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Friday Flame Fest.


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I hate that the 9th Circuit wants to make the WAR on terrorism into an exercise of criminal justice. Does the 9th Circuit ever get a decision correct?

They just do get that war and international relations is a function of the executive branch. How does the 9th Circuit or SCOTUS for that matter have jurisdiction? How do foreign terrorists have standing in an American court? The idea of assigning Al-Queda suspects attorneys and having criminal trials and having to produce admissible evidence to get convictions beyond a reasonable doubt is so ridiculous it leaves me speechless.

These guys are not the Crips or Bloods, the mafia, the Klan or your local druggie burglar. They are part of an international terrorist movement who will do ANYTHING they can to destroy the USA, the West and its citizens to further their delusional Islamofascist agenda. And now we live in a world where technology is so advanced that these guys can obtain weapons that can obliterate thousands even millions of people. Dealing with them is not a function for police, prosecutors and judges. It's a role for our intelligence and military forces.

I hope Dubya tells the 9th Circuit to go to Guantanamo Bay try and enforce it's ruling. :angry:

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These guys are not the Crips or Bloods, the mafia, the Klan or your local druggie burglar. They are part of an international terrorist movement who will do ANYTHING they can to destroy the USA, the West and its citizens to further their delusional Islamofascist agenda. And now we live in a world where technology is so advanced that these guys can obtain weapons that can obliterate thousands even millions of people. Dealing with them is not a function for police, prosecutors and judges. It's a role for our intelligence and military forces.

I hate that MOST Americans would have no idea why someone would be pissed about this.


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These guys provide important intel as to the activities of their organization so capturing at least some of them is a good idea. But imagine a military or CIA interrogator reading a terrorist or Bin Laden or Saddam his Miranda rights and providing him with a federal public defender before he makes a statement. What a joke.

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Right on Kelly.

The Romans may have been a bit too brutal in their overall level of humanity, but they did know how to deal with this type of thing decisively.

I also hate that there are three great 3gun matches next June, and that I might have to go to all of them :-)

I like that I can drive to all of them easily.


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That's a whole bunch of 3 Gun! I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it!

There is a good article at www.nationalreview.com/comment/mccarthy about the 2d Circuit's stupid decision concerning Jose Padilla.

Now it is highly unlikely that any of these Islamofascist murderers (or wanna be murderers) are going to be released anytime soon to detonate a dirty bomb in your local mall but if the ACLU and 9th Circuit were in charge they would be.

Osama and his clan must be laughing their asses off at the antics of the American Courts.

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I hate that I'm obligated to go to a Christmas party tonight hosted by a couple of academics who actually have a house in f$$%$#g France! I got mouse-trapped into going even after I suggested parceling France into three separate pieces...one for the Swedes to turn into an X-rated movie set, one to the Italians on general principles and the third to the Israelis just to creep out the Germans. God, I thought I offended *everybody...*

Michael B...hmmmm, I know I've got a Thunder Ranch "There are just some people who need to be shot" t-shirt around here somewhere!

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"...one to the Italians on general principles..."
HAHAHAHAHAHA...!!! :lol:

I hate that most women DO (including me) end up running our asses off for nothing because that seems to be our only employment option much of the time. Either that or don't work--a bad option... almost worse than the existing option. I'll be glad when I can collect social security, dammit. Screw you people out there and your nowhere, minimum-wage jobs. You call this fulfilling and satisfying??!! Screw that concept, too!! :angry::angry::angry:

You REALLY wanna know what I hate?? People who BEG you to help them get organized then you set them up with beaucoup organizational remedies and they refuse to follow it. WHAT'S THE F**KING POINT??!! :wacko: I'm through with it. Just gimme my social security and leave me alone. I'm going to the range to shoot. Outa my way!....... :angry::angry::angry::angry:

(the new VixZen has spoken...!)

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I hate that I'm obligated to go to a Christmas party tonight hosted by a couple of academics who actually have a house in f$$%$#g France!

Break out the barbecue rig . . . this calls for the open carry "statement"!

I don't really have much to hate today. I shoved some snow and slush around, but it only took me about 20 minutes. And I was wearing shorts.

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I was all primed to post a smoking rant about the ninth circus too. But, Kellyn said it perfectly! So, I'll rest my case counsellor. ;) At least on that note.....

