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Friday Flame War (8-8-03)


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Goodbye dial-up, I'm on DSL! No more avoiding the picture-laden threads in the gallery. No more dropped connections. I just picked up the phone and made a call while surfing the forums.

It only took about 5 minutes to install the hardware and 5 hours to work out the software conflicts and configure the software right.

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I hate it's august and my range is shut the whole month!

I hate the last time I had my gun in hand was 20 days ago!

I hate having to work for a living 10h/day and for European Shotgun Championship another 14h/day (all in the same 24h)!

I hate I'll be able to attend only 2 matches in september, before going to Nats (all without training)!


I hate mondays, not fridays, but I don't care! :P

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I hate having a gun that has pretty well run without a hiccup all year and then last Sunday was having a pretty good match (for me. Most of you really good guys would have said it was going like sh*t) and the the slide stop pops out, locks up the slide and I wind up with 160 penalty points. What a pain in the rear. Got the gun running again and then ou the last stage I was so worried about losing the slide stop again I wound up with several misses and a failure to engage. I know I should have been able to put it out of my mind but I couldn't. Oh well I will get them next time.

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I hate a 25% hike in range fees!!!! :o:angry:

I hate minimum wage (or something very, very close to it!)!! :angry:

I hate people who don't understand how expensive it is to do commercial photography!!!! <_<:wacko:

I hate having only three guns!!!!! :angry:

I'm utterly sick and tired of apartment living!!! No shop, no garage, no storage (to speak of) no garden....! I feel like a damn' caged animal. :(:angry:

I hate it when my friends' parents die. Even if they WERE sick........ :(

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I hate that yesterday was my 10th anniversary, and I slept alone.

I hate that on our wedding night, our neighbors were having a domestic problems and she needed my wifes shoulder to cry on, and I slept alone then, too.

I hate that I was such a jerk, that I took time off in the fall for a honeymoon, then went hunting instead, and I slept alone THEN TOO!

I hate that for the last ten years we have been in one town, and moved twice (alone) and now that we are moving out of state and taking everything, we have noone who can help us move. I have helped 9 families move, (gratis, of course)using my truck to go to Colorado twice, Nebraska, Chicago, Northern KS, and several trips to Wichita. Sometimes I got my gas paid for.

But people are still coming by daily to ask me to help them. I hate that too.

I hate that as a society we have become so self absorbed, that we cannot take a moment to help someone, without expecting personal gain.

I hate that those who do help don't get appreciated. Some of the oldest and poorest people in my town do the most, volunteering for any good cause, while the "upper crust" of society only shows up when theres a photo op.

I hate that I took a group of widows under my wing when I came here, and the people who are starting construction businesses to pick up my customers when I leave are the very people I sought to insulate my "moms" from. :angry: I hate people who prey upon weaker people.

I hate that I have a 6600 sq ft building with a 1 year old DELUXE 2000 sq ft apartment in it, 4- 11x 18 offices on the other side, hardwood floors, new plumbing, electric, siding, roof, and I am still here trying to sell it for $46,500, AND CANT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!! :huh:

Meanwhile, my wife is already in Wisconsin, and yes, we are sleeping alone! :(

It may seem I am full of hate, (well, I guess I got it all out) but I know things are getting better for me. Through the whole ordeal of the last year and a half, I have always had food (not always identifiable) when some where not so fortunate, and I had a NICE roof over my head! My shoes may have holes in them, but at least I have shoes. I have a lot to be thankful for, including this forum! Thanks, BE, and all of the moderators.

I hate that I can't even do a hate rant right! :P

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I hate the fact that recent events at work have disturbed my sense of well being. I hate that there is a war within me, and that it is foolish, but I allow it to continue. I hate the fact that I cannot decide which disturbs me more: the fact that someone at work got to me and made me upset; or the fact that I am allowing myself to be bothered by it. I hate to think it is the latter, but deep down I know that it is.

I hate the fact that our peace of mind is totally up to us as individuals. It all comes down to a choice of how we react (or don't) to anything and everything. At the same time, I love it too.

I hate the fact that I haven't had a smoke in 8 days, but love the fact that I feel better.

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I hate that I awoke this morning to have the wife tell me "oh, the plumbing on the north side of the house is all backed up" and she has to fly outta town in a couple hours leaving me to deal with the mess.

I hate that her fixall to everything is that caustic "liquid plumber" crap which only works for blockages in goosenecks but she won't learn that. I hate that I tried to fix the damn plumbing myself and got a nice bath in caustic, foul smelling sewage (I like that there are no toilets on the stopped up side though! :D ).

I hate having to admit defeat and call the plumber. I hate that they apparently are related to the cable company and will be here "sometime between 9 AM and 2 PM".

I hate that while I will "get" to take most of today off from work I will lose part of my saturday going in and doing the work that I should be doing today and that will cut into my planned day of shooting.

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I hate AT&T Wireless so much that I almost shot my cell phone just so I could send it to them piece by piece! I spent 3 hours on the phone with them last night, after spending 10 hours working/commuting, because they billed me for $230 worth of setup and equipment charges that they promised, in writing, would be free. I got transferred NINE times! After 3 hours, did I mention the 3 hours, I finally got someone who would honor the agreement that I had IN WRITING from AT&T! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

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I hate shooting the Falling Plate Event, in NRA Action Pistol.

