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Wow....now stage 1 shows Tammy as the winner. She told a lot of folks that the time posted was incorrect. I guess it did not get to stats in time before prelims were posted. I hope this is fixed so we can see where we really finished out as.

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Couldn't help but notice that Stage 1's Production results were a bit screwy. Besides the obvious, Mike Hughes doesn't have a score there...although they are PRELIM results. Hopefully he got those points in before the awards on Sunday.

Again, great match! Even with some of the hiccups mentioned in previous posts, I have no doubt DTC will continue to be one of the best attended matches in the US. Feels good to finally win a USPSA major again!

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PS I watched videos of the match and my hats off to whomever did all that prop work! Very sweet looking props there people. I have a job for you! Call me, we'll do lunch. :goof:

The props were AWESOME. Everything worked smoothly too. My squad didn't have a single re-shoot from stage failure. My compliments to everyone who helped build the stages and put them together. I can't wait to see the scores. I shot friday and, from what I could tell when I left, I had a pretty good match going.

Pretty Good, more like pretty awesome!! Way to go Rob D congrats!! Looks like you can throw out the sand bags now hehe!!

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And congrats to Steve on a great first outing as Range Master...

His 2nd outing ;)

ahem,; his 3rd outing... :D

(DTC09, Space City09, DTC10)

Just got home, whipped after the 9+hour drive. I was complimenting our other Steve, Mr. RM, and apparently messed up his track record as a Range Master based on faulty info.

But while we're on the subject of Steve, Mr. RO, major kudos to my Stage 4 partner, Steve Cline, who rocked the bedrock for three days, whether on the Palm or the timer, with unflagging energy and enthusiasm, great judgement under fire, good calls and fine humor throughout. Anyone who works with Steve at a match can count themselves lucky indeed. Here's to ya, buddy, and hope to work with you again sometime down the road. Best of luck as you complete your CRO certification: you'll make a good 'un :cheers:


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we got slowed down here and there because of printer issues, I thought it ran smoothly given the conditions.

Agreed. And txaggie is right on the mark. I was thinking on the ride home that I know I could have saved at least 30 seconds per competitor on Sunday on Stage 4 (when we were trying to make up some of the time lost to weather) if we had used two Palms like we did on some days during Area 4...grab the second to run the shooter while the first was printing out the prior competitor's score. When you really have to roll, two Palms per stage is definitely the way to go. Printing is truly the only bottleneck: whether you print each competitor after the run or the whole squad at the end, the Palm is still tied up until printing is complete. It's a small bottleneck, but when you multiply 30 seconds by 125 competitors, you're talking about saving an hour.

Love the Palms...that's why I want two of 'em :devil:


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Congrats to my bro's Eddie Garcia and Tony (The Looch) Luciani. Eddie is currently showing as 5th Open due to a scoring snafu and him having to leave before results posted in order to catch the flight back and

Looch was fourth L10. Great shooting by both these guys in tough conditions. (Although Looch is originally from Chicago so I think he was out there in shorts).

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Of course the highlight of my day on Friday was getting to run Max Michel through my stage. You know something interesting, I never realized how much pressure there is on an RO running someone like Max. Before I had him on my stage (which was his last stage of the match), all I was thinking was please Max, don't do something to make me have to make a call I don't want to, I don't want to be "that guy" Smile Smile

Of course as you could expect, he was blazing fast, 13.01 and 3 down. Just a quick side note, I know I am not telling anyone anything they don't already know, but Max is an incredible person. Our sport is very fortunate to have people like Max in it, and I am certainly glad to have competed with and talked with Max.

Another thing I was reflecting on on the long drive home today was how a person's true character reveals itself under adversity and disappointment, for better or worse. The Hell-A-Port was not kind to Max, but he handled it like the gentleman that he always is. I saw others as well deal with their disappointment in an similarly admirable fashion when the stage turned ugly for them. Class will out, and a true champion is always a class act, despite the competitive pressures.


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Hi everyone,

Does anyone else have any scoring errors for stage 12? We did need to leave about 3:15 on Sunday to catch our flight back and weren't able to see scores as they weren't fully posted yet and 3 of us who shot together had wrong scores (One didn't even receive a score at all even though he shot the stage) Also two people on our squad who didn't shoot the match due to the weather received scores for the stage. Maybe it was just our squad or the palms were acting up, but seems strange. In one or our shooters case it would have made a HUGE difference in the overalls.

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Gotta say thanks again to Robert and all of the staff and shooters who made this all possible! This was my third DTC in a row and it keeps getting better! This will definitely be one of those 'Hell, I Was There' kind of matches that we'll all talk about for a long time to come!

