushes and make extra loud...noises for the benefit of the person on the other end on the conversation. Exception - you are either an air traffic controller talking someone down or a Dr. helping someone in an emergency child birth/surgery...strangely I haven't heard either. don't get me started on camera phones... <rant off> Thanks.
  5. Here is where to begin your quest for all things related to lead exposure... http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/lead/#home Other chemical exposures, etc... http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/ Remember, children are very susceptible to lead poisoning.
  6. Support your hypothesis. IIRC detergents with trisodium phosphate will bind to lead...so when you have to clean out the resdiual gunk out of your cleaner, you might consider using a cleaner w TSP RIH (Recovering Industrial Hygienist) For more than you ever wnated to know about lead... http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/lead/
  7. you visualize your front site on the cars in front of you..."fast lane/slow lane" transition drills (this may also be a result of too much coffee)
  8. -JQ-

    idpa targets

    I'm too busy talking to myself and my gun to bother with yelling the right thing...unless "FRONT SITE" is what you're supposed to yell at people.
  9. OK. My name is Joel Qu...I'll be right back. There is someone knocking on my door :->
  10. So many good things to dstract me from work...I thought of our own PB when I saw this one. http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/cubegoodies/60d4/ This one is more in lline with the forum though... http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/warfare/8bc4/
  11. I shot a local club's Friday night Steel match on Friday evening here in SW Ohio. It was a bunch of fun and I ran into a few of the local fast-guys from the local ispc/USPSA matches. I think it will really impact my first shot on target as well as transitions...where I really need help. You get the choice of pre-shoot positions (i.e., hands at sides, surrender, or low ready) Since I need the speed, I chose hands at sides/holstered. The best part was that the match was only $5...that coupled with shooting cheaper ammo (9mm)...I think this is going to be on my regular plan for improvement. My finish wasn't spectacular...middle of the pack...but it was much fun ymmv
  12. If it is promotional you either have to pay or get royalty free...which isn't always free to get initially but typically isn't a pay per use issue. Try these guys: www.productiontrax.com Some are cheap some are free...sometimes hit or miss but still a large searchable llibrary.
  13. Thanks Dave. I just faxed in my ATF 5320.20 so she can cross state lines! I'm also tracking down an A2 stock...non-collapsing. The A3 gets high mall-ninja points but is hard on a body...esp in F mode. See you there!
  14. Are french manicures allowed? now that is tacti-cool.
  15. Very nice match today in So In.! Thanks for the help Aire- and aiki-dale. Esp. for the extra ammo Airedale! I won't let that happen again...nice recipe for the 45 too. I liked the long stages...I need the mag change practice :-). Do they always have such high round counts or have I just been shooting short matches? That range isn't too far from NKY...I'll make that trip some more for sure. I'll post a link if I get any good video. Here's the first COF I shot with it camera a couple weeks ago in Pickaway OH.
  16. +1...sorry in advance for sideline quarterbacking but I had this done (L4) and was up walking that afternoon...not happily but better that day. Was back riding in months and did first race within first year. I also started tai chi for rehab...fyi...very relaxing and adds strength and flexibility...later progressed to yoga for more strength and more flex...mostly chics in those classes too ;-) YMMV of course. Good luck whatever the case.
  17. I have never been to this range and was wondering if anyone was going. Or if anyone want to ride with me...I guess I'm going either way. It looks like it is just across the river from Louisville KY Silver Creek Conservation Club http://www.silvercreekcc.org/pp/USPSA.htm
  18. I've heard many theories and take this for what it is... ...The fixed barrel seems to help ..the bore axis ...it is a well made machine and engineered as such Personally I think it is the "perfect storm" of design and manufacturing. I just wish the M8 and M13 weren't so high $$$. How's the heel mag release for you? I too need to pick up a trade in before the prices creep up and the good ones dissapear. Nice Gun! Maybe I'm biased...
  19. I wish I had known that the Sig X5 AR was prod. legal...I want to take back my vote for alloy and write in a vote for the X5 AR. I must not buy another X5 I must not buy another X5 I must not buy another X5...sorry for the drift but I must not buy another X5
  20. First Congrats!! It is a great feeling when Uncle Sam says you area a "good dude" I suggest a class from Tom at HKPro.com. He is the board owner there screen name hkpro. He offers classes on the MP5 throughout the country. I took his class last year and it was awesome. He put us throught the MP5 Operators course, he can't call it that as he's no longer affliated with HK professionally. We learned how to shoot it (I thought I knew...wrong), stoppages, transferring from subgun to sidearm...and back, moving drills, trigger drills (1,2,3 shot bursts while on F). He showed us that a full 30 round mag can be dumped into 3 inch target...saw it with my own two eyes...still can't do that one myself. Sidenote-one girl in the class was pulling single shots from F all day, to the point where he had to keep checking she wasn't in "E" - single shot selection...she just got it somehow...I can pull 2 and 3, but 1...still working on that. Plan on about ~800 rds for subgun and ~200 sidearm. Tom is a really good guy and VERY informed. Currently Chief of Police and SWAT for many years in MO. He is also a great instructor in addition to being a guru on the MP5. Rounds going up and right are typical of Right handers. You'll work this out in class but the short answer is use the weak hand to pull the gun straight back into your chest not just proping up the far end of the gun...and shoot with shoulders squared to the target, not bladed like you would shoot a hunting rifle. IIRC the class was around $250 but that may have changed. I will probably take it again as a refresher. www.hkpro.com - is a great resource for tons of HK info...and parts from the boards there. Good luck - maybe I'll see you in a match?! Joel PS - the Civi-problematic MP5's tend to be clones...pony up and buy HK ;-)
  21. +1 on having Bruce (The Other Great One) do some work. I just sent one to him for his blessing. Be sure to check and see if the Elites are legal in production class...otherwise you'd have to sell it to me real cheap if it wasn't allowed...:-)
  22. I don't shoot production but my X5 Comp in 40 does a real nice job in L10. I sometimes shoot my X5 Tactical in limited minor which can hold 20. I also have a P250 that I have for CCW but I'm not sure how competative the long pull would be. I plan to try it some day though. Locally I have seen a couple of 228's and 229s in matches and one 226.
  23. Thinking about doing some three gun...and I like Major PF.
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