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Everything posted by -JQ-

  1. Thanks. Zero Gravity. It's been too long off the bike when you forget what you installed on the bike. I need to get back on and log some miles. Single Pivot Power! I don't need no stinkin' dual pivot! I'm glad to see some hardtails out there. I have a dually but really feel more in control and connected when on my hardtail...even more so when I ride my fully rigid bike...man old man back doesn't like it much though. I used to have an Ibis Mountain Trials bike...no typo Ibis made a few observed trials bikes back in the day. I called them to get info and the guy was really stoked that those bikes were still around. I think he said they built 10-20 of them...I traded it for a NIB set of XTR V brakes when they first came out. i dig that color too!!
  2. That's what I told people when I used to play golf....
  3. nevermind serenity now serenity now serenity now
  4. merriam webster: Main Entry: 3fit Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fitt strife Date: circa 1541 1 a: a sudden violent attack of a disease (as epilepsy) especially when marked by convulsions or unconsciousness : paroxysm b: a sudden but transient attack of a physical disturbance 2: a sudden burst or flurry (as of activity) <cleaned the whole house in a fit of efficiency> 3: an emotional reaction (as in anger or frustration) <has a fit when I show up late> Sounds fit to me...
  5. Sounds like he's ^^ got you lined out. One more thing to consider, in regard to "size" - Different companies measure from different points....some center of tube - to - center; others center of tube - to top of top tube...just know a 17" of one brand isn't a 17" of another ...and tell the sale people how you really plan to use the bike and have a great year of riding... You'll likely be asking later in the year "What kind of cold weather gear do I need?" I'm sure we can help then too. Good luck!
  6. So, if you do one of those exercises you aren't fit in other areas? I don't get it. I think what he is getting at is that you need well rounded excercise...granted my arms aren't as strong as my legs but I wouldn't discount this as a great way to get into shape...I know too many personal examples. In that short peice it sounds like he's saying that you can't get anerobic work from cycling...that too depends on what type of riding you do. Slow steady riding (rails to trails) is likely just going to improve your aerobice fitness over building muscle. But is you start working on sprints or hill repeats you will get anerobic. Ehhh...there are many different theories for each type of exercise. Go Ride! Sorry about the drift - drift off
  7. My avitar is certainly NOT what you are looking for. That is a titanium FRAME that was $3K...not including parts or build...but that isn't what you were asking for. Think Benny Hill level build for this bike. You wouldn't want to try to CCW an Open blaster either. FIT is most important. If the shop won't let you try it out around the block or so...keep shopping. Buy from a bike shop not big retail chain. One of the biggest reasons for this is - a bike mechanic assembling the bike vs. stockboy putting bike together. They should also be able to guide you to a model when you tell them how/where you'll be riding. And yes components at this level will be entry level but they can be replaced when needed. Also buy a small repair kit and know how to fix a flat...you'll need this someday. ymmv
  8. Trek is a good brand but you might also check out Specialized too. They have some bikes that are built for the road but have flat bars like a mountain bike which gives you an upright position. $350-$500 isn't a bad price range for what you seek. Components are where they cut the price many times, so consider a good fitting frame that you can upgrade components later as they wear out or when you are ready to lighten things up. Fit is everything. Ride different brands and see what feels right. Don't get too hung up on what someone tells you should fit, but more what feels right to you. Minor fitting can also be achieved with different stems, etc but don't discount your gut feeling on feel. If it doesn't fit you won't ride it. Also, skip the big giant padded seat. They look comfy but can cause issues/pain/chaffing if you really get into riding much...you also don't have to have the skinniest leather saddle either. Be prepared to try different saddles as you get into cycling. Marketing hype can be just that but Specialized generally makes very good saddles...just like a good holster, some work for you but maybe not your buddy...but try to buy decent quality. And don't be afraid of padded shorts, they come in fashionable styles and your junk will be happier. Budget for a helmet. Bell used to have the best tag line "If you have a $10 head, buy a $10 helmet"..says it all...figure at least $50...they all look dorky - get over it. Again this will be a fit thing. Bell helmets don't fit my head shape but Giro does...try em on. Good luck and keep us posted.
  9. Ok took a pic after riding yesterday. You see that I couldn't help but put her sister in the pic. I did NOT pick the bike for the colors. I want a mountain bike now. I like how the open blaster matches the accents on the bike...very nice. I guess I've got to get some pics up now.
  10. OK so here goes (prior to cleaning): You said both sides or these sides ...and
  11. Two issues I had were: its 9mm and too pretty. I'm afraid that is more show than I need...although it is tempting.
  12. Thanks Dale...for not saying how slow I was using it. I actually beat 4 other slow SS people last weekend with it...only 5 shooters. I'm really starting to love that Trojan...now if I could only shoot it weak hand... I'll get that video up some day soon I hope. FYI it is still on my helmet cam...and you got a pretty good feature IIRC.
  13. For SS I shoot an STI Trojan from Dawson...does that count? I think the bumper on my car is polymer.
  14. don't forget, jb inital offering was in 38 auto not .45. lynn So he made a minor correction... We'll just call that a beta test...
  15. I was wondering if anyone had info on Miller custom 1911's. I was offered one in trade. Thoughts? thx
  16. Hey, I'm an Open guy and a road guy, but I've also got an '07 Specialized Epic Expert with a wheel upgrade too (in badass gunmetal grey to boot!)....it's like a rule to have at least one decent mountain bike here! Nice bike too...the Epic... My dually is a Kona... The one in my avatar is my 93 Fat Chance Ti (Holy Grail bike)...my road bike is a Chris Chance Chromoly...Chris Chance is like a Benny Hill build ...oh and I have a Chromoly Fat Chance too...steel IS real. Yet another addiction...
  17. ...saying that they won't be in tomorrow 'cause they're going to a Reds game...RHIP oh well I'm on be.com anyway
  18. -JQ-

