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I don't know when it happened, but Mythbusters seems to spend most of their energy these days coming up with pointless explosions. It was pretty bad when they were using bombs to tenderize meat. But tonights popcorn theme was the last straw. I'll have to find something else to watch on Wednesday nights while I case gauge ammo.

That's a shame because I used to find it fairly entertaining.

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One of the most recent episodes I saw they were seeing if a sonic boom would break glass.

They used a .50BMG to test it and then an F/A 18 Hornet (Blue Angels), I thought it was pretty cool.

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I think they are reaching to find material these day. I think that show has almost run it's course. It was damn fun when it started though.

I agree. They are either making up myths, pulling bizarre stuff off the internet or taking ridiculous stuff from movies and proving it can't happen. A lot of the stuff they are doing now could be proved with a middle school science text book, but they find some way to involve cool toys. I think they know they are on their last leg also, and are taking advantage of it to have fun (flying in fighter jets, driving lessons in a porsche, etc.)

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I pretty much quit watching when they called an M-1 Garand an assault rifle

Remember, they are in Cali. Hell it might be on the list out there. Any california residents know?

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I've been disappointed at their testing of myths where the answer is obvious, or where the issues could be figured out by high school physics (like the "bullet curving" test). I'm also annoyed at the way they sanitize the show - any brand of anything, even a logo on a model railroad engine, is blurred and they treat even basic information everyone either knows, or can easily find out, like the composition of thermite as if it's some sort of big secret only professional myth ninjas can be trusted with.

There's also the idiocy of having the pregnant mythbuster in close proximity to firing guns. Perhaps they need to test the myth that sound travels through the uterus and can reach the fetus at a damaging level. They could even use the paper involving sheep and inter-uterine probes as a starting point for their test. The myth would be confirmed.

Those folks should get themselves an explosives license rather than perpetuate the myth that one cannot safely blow stuff up without a badge :).

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I've been disappointed at their testing of myths where the answer is obvious, or where the issues could be figured out by high school physics (like the "bullet curving" test). I'm also annoyed at the way they sanitize the show - any brand of anything, even a logo on a model railroad engine, is blurred and they treat even basic information everyone either knows, or can easily find out, like the composition of thermite as if it's some sort of big secret only professional myth ninjas can be trusted with.

They did 2 shows using a Dillon mini-gun. They said that they were at some super secret location and couldn't say anything about anything. Go to Dillon's website and on the front page it said, (something to this affect) "our gun was on Mythbusters - used at our facility in Scottsdale".

I think the show jumped when the $@%! "Build Team" became the main focus, rather than them just being the assistants to Jamie and Adam.

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I'm still surprised Dealiest Catch is still on.

Na, that won't go till all the capt's are dead or sidelined for medical reasons. I give it another year, maybe.

Spend 19 years working on the open oceans. Love watching them bust their ass while I sit on a sofa eating malted milk balls. That water HURTS boyz.

It burns.


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The one that irritated me the most was when they tried to disprove/prove the myth of a sinking boat "sucking" you down, all the while saying its busted because it didn't work while they were wearing their flotation devices, (wetsuits)and they chose a small boat for the demonstration. It was an early episode, so my tolerance level wore out quick.

In fact when water is white, it is composed of mostly air, (80%I think)and as such its kinda hard to float on air, so its effect is that you are sucked under. Also the reason that white water rapids, are very dangerous, because its actually very little water.


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They said that they were at some super secret location and couldn't say anything about anything.

They also mentioned Dillon in the credits that rolled at the end of the episode.

I've also noticed a tendency to assert the ability to prove a negative with a single example.

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While occasionally entertaining, and not much lately, their 'science' is woefully lacking.

Whenever I hear some cite Mythbusters as a reference to prove or disprove a theory, my skin crawls.

+1 to the notion that the show slid dowhill when the build team moved to the front.

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but, but , but Kari is hot.

Yes the show has slipped. My personal low point was when they "proved that an arrow could not be shot to split a second arrow. AKA Robbin Hood myth" Then I turned the channel to the history channel and in the extreme marksman episode Byron Ferguson split an arrow for all to see. :roflol:

I just have to remind myself it is entertainment, and Kari is Hot.

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The ice boat was fun.

but, but , but Kari is hot.

True enough, but I am surprised she is still blowing stuff up with a baby on the way. As for the arrow, I had a junior high teacher who claimed he had done it. Shoot enough arrows at a bullseye, and it will happen. Doing it on demand is harder.

Guilty Admission: Wednesday night = Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Red neck in me.

Maybe you should move to Georgia.... :roflol::cheers:

Lots of rednecks in MY part of Texas. Some are good folks. Some are.... :surprise: stereotypical redneck.


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but, but , but Kari is hot.

Yes the show has slipped. My personal low point was when they "proved that an arrow could not be shot to split a second arrow. AKA Robbin Hood myth" Then I turned the channel to the history channel and in the extreme marksman episode Byron Ferguson split an arrow for all to see. :roflol:

I just have to remind myself it is entertainment, and Kari is Hot.

I took archery lessons when I was a teenager,..and I admittedly sucked back then,...but I did it. It was a fluke,...a freak incident. It happened and everyone including the instructor gathered at the target,..and the instructor and a few others said it was very rare,.but they had seen it.

that is why I still believe a shot can go into a another shot hole,..although it will be called a miss.

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