Thanks everyone!!


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Hi everyone,

Does anyone else have any scoring errors for stage 12? We did need to leave about 3:15 on Sunday to catch our flight back and weren't able to see scores as they weren't fully posted yet and 3 of us who shot together had wrong scores (One didn't even receive a score at all even though he shot the stage) Also two people on our squad who didn't shoot the match due to the weather received scores for the stage. Maybe it was just our squad or the palms were acting up, but seems strange. In one or our shooters case it would have made a HUGE difference in the overalls.

Check the names on your copy of the score sheets for that stage. If there is a name other than yours... well, there you go.

I check mine as soon as it prints out after having the wrong name on a score sheet printout at Area 4.

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I worked as the CRO on stg 6 - and all I can say is that I was so tired when I got home last night I literally fell out of my truck. I figure 200 something 10-12 yard sprints in the mud, snow, frozen mud and actually dry ground on Friday flat wore my arse out. Guess I'm not 20 something anymore. ;)

Well, your welcome, I was the guy that let you walk :D

Thanks for the hard work, along with all the other ro's, score keepers, etc. You all had it far worse than the shooters.

Bless you! LOL!

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I do check as I sign and in my case two of my stage receipts do not match the posted results on USPSA.org. In my case not a big deal as it wouldn't have moved me up in class, but as far as my other two shooting buddies it would have made a big difference. I am not whining I am just confused as I am not sure how they could have changed from the stage to the upload? Maybe the cold played havoc with the transfer of data?

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Just a few points I would like to make:

1. The weather is the weather , nothing we or the MD can do about it. Shut-up, shoot or stay home.

2. No scoring system I am aware of, manual or electronic, would have performed flawlessly in those conditions. Shut-up, shoot or stay home.

3. Staff and ROs have my complete admiration for a job well done under extraordinary conditions.

4. The DTC will be back next year because it is the most interesting match in the USPSA line up thanks to Robert and a host of others.

5. For the record, I stayed home Saturday but shot on Sunday.

6. See you next year.

David C

Edited by geezer-lock
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Now that I'm awake and back with the living I'd like to say a HUGE thanks to squad 23. That was easily one of the finest squads I've ever had the pleasure of shooting with! :cheers:

Right back atcha, Josh! It was great meeting you and watching you shoot - congrats on your win, you did great! We did have the most fabulously awesome squad, didn't we? :cheers: That's the only reason I kept my frozen butt out there, we still had a good time in spite of everything. See ya next year.

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Certainly Sunday had to be better, right??? Well, it stopped snowing, but it was still blowing at 30mph from the north and as the sun came up, it melted the ice and snow on the ground, so that once again, we had MUD!!

Two people fell on my stage on Sunday, full body on ground spread eagle, but I was very happy that they both maintained excellent safety discipline and they both got up and were able to complete the stage. Only had one "OH $%^&" moment where a competitor trapped me downrange of his firearm, but after spending a few minutes collecting myself finished out the squad. Our last shooter was done about 2pm, and then I set out trying to collect some brass, at least the brass not squashed into the mud.

I was one of the lucky folks who took the "full body on the ground spread eagle" move. I noticed on the final scores I didn't get my style points for that stage. I would like to file a formal protest. :roflol:


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I was one of the lucky folks who took the "full body on the ground spread eagle" move. I noticed on the final scores I didn't get my style points for that stage. I would like to file a formal protest. :roflol:


Sure wish we would have had the camera on that one. It was good shooting with you Chris.


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The match was the most interesting mix of challenges I've ever had. Great stages, hellacious weather, a gun that occasionally wanted to go single shot. Still, a great experience and fun. My only regret is that I didn't get an opportunity to shoot those courses in good conditions. Solid footing would have made them even more enjoyable. And yes, squad 18 was the greatest!! What a great group of positive, pitch-in, helpful guys to commiserate with.

dave w

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I was one of the lucky folks who took the "full body on the ground spread eagle" move. I noticed on the final scores I didn't get my style points for that stage. I would like to file a formal protest. :roflol:


Sure wish we would have had the camera on that one. It was good shooting with you Chris.


Hey, you too, Dan. We had fun regardless of the damn weather.

BTW, be sure to bring major ammo for that gun next year. :roflol::P


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The unfavorable comments about posting of scores and the weather have brought out some exchanges that don't fit with how we do things here. Please review the Forum Guidelines if you require additional clarification. Differences of opinion are welcome, but post them respectfully, or don't post them at all.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and restraint.

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