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DQ'ing a shooter


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Had to DQ a shooter today, my first time for that. Shooter was an experienced USPSA shooter, who is also a LEO. Shooter broke the 180 after botching a reload on the move, so I called him on it. He proceeded to argue with me that even though he broke the 180, it wasn't an unsafe break because he was still shooting into the berm, and I shouldn't have DQ'ed him because he paid $20 to shoot. Had to get the RM involved, who backed up my call. Afterwards I was all shaken up mentally, and it pretty much ruined my day.

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You did the right thing. He broke the 180! He admitted it when he whined about pointing his muzzle at the berm. The rule book gives no relief if a person is shooting or pointing the muzzle into a berm when breaking the 180. The fact that he paid $20.00 for the match means nothing also. The ONLY consideration is safety! Let him bitch and moan til the cows come home. Be proud that you made the right call and had a pair big enough to make the call and stand by it.



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DQed a guy at LAMR on stage one of Summer Blast last year when a snap cap came out of the chamber. Pretty sure that was more than $20. DQ is a DQ. I wouldn't let that stuff bother you in the future.

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No one wants to give a DQ but you got to do it. Don't think twice about it. I posted something similar a while ago when I had to do one- it really sucked. Like you said- it ruins things for you- especially when your guy wasn't big enough to take it like a man.

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Don't let it bother you. You did the right thing. I have been dq'd once at the SS Classic and had an attempted dq that I arbitrated and got re-instated at nationals. I remember both of them like it was yesterday. And because of both instances, I learned a great deal. You remember them so much I can almost guarentee you that the shooter will never do that again. The shooter learns more from the DQ then they realize. It might take them a few hours or days to realize it, but they do.


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Don't let it bother you. You did the right thing. I have been dq'd once at the SS Classic and had an attempted dq that I arbitrated and got re-instated at nationals. I remember both of them like it was yesterday. And because of both instances, I learned a great deal. You remember them so much I can almost guarantee you that the shooter will never do that again. The shooter learns more from the DQ then they realize. It might take them a few hours or days to realize it, but they do.


Hey Tom, you know what they say if you at first don't succede............ :roflol:

Edited by Gary Stevens
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You did the right thing. I DQ'd at Area II this past year and I never for one second blamed the RO's. I earned it....they didn't "give" me a DQ...I earned it. I learned a lesson and I won't forget it.

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You did the right thing. I DQ'd at Area II this past year and I never for one second blamed the RO's. I earned it....they didn't "give" me a DQ...I earned it. I learned a lesson and I won't forget it.

Ditto on jasmap! Same for me. It happens.

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You did good.

Don't take any guff from the guy just because he's an LEO.

He could have killed or injured a fellow LEO when he broke the 180 so you made the right call and kudos to you for sticking to your guns and to the M.D. for backing you up.


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It's no fun, but you did the right (and only) thing. Last year at a local match a guy on my squad got DQ'd on the first stage of the day...had an AD during a reload. He was cool about it. So, everyone takes a deep breath and the RO starts the next shooter. This was a table start and as the shooter is picking up his gun he has an AD into the berm....another DQ. The RO was just in a state of shock....said he'd never had to DQ anyone before and then he gets two in five minutes! It happens....sucks, but that's the way it is. R,

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DQ'ing a shooter is never easy thing to do, but other people safety is more important. So you have to do what you have to do. Rules are same for all of us. Don't let it bother you, but I know it do. Time helps you to understand that you did right decision.

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He proceeded to argue with me that even though he broke the 180, it wasn't an unsafe break because he was still shooting into the berm, and I shouldn't have DQ'ed him because he paid $20 to shoot.

So, then, you should be able to get out of a ticket for going 80 in a 55 on a deserted road because it wasn't unsafe (no one else around), and your tax dollars pay to build and maintain those roads? :rolleyes: The rules are there for a reason - and you made the right call.

Don't let the fact that the guy had no class get you down. No one likes DQ'ing someone, but when they get belligerent on top of it (even though they admit they committed the offense), things just get nasty. You did the right thing. You can't help that he made an ass out of himself.

And... if you actually enjoyed DQ'ing the guy, I'd say maybe you shouldn't be RO'ing anymore... :lol:

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The RO was just in a state of shock....said he'd never had to DQ anyone before and then he gets two in five minutes!

If I was the next shooter, I think I might ask for a new RO... :lol:

Edited by XRe
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You did good. It's not so much about the shooter that gets the DQ...it's about all the other folks around that expect the rules to be enforced. Responsibility to follow the safety rules is on the shooter...we (as RO's) are there to monitor that as best we can.

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I have had to DQ a few people myself. Don't like doing it, but that is why our sport is so safe. We pay attention to safety.

I personally, have only been DQ'd once..... My son, has only DQ'd one person...... Me! :surprise: It was his first match after he got his RO Certification. He was ROing me and I got a shot off a little too early on the draw.....Bang! :surprise: The shot was in a safe-direction but none-the -less, it was an AD. He yelled "stop!" and then hesitated for a minute. I think the idea of DQing his Dad had just hit him. He sat there for a few seconds and I said, "John, what's next?" He said, "Unload and show clear." I did. Then I asked him, "Whats the call?" He said, "You AD'd, didn't you?" I said, "You are the RO, you tell me." He said, "Dad, I am sorry, but you AD'd. That is a match DQ." I said, "You are 100% correct." He said, "I hate to have to DQ you." I said, "John, that is the rule. You are here to ensure the safety of the match, etc. Take charge. Its better to make a mistake on the side of safety than to have an accident." He nodded in agreement and then I said, "you are walking home, though!" :roflol:

Edited by Jack Suber
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I had to DQ a brand new shooter before he ever even fired a shot at the last local match. I gave the new shooter briefing and was very clear about the ONLY time your gun may be drawn. Doing the walkthrough on the first stage I looked over and saw him draw his gun to take a sight picture while shooters were downrange of him. He saw a shooter miming the draw and thought they actually drew.

The bad thing was his friends shot anyway. He rode with them so he was stuck watching all day. He seemed cool about it. But I felt pretty horrible. Not a good way to start a new shooter off.

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I had to DQ a brand new shooter before he ever even fired a shot at the last local match. I gave the new shooter briefing and was very clear about the ONLY time your gun may be drawn. Doing the walkthrough on the first stage I looked over and saw him draw his gun to take a sight picture while shooters were downrange of him. He saw a shooter miming the draw and thought they actually drew.

The bad thing was his friends shot anyway. He rode with them so he was stuck watching all day. He seemed cool about it. But I felt pretty horrible. Not a good way to start a new shooter off.


You definitely did the right thing there. Especially, since John and I were down range at the time he drew his pistol!!!!! :surprise::unsure::angry::blink: I thought I was going to hyperventilate!!!

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