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Everything posted by -JQ-

  1. staring at the phone does NOT make it ring...if it did my smith would have called today...at least you're close
  2. -JQ-

    never mind

    yeah because the water gets filtered through the limestone...i understand
  3. -JQ-

    Roping a Deer

    thanks I needed that! Poor deer...he's probably still telling that story down by the creek
  4. Congrats! I love excel...most days...thankfully I don't have to mess with that side of my brain too often ;-) Always be good to your good nerds...and to your inner nerd
  5. since money is no object http://www.alienware.com/ I guy here at work has one of their laptops...its sweet
  6. They seriously need to call the media on this one... and to quote JT - I don't trust myself to speak on this so I'll go with the emoticons
  7. UPDATE: I just spoke to WC and sent them the pics above. They were very helpful and said they would get the pics to the right people. Yep Flex new gun...bought one day before the IN sectional where I used it to win Single Stack................D class The guns runs like a top so far but the marks make me wonder a bit about the QC and what else is "under the hood"
  8. Good question flex on the dustcovers, etc. I guess one thing I really want to know from this is...should I call wilson and ask/insist that they "finish the job"? I'm sure a local smith could do it, I could do it to some degree, but this is a high dollar gun with a lifetime warranty. And, one reason for buying this level of gun is that "I" didn't want to have to tune it...maybe I expect too much but I don't think so. If I buy a $3k bike frame I don't expect to have to clean up welds either...maybe I crazy.
  9. Man I hate to hear this but yes - happy and safe Mine died 3 years ago from ovarian cancer...at 40...and those "anniverseries" are tough silent milestones that no one else knows or remembers but you It sucks like no one can believe who hasn't been there...like a hand grenade in my life...broken parts and pieces everywhere. and - "Be humble, patient, and understanding. I need to work on all of these" - yes me too. --and understanding that you'll never really understand--
  10. Well I hadn't said which one was which...but you are right. And that was my thoughts exactly...$1200 vs. $2400. Even if it isn't a major factor on performance I really expected everything to be slick and sick. That having been said, the STI did get Dave Dawson's enhancement package...which I highly recommend!
  11. I had the slides off my 2 1911's tonight. Both guns are fairly new and each has around 500 rounds of WWB. The bottom of one slide is very smooth and the other has tooling marks on; what I would guess to be an important surface. Is this an issue or just cosmetic? One looks polished the other not. Also one has two small "dings"...see the arrows...what's that about? JQ
  12. If you are a vet or active duty...even if you are a dependent in some cases... USAA insurance has really been great for me...in fact they got my car loan, home loan and various insurance...the people have ALWAYS been helpful too. I'm not an insurance salesman nor a lawyer - ymmv
  13. classic posts never die I miss my 1971 Ford Maverick...OK I said it. Oh and it was green.
  14. +1 BE.com member: fomeister (Mike) Fast and easy! You can even get pink I mean somebody has to right? I'll get the pink ones when I get my GM card!
  15. I assume you tow that thing with the barrel pointed back...to ward off tailgaters...I NEED one of those
  16. -JQ-

    Mila Kunis

    mmm...Jackie Good day...
  17. -JQ-


    ...and this speed limit was 65 mph - min. 55... +1 on not trusting motorist - I don't even when I'm wrapped by a couple tons of steel
  18. I tend to fog more in the winter... Cat Crap - no not that kind - this kind: http://catcrap.com.au/home
  19. -JQ-


    First - I'm all for saving the planet BUT... SCOOTERS Stay off the highway!! So I'm merging on to the highway in rush hour traffic - behind a scooter - #$%^#!!! This guy can't go 55 much less 65. When I merge I figure I should be going at least the speed of everyone else...here comes scooter guy - with a bag of shopping held between his legs WFT. I can't pass him and he can't go faster. It is like he's oblivious to the traffic...maybe it is a death wish...must be there's no other reason If you can't do the speed limit stay off the roads - highways or sidestreets - it is like they are too cool to obey the laws. And then they way they ride with their legs in front like sitting on a chair - that just makes me mad looking at them. Motorcycles - I give a wide berth to as I have great respect for all riders. Plus I know they have plenty of power to keep up and/or get out of the way...but the little vespa-latte-capa-crappa-cycle wanna be's really hack me off. If you are going to go that slow you should be pedaling your fat a$$ off...and stay off the highway...! I say they should = 50 points... Thanks I feel better now...maybe 75 points?!
  20. hewlett-packard sounds too much like packard bell - for you who remember sorry about your luck
  21. Well, it looks like my gun that is appropriate for daily carry is not allowed by the organization whose stated purpose includes: I also think this is a bummer. If you carry a pistol with a cone barrel then I feel you should be able to compete with it...maybe a "run what you brung" class? I know there are rules for a reason but it can be a bit un-friendly for some one just getting into the sport who wants to compete with their true EDC gun not a "game" peice. That aside, I shot an IDPA match last week and one guy was using a drop leg rig ( and no cover)...looked like he was just in from the "east"...so I guess just for fun...meh
  22. Since you already have a single stack (SS) in 45 you are ready to go for the single stack class. As a beginner myself I think the fact that you can ONLY have 8 rds/mag will help you in the long run. You'll learn to make mag changes and you'll have to be careful with your ammo - no blasting away hoping to hit a's. You'll also have to dissect the stages more but your squad mates will help there too...you can learn many things just by listening and watching other shooters...sometimes I don't follow there lines - but usually find that I should've...sometimes... BTW - SS is not what I would guess to be the easiest route to learn and likely not the fastest (for a beginner) but you shouldn't be too concerned about speed yet (it is hard not to though ). My focus is still: not getting DQ's for something, shooting myself or others and shooting for alphas - like everyone told me speed will come. I think SS will drill the fundamentals into you without going crazy with optics, super-sized mags, etc etc... another point (all practical sports so just learn it) - Learn to take finger off trigger when starting to move and/or changing mags...safety first. A "general" rule in SS seems to be, If you move positions you need to change mags" - yes you may be dropping mags with ammo left in them...going to slide lock is the slow way to changes as are "standing" reloads...as it sounds, standing reloads you are just standing there not moving positions...in SS you do these enough anyway :-( Another thing that appeals to me is the more practical aspect of your equipment in SS - holster and mag pouch positioning. Also pretty much the same equip and positions for IDPA if you start that too. You can shoot L10 too you get a couple more rounds and more flexible holster (read: race holsters, mags in front of body) Just my $0.02 Use the search function and read read read here. Oh - Welcome to BE Joel
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