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How rude people are getting...


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Some do seem to feel that advanced age carries an immunity card. When my daughter was under a year, my wife and I were shopping in the local mall. This old cow proceeded to offer the observation that in her day, "Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

I quietly moved beside her (at the railing looking over the first floor below) and noted that in days past, useless old hags were left on ice flows or thrown off cliffs.

Not that being told off was likely to do anything to improve her future behavior, but I felt better.

My God. I am lucky this did not happen to me. Your restraint is to be commended. I'm not sure what I would have done but it would have been an ugly scene.

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Some do seem to feel that advanced age carries an immunity card. When my daughter was under a year, my wife and I were shopping in the local mall. This old cow proceeded to offer the observation that in her day, "Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

I quietly moved beside her (at the railing looking over the first floor below) and noted that in days past, useless old hags were left on ice flows or thrown off cliffs.

Not that being told off was likely to do anything to improve her future behavior, but I felt better.

My God. I am lucky this did not happen to me. Your restraint is to be commended. I'm not sure what I would have done but it would have been an ugly scene.

Is it polite to use a tazer ..in such a circumstance?...I might have just chanced it <_<


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Being a part of the huge segment of community volunteers here in this city, I've encountered both young and old who generously give their time and energy to this or that cause. Naturally, the older segment has typically more time on their hands so supply a serious portion of the volunteering around town. I know lots of 'older' people donating countless hours of time to this or that activity who haven't a bad word to say about much of anything. Their attitudes are saintly.

I happen to know of two well-over-90-yrs-of-age volunteers (one male, one female) who are incredible. Just plain incredible. They work at some regular volunteer task set every day. They are setting an example worthy of beatification.

There are thousands of things these other cranky older people could be doing besides stabbing the rest of the populace in the back every chance they get.

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Some do seem to feel that advanced age carries an immunity card. When my daughter was under a year, my wife and I were shopping in the local mall. This old cow proceeded to offer the observation that in her day, "Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

I quietly moved beside her (at the railing looking over the first floor below) and noted that in days past, useless old hags were left on ice flows or thrown off cliffs.

Not that being told off was likely to do anything to improve her future behavior, but I felt better.

My God. I am lucky this did not happen to me. Your restraint is to be commended. I'm not sure what I would have done but it would have been an ugly scene.

Is it polite to use a tazer ..in such a circumstance?...I might have just chanced it <_<


LMAO :roflol:

Jim, that just made my freakin' day....too funny! :bow:

You're right though, it's not about age, it's an attitude that people carry with them. I think there are some older folks that suddenly start acting foolish because they know they're not going to get called on it. When they were younger they tempered their actions because people wouldn't let them get away with it. It may have not been visible before, but it was likely always there. R,

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I would also like to suggest that if you believe you will have to shoot someone in the checkout aisle because you asked them to quit yakking on their phone long enough to pay the cashier....then you are doin it wrong <_<

To all who picked up on the original sarcasm :cheers:

Oh there are some that do deserved to be shot. ;) I just hope I don't have to do it. Or if I do, I hope to God my jury is from this forum. Sarcasm is good.....I got it Francis :cheers:


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Some do seem to feel that advanced age carries an immunity card. When my daughter was under a year, my wife and I were shopping in the local mall. This old cow proceeded to offer the observation that in her day, "Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

I quietly moved beside her (at the railing looking over the first floor below) and noted that in days past, useless old hags were left on ice flows or thrown off cliffs.

Not that being told off was likely to do anything to improve her future behavior, but I felt better.

Being a father, this actually hurt me to read.

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Some do seem to feel that advanced age carries an immunity card. When my daughter was under a year, my wife and I were shopping in the local mall. This old cow proceeded to offer the observation that in her day, "Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

I quietly moved beside her (at the railing looking over the first floor below) and noted that in days past, useless old hags were left on ice flows or thrown off cliffs.

Not that being told off was likely to do anything to improve her future behavior, but I felt better.