    Happy Birthday

    I hope everyone gets helmet cams...B-)
  19. I knew you open guys were roadies at heart! Nice bike and glad to have another into the fold. Road bikes are really good for cardio and for real cardio you don't have to be at an exceptionally high HR, just spinning steady...but then there are the anaerobic days...hills hills hills I really only ride the road for training but it is nice when you get out in the back country among the farms... As for the garb...I hate the chamois shorts like everyone else but they aren't for looks but for protecting your junk...and to me that is most important. That said I have a buddy who will ONLY wear jeans even on the longest, hottest, swampyiest days...did I mention the lycra/spandex/etc helps keep you dry? at least dryer than denim. Helmets...your choice but we won't ride with anyone in the back country without them. for one thing hauling them out with a cracked noggin would ruin my day... Now go take pics of her or the thread ain't worth spit
  20. do you know your blood lead levels??
  21. I know this may seem simple-minded for you advanced shooters...that's why I put it in the Beginner's section. I started shooting local practical pistol matches in october of last year (07) and I guess there are some things that have to sink in before they make sense. Something I was doing was trying to go for too many points. This is the hit factor thing and my brain would glaze over most of the time when I tried to figure it out. (I won't go into HF here with the following excpetion)...wait to hear me out before telling me you need all the points. Here's my issue: When finishing up a COF (course of fire) I would then scan the targets looking for where I could have done better...d hits versus a's. So here I am taking the time at the end of my COF looking at the targets and then taking the time to decide which to shoot then ...bang seconds later. Maybe this took a couple of seconds but maybe more - for only a point or two. So, shoot your best as fast as you can and be done with it. Maybe this doesn't make sense to anyone but me...that happens a lot too. ymmv
  22. Bill you're right. That kid had a bag of brass bigger than he was...and some of it was my .45...38 super is WAY easy to spot too. Next time...
  23. True enough...that's why I didn't mention range, etc. I didn't want to be an issue as I really like the range and all the RO's. Just venting...and reminding everyone that safety comes first. I hope it isn't me at the next one...no perfection here. hey, who told you about my embarrassing family??
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