I used to get angry at people like the Klintons, Chuck Schumer, Di Fi, and the usual suspects. But, then I realized that they are only symptoms of a much more pervasive problem. Fully half of American citizens are national socialists. (Yeah, the acronym is Nazi.) They reject moral absolutes in favor of a system of relative values. Moral absolutes have consequences. Laws are supposed to represent these absolutes. As a culture, we elevate total dirt-bags, worthy of public humiliation and exile to icon status. Bill Clinton, Michael Jackson, a host of sports figures, and Hollywood personalities parade their sordid affairs through our news media totally immune from our laws. Instead of recoiling in total horror, we continue to line their pockets and promote their agendas which will eventually result in complete societal breakdown. That is their goal. That is exactly why they have compassion for Saddam and want to go easy on terrorists. That is why they hate our current President.

In order to create their brave new world they have to distroy my stodgy old one. The fact that they will upset the order of things is a forgone conclusion. The only question is, "will they succeed in the long run". Think about how we compromise our freedom everytime we pay to see a Hollywood movie. The only justice a man can expect in our present society, is that which he exacts for himself on his tormentors.

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Fully half of American citizens are national socialists. (Yeah, the acronym is Nazi.) They reject moral absolutes in favor of a system of relative values. As a culture, we elevate total dirt-bags, worthy of public humiliation and exile to icon status.

Thank you!!! I couldn't have put it better myself.

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Those that have commented on the imbeciles in the 9th circuit...right on! Don't worry, it will be overturned like 90% of the rest of their "decisions". The only folks that do a worse job and stay employed are the weather prediction folks. ;)

I hate that I will spend the entire day tomorrow finishing up the Christmas shopping, wrapping and packaging for shipment on Monday (paying the premium for guaranteed by Christmas service) and won't get to spend a much needed day at the range. I have had my AR built now for several weeks and only have about 150 rounds through it. This sucks!

I hate that some ignorant little twit in a SUV rear-ended my parents yesterday as they stopped for a pedestrian in a cross-walk and then when the cops got there tried to pin the blame on them for stopping too fast. Gee...I wonder if the pedestrian thought they stopped too fast? At least my folks are okay and the car can be fixed. Why is it apparently impossible for people to take responsibility for their own actions? Wonder what she will tell the judge when she goes to court to pay her citations?

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This is a simple lesson on how to annoy the French, hereafter called "the frogs"

First. Ask, no insist on ENGLISH wine, and mention loudly how much better it is than that crap from Bordex, or whatever the place is.


Wear a T-Shirt with a picture of Hitler dressed like a punk rocker. With 'The Nazi Party, European Tour 1939-1945" all over the front and a list of French towns on the back.


Ask the hostess how long does it take to grow armpit hair that long and how often do you shave your upper lip.


Why don't any of you take your Holidays at the South Pacific test centre, it must be nice you let all the locals sun it up there.


If any Germans turn up, (unlikely after 1945) ask why they are suddenly so friendly with aforementioned frogs, concerning the construction industry in Iraq, seeing as neither of them was keen on getting their collective hands dirty earlier, but now that it is all quiet safe, Saddam is in hand and the money is about to flow again, they might as well plunge their fat snouts into the trough.


Again at the Germans, ask if things had improved in Bremen since your Dad was there last. They should ask "why what was the problem"

The best answer is "well he couldn't see much, it was dark, they were at 30,000 feet, and with all the fires and flak they were keen on getting home early."


Ask if they got MacDonalds to cater this crap shoot, and if not, why not?

If they don't throw you out or they ask you back, it is because the mistook your obnoxiousness for being one of the locals who lost his way in that foreign land over there to the West.

Note: These instructions are not to be construed as a definetive work on how to annoy Europeans (just some of them). The writer accepts no responsibility for any harm that the user of this may come to through no fault of his own, but the user must be aware that the Europeans are volatile and unpredictable, lack a sense of humour and live way to close to the Swiss.

If there is anyone we have not insulted at this time please leave your name and email addresses and we will get to you as soon as we have dealt with the Aussies.


Merry Xmas.

BTW have a smile.

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"...stopping too fast????!!!!" Oh, now I've heard it ALL...!!! What're they supposed to DO...??!! Hit the pedestrian "slowly"...??!! No, you tell them to go to court and make it quite clear that there's NO SUCH THING as "stopping too fast"...!!!!!! Gah. How lame. :wacko::angry:

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