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Friday Flame Fest 12-12-2003


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Friday, Fried-Day, Phriday...however you spell the darn thing it still means the same thing...time to build the pyre of your troubles, douse it liberally with high-test and set it aflame!

Purify your soul before the weekend!

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My Crazy, anti-gun Mom accused me of "feeling very vulnerable, perhaps scared, without a firearm handy"

She lives in California.

She liked "Bowling for Columbine"

She believes that I'm "in greater danger of being harmed armed, than unarmed"

She's never locked the door of her car or house, and only had her bicycle stolen once when she left it unlocked on the sidewalk while she chatted in a friend's house for half an hour.

She seems to believe that violent crime is something that happens to other people, in other places, and her life experience corroborates that view!



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I hate that I waited till I was 29 to discover the genius that is Bill Hicks.

Unfortunately Bill Hicks WAS a genius. Now he is gone. I had the priveledge of seeing him live many times. At first I didn't care for him but he grew on me. There were shows in which the audience just wasn't getting the material and Bill would just turn on them like a bipolar monkey with a chainsaw. Some nights he ran the entire crowd off. Even when that happened he was cracking the staff up. Too bad he's gone.


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I hate that I haven't STARTED my Christmas shopping yet and any piece of clothing I buy for my wife either doesn't fit right or she doesn't like the style. I hate that she thinks a gift certificate for clothing that will fit her and that she likes is too impersonal. :angry:

I hate that another one of my co-workers has died. :(

I hate that our family will not be able to be all together on the holiday and I will probably end up driving all over creation in the snow again this year in an attempt to just see some of them.

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I hate the skinflint injuneers that run the Engineering department at the University. I have been through 4 straight days of hell because the cheap bastards won't replace worn out equipment and won't buy needed parts that cost all of quarter a piece. I have to go to the electronics store and get them myself.

The unkindest cut of all: we ran out of wire this week to do our design projects. You read that correctly. The ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING department ran out of goddamned wire. Even when they do have wire it's not the right kind. I, of course, have the right kind of wire for the project.....out in the barn. Why my barn is better stocked than the laboratory of a reputable university is a question that will ponder the ages.

I have never been so damned glad to see a week end.

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I live in this quite neighborhood, close to ASU, where most walk or bike to where they're going. It's a cool place to hang out and visit with friends. I was eating lunch on the porch with bigJoni and a friend, when



I hate this red-neck a-hole who (regrettably moved into the apartments across the street) has to race his company's tow truck back and forth down the street, to the Circle K and back (it's all of a couple blocks) or wherever, about 20 times a day. It's a giant flat-bed tow truck. Ever think of walking or riding a bike for crying out loud. He's never gone for more than a couple minutes before he comes speeding back across the railroad tracks to the stop sign. (About 100yds.)



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I hate waiting by the phone for a prospective employer to “Get back to me in a “few” days with my “DREAM JOB” offer.

I also hate being unemployed, I 'm now down to just 1800 rounds of match ammo

in the safe, I mean if I don't get a real job soon I'll be forced to wear a paper hat and say "want fries with that” just to shot in Feb.

I mean it's just not fair.

And the quote of the day

“We’re just a band of deviants in a nation full of pinheads”

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