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Everything posted by MemphisMechanic

  1. 9mm for sure. There’s only two times at locals that .45 comes in handy: 1. If your match regularly sets up heavy poppers that f**k the Production guys. 2. If you’re looking to make a higher classification. Major is a huge advantage on classifiers - the extra 20% capacity isn’t an advantage like it is on field courses.
  2. This. 2ft to the side and 8ft behind is well outside the splatter zone.
  3. I had a squib I strongly suspect was from loading the case after hosing it down with one shot. I now have a small tupperware plastic bin in my clean brass bucket. Hose the bottom with one shot, use it to scoop up brass, agitate, dump into casefeeder. Keeps you from spraying inside your cases.
  4. Your safety area method is the only legal way, everything else is a DQ at a place which strictly follows the rules like theyre supposed to. Also, be aware than handling any ammo at the safe area is a disqualification. Empty mags and empty gun ONLY. That DQ includes the dummy round you forgot was still in one of your mags, and it includes moving mags with bullets in them directly from your range bag into your mag pouches at the safety area as you gear up. Unbag, clear gun, transfer gun to your holster... then assume your empty mags are actually loaded. Walk away from the safe area to handle them and stuff then into belt pouches. Simple, foolproof method which will never steer you wrong.
  5. @Marlo don’t dredge up old posts and reply to them in order to run yourself up to 50 posts. Poor form, and you might mysteriously find your post count reset to zero... that’s happened at least once.
  6. Tolerances on these guns are too loose to make it a 100% drop in proposition in all guns, but the Titan hammer and BOLO drop into *most* tanfos together without any fitting. They did in mine.
  7. I hate the way gopro’s clip the audio and make the gun sound like a pellet gun, though. And very heavily dislike the ones with a noticeable fisheye view; Making all the targets look 50% farther away than they actually were. The truly realistic field of view and the audio were the best selling points on the pivothead glasses.
  8. Not surprising at all. Steel Challenge plays down all of the advantages that Open offers over other handguns which make it so dominant in USPSA: 1. Magazine capacity 2. Dot 3. Major scoring 4. Compensator The first one is obvious. We’re only shooting 5, plus makeups. The second? Both guns have a dot, so that’s a wash in both sports. Steel challenge targets don’t offer any benefit to a Major shooter. (You’re only shooting Alphas or mikes, no extra credit for C’s.) Transitioning to the next target on each shot gives the uncompensated gun time to return from recoil, so the comp is no longer a huge factor on followup shots. If SC required two shots per target and the targets had a C-zone things might be different. Maybe.
  9. Your premise is flawed. Major wins because you can hammer away at targets on the move, or be ultra-aggressive on partial targets because shooting Cs very quickly results in a higher HF than taking the extra few hundreths to shoot the target clean. Anything of that sort shaves enough time off to boost your score when shooting Major. It doesn’t do that in Minor.
  10. IDPA shooters are typically very accurate, especially under the new ruleset. They just take all day for those raging 1.2 splits.
  11. If I were building a Tanfo for CO it would be a Lim Pro if I didn’t want to mill the slide... or a Stock 2 if I did. Either way I want the freedom to run ambi safeties and henning grips if I so desire. But you know my feels. I’m all about the milling. My current CO gun:
  12. The bolo deletes all pretravel when combined with a titan hammer and extended firing pin block. The trigger resets and stops right there. The titan hammer has shortened hooks, so greatly reduced creep:
  13. @waktasz it really sucks that pivothead went under. I liked the camera angle and video/audio quality the most ... and hate even more that mine quit talking to my laptop the month after they threw in the towel!
  14. That’s fine. Run it. Won’t hurt anything. I run a load with worn out walnut media from time to time and come out with those. It doesn’t matter what it looks like as long as it’s been smoothed and won’t chew up your dies.
  15. You haven’t handled many of the steel-grip equipped limited guns that are currently in fashion. Many of them are high 40s to mid 50s on weight.
