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Am I a fanatic ?

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For almost 10 years now I have been using the same bank. I have been very happy with their service, and more then once they have went out of their way to make me happy. My personal banker , I have know since high school, and she has always helped me with everything from my Mortgage,Toy loans, HELC, and even investments. Well for a few weeks now, I have been very upset at the Large sign they now have posted on their entrance. The " We ban guns" Sign. I decided to close out 2 of my accounts with this bank, and list, "Your gun control policy" as my reason on the closing document. The next day I get a call from My personal banker trying to find out what happend. I told her about my feelings on the sign. She told me that" they wont take it down as a matter of their safety" Also that "we cant have guns in the bank' I tried to explain How Dangerous I though this sign was, and how only law abiding citizens will abide by it, and not criminals. She heard me out ,but nothing changed. I then told her that I was switching banks and would soon close all of my accounts. The whole conversation was 100% civil and I am actually very sad to have to take my business elsewhere. Ok, youy decide, am I a fanatic ? what would you do?

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I would do the same.

I would also call the bank manager and explain my actions (again, using a reasonable and intelligent perspective, as you have already demonstrated).

It might even help to have some gun crime statistics concerning those who legally carry.

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Dave, not sure what bank you are talking about but the one bank in my town, it might be the one you use, has the same sign. That is the only reason that I do not bank with them. I think that you are doing the right thing.


edit to add: Dave the reason that you should carry a your gun is simple, I am way to heavy for you to carry around!

Edited by Blue_862
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Never heard about a Federal law about not carrying into a bank, but I do know of SEVERAL Federal laws about "smoking rope"! :D

I would change banks in a heart beat! If more folks did this it might change a policy. Hit em in the wallet!

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Ummmm...am I smoking rope or isn't there a federal law about carrying concealed (or otherwise) into a bank....???

You may be running into the same policy at EVERY bank in other words....

I do not have a concealed carry, so it does not matter to me, if I could or could not carry in the bank. My whole problem is the Way the bank is advertising their stance on guns. I have already opened a new account, and the first question I asked, is if they had any of those signs posted around the bank. The personal banker took Me on a tour to check, They had none.I told her if any are posted I close this account.

Rick, the bank I am Talking about is not the one in your town. If you want the name, you can PM , me. I am very disapointed that your hometown bank has that policy though. I know the owner, of that one, and even considered moving my business there.

Thanks to all who replied I feel a little better now. Sheesh, I almost feel like I am breaking up with a woman.

Edited by waxman
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This thread is on the bubble --- I've already removed a political post. If you can keep the politics out of it, it'll stay open.....

To the OP: You're really the only one who can answer the question you posed. Are you taking the best possible action to uphold your principles? Will changing banks cost you in a way that will affect your principles? Will changing banks gain you something that affects your principles? Could you do something else that would have a larger effect?

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When TX got CHL I changed banks for just that reason-- the one I was at posted a no-guns sign.

Made them give me cash too, since I said "if you won't trust me, why should I trust your check?"

Carrying in in the bank is perfectly legal here too.

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I don't have to worry about this happening to me. The president of my bank whom is also my father-in-law wants me to advise him in a few gun purchases.

The VP of the bank is also a gun enthusiast, USPSA competitor, open gun shooter, and most importantly, my wife!!!

Yeah, this problem will never happen in my bank. It's privately owned and operated.

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I don't like going into a bank unarmed. If the s*&t is going to hit the fan, it's going to be in a bank.

It sounds like your previous bank people are a bunch of retards! I expect they'll get robbed soon.

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Most banks have elevators, so there fore I'm in a lot of banks. I carry a CRKT m16 with the 4" blade all the time. They see it as a big knife but in the right hands or wrong eyes I'm still CCW. Most banks, as far as I know in KY, that aren't federal credit unions etc, basically can just ask you to leave. I'm no lawyer though. Then again I've forgotten that I was packing and walked into the Post Office :surprise:

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No need to carry in a bank. Banks are safe! If it is going to happen it is going to happen buying "smoking rope" at 2:30 A.M. in North Temple Texas :roflol:

(I AM NOT picking on Carina...but the straight line is just tooooooo goooood! :D )

BTW When are we going to see you ( Carina) down the 3-gun trail? KurtM

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No, you're not a fanatic. You're taking a stand on principle for your beliefs. Good for you. However, there is usually a sacrifice for taking a stand. You have to weigh how important that stand is against the sacrifice.

I don't live in a carry state so I envy your dilemma.

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The bank doesn't respect your personal safety. Why should you continue to do business with them?

Good for you. You took a personal stand. I'm not sure of the legality of carrying in a bank, but assuming it is true, the sign is unnecessary. The sign seems like more of a statement, than a safety policy. If they wanted to quote law, they should display a sign that states the law, "Federal Law ###/###-A states that it is unlawful to...". As you pointed out, bad guys aren't going to say, "Ooooh, this bank doesn't allow guns. Now, how am I going to hold up the teller?". They'd bring a bazooka in, if they 'd be assured of getting the money.

Kidding aside, they made a statement, so you made one. If others do the same, they might just take the sign down. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

Kudos to you,

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BTW, for myself, I would ignore that sign if I were CCW and in compliance with the law.

FYI - The law allows businesses to post such signs and therefore, depending on the state, can becomes illegal for you to do so. Other states it's just a reason the business owner can kick you off their property and can charge you for traspassing if you don't leave.

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I just emailed my paw-n-law and asked him if there was any Federal or State law that prohibited from carrying in a bank.

Any business has the right to refuse to allow you to carry just as you have the right to refuse to do business with them.

No business in many states now can refuse to let you conceal a weapon in your POV, even in their parking lot or property.

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