That old witch must not have had kids, for any normal parent would never even THINK about saying that kind of thing about a child. I have children, and can't believe anyone could make a comment like that. :angry2: Some of the meanest, nastiest people I have ever met anywhere (including my LE career where I come into contact with rapists, murderers, thieves) were elderly people. Old age does not give anyone the right to be an a**hole to innocent children, no matter what has happened in that old hag's life.

Karma has a weird way of taking care of people like that; something nasty will come this persons way.... :ph34r:

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Some do seem to feel that advanced age carries an immunity card. When my daughter was under a year, my wife and I were shopping in the local mall. This old cow proceeded to offer the observation that in her day, "Retards used to be sent to homes, not paraded down Main Street." (My daughter has Downs)

I quietly moved beside her (at the railing looking over the first floor below) and noted that in days past, useless old hags were left on ice flows or thrown off cliffs.

Not that being told off was likely to do anything to improve her future behavior, but I felt better.

That old witch must not have had kids, for any normal parent would never even THINK about saying that kind of thing about a child. I have children, and can't believe anyone could make a comment like that. :angry2: Some of the meanest, nastiest people I have ever met anywhere (including my LE career where I come into contact with rapists, murderers, thieves) were elderly people. Old age does not give anyone the right to be an a**hole to innocent children, no matter what has happened in that old hag's life.

Karma has a weird way of taking care of people like that; something nasty will come this persons way.... :ph34r:

FWIW, this is the only incident in 10 years of a adverse reaction to my daughter. Most people are very pleasantly surprised at how much she can do, not the few things she hasn't mastered.

Now back to our regularly scheduled broadcast.

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My niece has Downs... you were much too gentle with the old biddy!

On a side note, has anyone noticed that you are most likely to be run over in a crosswalk by an older person driving a Cadillac?

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This thread was funny until the lady took on the Downs baby. That is just so wrong. Children, ALL children are so special. I ALWAYS stop people when they start to tell an "off-color" joke involving kids, I just won't stand for it.

As for the rude people, I agree, it is not about age.

The things that get me:

1) Holding a door open for someone, male or female, and they don't say thanks. I just kindly tell them they are welcome. Most of them are startled that someone has called them out on being rude.

2) Driving on the highway, IF you are not tailgating, everyone just pulls in front of you. I refuse to tailgate, especially when i have others in the car.

3) YES, me too, the express checkout lines. BUT, I do say something to them, politely at first, sternly if they protest.

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Children, ALL children are so special. I ALWAYS stop people when they start to tell an "off-color" joke involving kids, I just won't stand for it.

Do dead baby jokes count? Not that I know any or anything... just curious. :devil:

You are right, btw.

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She must be one those old Hippy Liberal crackasses, whose sense of self worth is greater than anyone else's. they grow like weeds up there, we've got em down here too.

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I think like most things in life there is a bell curve for niceness. Most people are reasonably civil, some are really nice, and a very few are just plain asshats. Its just the asshats make such a disturbing impression we remember them more.

Another observation is that rude people do not get called on it anywhere near enough which encourages the behavior. 24 items in the line? "Why yes ma'am, which 10 of these would you like me to ring up for you?" If someone is being rude, tell them they are. Rudeness thrives when people are not called out on it.

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I used to work in a grocery store while in high school. I loved it when people would just walk up and bark, "Frozen peas!". I'd just extend my hand as if to shake hands, "Pleased to meet you Mr. Peas. How can I help you today?"

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I do volunteer work for a local non-profit in town - basically driving invalid people around to the store, doctor, etc. On not a few occasions, there was no "thank you" coming from the people who I drove.

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:cheers: Jim I agree 100%. You can't fix rude behavior, hell you can't fix stupid either. The sad thing is these people raised children just like them. I would be willing to bet the old bats kids are just as screwed up as she is. i am also sure that there is some excuse as to why it is your and my fault. kindness is usually repaid with kindness but respect is earned and should not be freely given. If you are an idiot, don't raise any more of you for the rest of us to deal with. One other thing no one gives a crap about your cell phone conversation "go somewhere else and talk" the world was better off without the mobile generation. :cheers:
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