  16. He’s probably using those pointy copper-colored ones.
  17. Read the article I linked, above, from someone who handled one directly. There’s no longer a trigger safety.
  18. That said, in a PCC *only* match I’d hope to see some truly challenging targets. 50yd plates or minipoppers (give this RO a golf cart for stage setup!) and stages with a plethora of 20yd headshots. Actually push to challenge their accuracy the way matches like the Lucas Oil match have. It’s legal to set up per USPSA rules too. The only reason you don’t see 53yd minipoppers at USPSA matches is because that’s annoying to us handgun shooters.
  19. With even the slightest bit of competent stage design? It’s a non-issue. The beginner USPSA stage designer puts four targets in a clump, then you run to the next spot, and repeat. An experienced one who knows how to give you options, invite shooting on the move, and work within the letter of the rulebook thinks entirely differently. Here are two approaches to putting 20+ rds up front in a stage (you’d continue downrange for the second half of the stage). One is unimaginitive and illegal. One invites you to approach it several different ways, and is also legal: To shoot the bottom course in Production you could engage the left poppers then the two close paper to the right while moving to the window. Reload and shoot 8rd there. Load again taking paper and poppers around the barrels... then flow downrange. (Recall that per the rules, shooting around either side of a small wall or barrel consists of two views/positions.) In a PCC match you’d just shoot it all with a combination of posting up and shooting on the move. Mission accomplished.
  20. That’s true of all of us when learning to run a new weapon. If the stock is further from centerline than your nipple, you’re doing it wrong. I find this helps: Mount the gun exactly as you want it - stock inboard and head not excessively tilted. Don’t move your head. Activate the safety and move the gun to the required start position, such as stock on belt. Then consciously (1) snap the stock back up against your cheek and (2) drive it hard into your shoulder with the offhand. Begin shooting as usual. After a few weeks that’ll be your new normal and you won’t want to shoot any other way.
  21. The thing is... a rifle needs a good shooter just as much as a handgun does. I’m not directing this at you, moreso at any novice to PCC who reads this. Don’t shoot like a Vietnam era solider: The oldschool technique everyone emulates unless trained otherwise: * Tucks stock into shoulder pocket * shoulders bladed to target (so weak side is well ahead of strong, torso around 45 degrees) * stock extended to comfortable length * head laid on stock with noticeable lean to the side. This is an awkward stance to move in, and recoil is applied to your torso well out on your shoulder and the dot tracks... yep. Up and outboard of centerline as your shoulder rotates behind the recoil. So up and right for a right, up and left for a lefty. Instead: * Mount the bottom corner of the stock on your pec directly below the eye. Head stays nearly vertical, you don’t lay it over onto the stock. (Just dip your chin straight down to brace your cheek on the stock.) * collapse your stock a few notches and rotate the shoulders and hips square to the target * grip the handguard out where it fully extends your weak arm, then pull back about an inch so the elbows is just slightly broken. Drive the gun back hard into your shoulder, and lean forward in the torso and drive the shoulder forward into the gun. You should not need your firing hand to support the rifle. * get your weight forward and knees bent Much like with a handgun, clamping down on the gun and making your thigh/abdominal/arm muscles burn while your shooting? It leads to a MUCH more controllable recoil experience. Shooting aggressively shouldn’t be comfortable. You’re driving the gun after all - only novices let things happen the other way around.
  22. And if you don’t like the shot placement, you can just reach out and grab that bullet in the first 30 seconds or so of it’s flight, and nudge it back onto course.
  23. You reload more. Dryfire your mag changes if you run a 2011 pistol - I wouldn’t risk borrowing high cap mags that are untested in that gun. Run a Glock or XD or Walther? Borrow some mags for sure. And same for finding a friend there who’ll let you borrow some quality 30rd AR mags. Those also run in virtually any gun without testing.
  24. This. A powderpuff 180gr load will likely mean a softer recoil spring. A 155gr bullet on the current powder charge means more slide velocity than a reduced-charge 180gr load. A lot of 9mm guys do this. 147gr 135pf load for USPSA, then drop a 100 or 115gr bullet onto it for steel challenge. But in any case give 40 minor a try. It is much softer than 9mm at the same PF because the bullet is heavier.
  25. Compensators do more work than ports, for sure. Both in muzzle rise, and especially in recoil mitigation (where a ported barrel does nothing.) The gas exiting the barrel hits the wall on the far side of each chamber and blasts against it, effectively pushing the gun forward a little bit.
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