Actually, I hate shooting at specific plate racks in central Ohio (and Flexmoney knows where these racks are at)

These plates have been equipped with acoustic sensors, so that when I fire at them, they instantly turn 90 degrees, leaving me with only the 1/2" thickness, rather then the 8" width.

Then, as my speeding bullet passes harmlessly by, another sensor sees the shadow of the bullet, and turns the plate back 90 degrees, facing me again.

All this happens faster then the eye can see (of course)

Why else, after I have fired my 6 shots at each array, do soooooo many plates stay up. It can't be my fault :D

(and don't even let me get started on that bullet dodging mover) ;)

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These plates have been equipped with acoustic sensors, so that when I fire at them, they instantly turn 90 degrees

Dude, time to increase the powder charge and get those puppies past subsonic. :P

Meanwhile, back at the hate...

I hate bounced e-mails.

I hate being bored.

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I understand and realize that everyone goes through a learning curve about firearms, but I HATE a dumb butt who makes a totally stupid statement, has no information to try to defend it, and then ignores all and any pertinent information offered to him to try to get the situation squared away....

It just blisters my A$$

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(tightloop) "I feel the LOVE today in every post. "
Boy you sure's hell got THAT right!!! Like I hinted at earlier--this is NOT 'happy camper" week ANYWHERE!! :angry:

Add to my rant-o-rama for today:

I hate living in "the hungriest state in the U.S." Maybe if they'd bring in some goddamn' business to the state of Oregon, the state of Oregon would be less of an embarassment!!! And Oregon's really in quite a helluva state right now, I assure you!! If Oregon implodes (which it seems blindly determined to do) no one will know it anyway--such being the nature of implosions. Postings to BE Forum from Oregon would stop, however, and that'd be the only visible clue. :ph34r:

Add a HEADACHE to the list I started earlier. I managed to get a doozy over the last two hours riding in the back seat of an overly-airconditioned car! :wacko:

Oh, and Erik hates "being bored"...? Such bummage. Jeez, you can come up HERE and help me solve some of MY damn' problems. There isn't enough of me to go around any more in the 7-day week I've got!! :angry:

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But SigLady we have to take care of all the people that come to Oregon illegally to sponge off the social welfare system, it wouldn't be "nice" if we deported them because they are so opressed by the country they fled. Besides that they only account for 30% of our prison population, they aren't criminals, just misunderstood. And some people just have too many issues to work, so let's support them also. And the trees, it is better to import them than to cut them from our forests and deprive the forest fires of all that fuel. Just over tax the corporations because they are "rich" and they don't care about the little people.

Just a few of the reasons that Oregon is going to hell in a hand basket. But we can still have our class 3 toys :)

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These very (nearly word-for-word) topics crossed our lips this morning on this funny little photoshoot I got yanked into..... while driving by miles and miles of all "those trees", but it's true. The lazy, the malingering, the criminal, the rest--they're here for sure; and (you and) I (are) am payin' for it! :wacko::wacko::angry:

Jeez, the only one thing left about Oregon that's decent (or maybe two, depending) is the mostly clean air and the mellow gun laws. Even at that the local businesses and other jurisdictions are dinking about with their internal policies about "carry" on their premises that are ticking a few of us off--and prompting action by local NRA folks, etc. So-called gun-free zones, my foot. :angry::angry:

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I hate my DSL. SWBell DSL to be precise. First they cut off the line on a Sunday afternoon for no reason, then refuse to admit its previous existance, then once they get around to admitting that I might once have had it, they claim they'll get 'right on it and put it back how it was'. Two weeks later and it finally gets reconnected. As a PPPoE dynamic connection. Where the he** are my five static IP's?

Just in case any of y'all have tried to hit the shred2.net server for pictures, video or e-mail.

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Guest Larry Cazes

I HATE the fact that I spent 5 years in college and 13 years bustin' my ass as an Electrical Engineer and now I am finding it damn near impossible to find a job!! Oh well, at least I'm healthy and have a great friend/wife to lean on every now and then!

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Given the mood of the week, SURELY you can find SOMETHING to bi*ch about...! :P

Oh, all right!

I hate that my thin grips and bushings did not arrive from Brownells yet. <_<

I hate that while Bushmaster has my upper, they can't also install a compensator because they don't have one for their superlight barrel yet. :angry:

I hate that I broke another of the chairs I use on the range when it was supposed to be rated for a lot more than I weigh. :angry::angry:

I hate that the price of gasoline went up again!

I hate that I was too weak to resist buying a Kimber I did not need (or knew that I wanted!), but I don't hate that I have it. :rolleyes:

I hate that Arnold Schwarzenegger is anti-RKBA. :(

I hate that it's too hot and muggy outside, even though it has cooled quite a bit the last week or so!

I hate the bugs that harass me when I walk around my neighborhood to the point where I sometimes have to wear a head net.

I hate that I am too lazy to act like an adult and clean my room, get a job, and otherwise accept responsibilities, but I don't hate it enough to do anything about it. ;)

I hate that if I wanted, I could keep going with this list for a long time!

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