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2010 Area 4 Championship May 20-23

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I really enjoyed the field of steel and love to hear bang, bang, bang, DING!!!


Try standing behind "every shooter" doing that :P Seriously, thanks to everyone that helped with resetting the stage. Standing up 32 mini poppers can be back breaking!

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Great Post John! You Tell it LIKE IT IS and there is quiet a bit more that goes into running a 200-400 person Match.

Dave I agree with what you posted BUT most Shooters are "B" and "C" Class Shooters and In M.H.O. a 50 yard Shot is in the master class arena. Not saying Can't be done and You should Practice what you can't Do, just that there was a lot of folks that zeroed that stage (about 25% in Limited) way more than any other.

Edited by scorch
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Thanks to all the ROs that put their blood, sweat and tears into the Area 4 Championship.

My sincere appreciation to all the ROs on all the stages. My entire squad shook hands with the CRO and RO after every stage, and I can tell you we appreciate you. I was feeling pretty whipped by the heat and humidity at end of the 2nd day, and I only ran the stages once. I was impressed by your professionalism, kindness and friendly demeanor.

For what it's worth, I've decided to volunteer as an RO for a Level II match. Now I know what kind of behavior at emulate.

Now, where did I put my overlay....?



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Maybe I shouldn't comment because I was not actually at the match. However, I have worked a bunch of major matches over the past decade including many Sectional, Area, and National level matches... along with IPSC Continental Championships, and a World Shoot. One thing I can guarantee you is that each of these matches has problems! Sometimes it is weather... other times... range food... porta potties... parking... someone did not order enough of X... and the list goes on and on. The challenge is always for the staff and competitors to WORK TOGETHER to make the match happen!! One thing I WILL guarentee is that the staff WANTS you to have a great time at a great match!

Just remember, this is a volunteer sport and each of you are 'encouraged' to get involved and help put on either local or major matches. It is a lot of work, but it is also very rewarding!!! Take the timer at your next club match from the guy that 'always has the timer'... volunteer to work an Area or Nationals match... go through the CRO, RM, or MD courses so you can give back to the sport you love...

Just sayin' ;)

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Maybe I shouldn't comment because I was not actually at the match. However, I have worked a bunch of major matches over the past decade including many Sectional, Area, and National level matches... along with IPSC Continental Championships, and a World Shoot. One thing I can guarantee you is that each of these matches has problems! Sometimes it is weather... other times... range food... porta potties... parking... someone did not order enough of X... and the list goes on and on. The challenge is always for the staff and competitors to WORK TOGETHER to make the match happen!! One thing I WILL guarentee is that the staff WANTS you to have a great time at a great match!

Just remember, this is a volunteer sport and each of you are 'encouraged' to get involved and help put on either local or major matches. It is a lot of work, but it is also very rewarding!!! Take the timer at your next club match from the guy that 'always has the timer'... volunteer to work an Area or Nationals match... go through the CRO, RM, or MD courses so you can give back to the sport you love...

Just sayin' ;)

Good post BD... I'd also add to come in early if you get a chance and helps those 2-3 guys who always do all the setup... then stay late once in awhile and help those same 2-3 tear down. To many shooters are showing up shooting and scooting. Sometimes I get the feeling they think we get paid to do that shit. We don't and if you don't make an effort we burn out and you get nothing.


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I wanted to address Nickatnights childish comments. This is the fourth big match I have had the pleasure of working. It is hard work and we do our very best to insure all competitors have an enjoyable experience. Does this mean that things don't go wrong, hell no it doesn't mean that. Tom and the rest of the folks that put this match together did a good job, creative stages and made sure there was enough staff to cover all the bases.

Lastly you were treated more than fair and if you had a problem with the way the stage was run then there is a process for this as well, however you chose to be miserable until you got home and then complain in the forum. You shoulda Manned up and had the stones to talk to the RM or us Ros about how you were feeling. Agian review previous comment about fallibility.

I will choose NOT to continue to argue in this thread but want to clarify something in your reply...

Me being "miserable until I got home" is your assumption. I had a great time (I came in 7th out of 22 Production C Shooters and I've had little practice considering events in my personal life), networked with some interesting folks and for the record, I did "man up". If you remember at the end of the stage, I shook your hand and said thank you. I could have been a grumpy, spineless SOB and really argued with you for what? To be disqualified for unsportsmanlike conduct? I'm not complaining here, but merely stating some of my observations.

