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What's Your Porn Star Name?


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My rant about privacy paranoia deteriorated into something more fun - finding out your porn star name - http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...t=ST&f=9&t=7191

I might as well put it here.

It's a very simple process.

1. Your first name is the name of your first pet.

2. Your last name is the street that you lived on as a kid.

Mine came out - Max Perry.

(But don't tell anybody, I might use that someday. )

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Mine sounds more like something you'd hear at a GSSF match than at a porn shoot. It's Tiny Glick.

Thank goodness it's not the street you lived on as a teenager or it would have been

Tiny Dead End

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My first pet: Casey (my first family dog: Furrsy?!? I'll go with Casey)

Streets I lived on through age 16:

Blacks Hill

Community House




Apache Trail





Brown (E. and W.)


Val Vista



Too many hyphens for a full last name, what should I go with? :mellow:

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Years ago one of my editors told me he'd arrived at his occasional pseudonym by taking his middle name, making it the first name, and then making the last his mother's maiden name. I began laughing uncontrollably, and told him, "If I used that procedure, my pen name would be....Rick Savage."

Now there's a name for a porn star.

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Brutus Highway 61??? :( Somehow, I just can't see it.

Brutus was a good Dane, not great mind you, but a very good Dane.

(His tail could clear a coffee table with one swipe.)

Highway 61, sounds a little Dylanesque don't you think?

BTW, if any screwed up porn star ever starts callin himself Bonedaddy...... well next time he sees me coming he better run!!!

Abe said "where you want this killin' done?" God said "Out on highway SIXTY-one." :rolleyes:

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