I'm sure we will cross paths again and I would be more than happy to debate this and other things over a beer or three (as long as it's PBR).

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I look forward to having a beer or three with you but I don't think we'll debate this any farther then either. It was a great match, a fun match and I do this because I love this sport and have many friends that I have made. Yes we shook hands and glad we didn't argue. It was hot, muggy and very long days for us as well. especially since my original partner had to move due to the heat. I am glad he was ok after a little rest. Look for me at other matches and we will go for those beers. I am glad you did well for your circumstances. This is a great sport and great people involved. I apologize for any misunderstandings on my part. Shoot fast and shoot straight. Take care.


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So I have a question that might belong in it's own thread but I'll ask here anyway.

If Mike Seeklander beat 3 GMs at an area match, does he get bumped?

If so (or if not), will this match show up on the classification page for Production ?

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So I have a question that might belong in it's own thread but I'll ask here anyway.

If Mike Seeklander beat 3 GMs at an area match, does he get bumped?

If so (or if not), will this match show up on the classification page for Production ?

I can't believe I am posting on Enos, I really don't even know how to do this. I wanted to reply to you spankaveli: Yes, I should be bumped to GM, not by any rules i the rulebook or official ruling, but by my previous classifications and nationals finishes. I have no interest in being a M or below and taking a title/plaque from someone who is working hard to get to the top of their class. My only goal is to beat myself and win the match I am at. My opinion is that anyone who is a GM, and demonstrates that over a multi-year period in any class should automatically be a GM in all classes but revolver.

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So I have a question that might belong in it's own thread but I'll ask here anyway.

If Mike Seeklander beat 3 GMs at an area match, does he get bumped?

If so (or if not), will this match show up on the classification page for Production ?

I can't believe I am posting on Enos, I really don't even know how to do this. I wanted to reply to you spankaveli: Yes, I should be bumped to GM, not by any rules i the rulebook or official ruling, but by my previous classifications and nationals finishes. I have no interest in being a M or below and taking a title/plaque from someone who is working hard to get to the top of their class. My only goal is to beat myself and win the match I am at. My opinion is that anyone who is a GM, and demonstrates that over a multi-year period in any class should automatically be a GM in all classes but revolver.

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So I have a question that might belong in it's own thread but I'll ask here anyway.

If Mike Seeklander beat 3 GMs at an area match, does he get bumped?

If so (or if not), will this match show up on the classification page for Production ?

I can't believe I am posting on Enos, I really don't even know how to do this. I wanted to reply to you spankaveli: Yes, I should be bumped to GM, not by any rules i the rulebook or official ruling, but by my previous classifications and nationals finishes. I have no interest in being a M or below and taking a title/plaque from someone who is working hard to get to the top of their class. My only goal is to beat myself and win the match I am at. My opinion is that anyone who is a GM, and demonstrates that over a multi-year period in any class should automatically be a GM in all classes but revolver.

If I am not mistaken you can request to be moved up in class. If I was at your level of shooting I would want to be move up to GM in everything, except revolver like you said.

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So I have a question that might belong in it's own thread but I'll ask here anyway.

If Mike Seeklander beat 3 GMs at an area match, does he get bumped?

If so (or if not), will this match show up on the classification page for Production ?

From the rule book

Your performance in larger matches and tournaments may also be used to help

establish classification. Placement in a major event with a score above your

assigned class percentage may result in your being promoted to a higher class,

even if your current average is lower. Winning first or second in class at an Area

Championship or Major Tournament AND shooting into the next higher class

may result in promotion (except to Grand Master); winning High Overall in an

Area Championship may promote you to Grand Master class. In addition, if you

score 95% or higher at a USPSA national championship, you will be immediately

moved to Grand Master class for that division.


It will count as a classifier score but it won't bump him up to a GM, close but not quite. Looks like he shot a heck of a match. Congrats to Mike.


i see that differently uspsa doesn't recognize combined divisions so the HOA would be for production and i see them moving him up for the HOA in production

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Mike, I hope you don't think I was inferring anything sinister. I was simply curious as to how that particular situation worked.

Great job!

No, not at all. I just wanted to voice my irritation that I am still a Master in any division. I may petition to be moved up to GM, someone said I can do that which I will check on. It really isn't that I care about being a Master, but mainly I don't want to take a trophy away from someone who earned it in M class.

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I have the last of the trophys to mail out on Monday. If any one has a email or phone for Kent Gaskill or Alva Struard, can you rmail or pm me? They signed up late and there address did not get entered in the scoring program.




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