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Friday Flame War 06-20-2003


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Well gang, it is Fried-day and time to vent those frustrations that have been building. Fire purifies the soul....FLAME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate that one of the local shooters decided to commit the ultimate selfish act and took his own life last week...they finally found him this week after a lot of searching.

I didn't know him all that well but I hate the fact that now I will never get to know him better.

I hate watching and hearing about the fallout as those that knew him better than I deal with the pain of sudden loss and trying to come to terms with this.

I hate that he was so messed up that he couldn't think clearly enough to get some help.

Why Brad? Why?


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I hate when I am on the deck during a match, desperately trying to walk through the stage one last time before the LAMR command, and some a#§*$%£ three squads behind me thinks he can have a free tour (literally stepping on my feet) through the same stage he's gonna shoot within an hour or so.

It makes me reeeeeally angry.

I simply can't stand such disrespect from another competitor.

The RO polite request of leaving the stage is not enough for me: I'd like to have a whip and a 9-tails-lash in my holster and mag pouches...grrrr... :angry::angry::angry:

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I hate the my middle finger hasn't healed yet and that I have to shoot a stage week hand this weekend with two freakin fingers to hold the gun with :( Damn all the motorcycles!!! And Damn me for jumping one into a tree and dislocating my finger!!!

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Middle finger?? Get THIS: Hate it when my recently-implanted hip goes bad and needs to see the doctor on Monday!!!!!! Cripes! Will I EVER (sometime in my freakin' lifetime, if that's OK with you, God!!) get to take the tactical class I wanted to take? Let alone just do a league season in one piece for a change!! So now I have TWO bad hips and may need to start all OVER again with the surgical s**t!! AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH...!!!!!!!!!

(There, I've said it. 'Been sittin' on THIS bummer situation (literally and figuratively) for two ugly weeks.)


On the lighter side, one of my construction contractor clients thinks I should tell the doctor the hip replacement (only 6 months old) is still on WARRANTY!! A valid point there.

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I hate the annual neighborhood garage sale. The resident soccer moms screw everyone else over by starting it on a Friday, so the people that work for a living are f'ed over by having their traffic reduced on Saturday.

I hate the worthless !@#$%^&^%$#@$%^&*&^%'s that go to the annual neighborhood garage sale and block our very narrow street becasue they're too fat and lazy to get out of their car and WALK while looking. Grrrr...... It is NOT a beautiful day in the neighborhood. I will NOT miss this crap at all.

I hate shipping costs. I just paid $5 for a lousy cardboard box to ship stuff in. I hate charging people outrageous shipping prices just so I don't get screwed on shipping anymore. :angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Garage sales!?! :angry: Some woman comes from who-knows-where and sets up a sidewalk sale on my corner any time the weather is nice. People drive by slowly or stop and create traffic problems. They are parked in my driveway when I come home from a match or a ride. She has a boom box going and talks in a shrill voice so I can't take a nap. My roommate gave her something to sell on consignment. He overheard her sell it, yet she told him she sold it for less and pocketed the difference.

BTW, Loves2shoot probably knows this, but when you crash your motorcycle such that you leave a path of broken parts, it's known as a yard sale. Sounds like he didn't have a yard sale, but he might have done a Pete Rose. :wacko:

Shipping costs do indeed suck. $7 to ship a guide rod to TX! Residential addresses are almost twice as much as commercial.

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Thanks for reminding me how much I hate the Post Office for raising their rates, because now instead of being able to charge 4.95 for Priority mail and break even, now I have to charge 5.95, and, lose money overall because of the way they adjust the rates for zones by area codes. I hate them for that.


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I hate watching my wife suffer as we both watch her mother slowly die.  For everyone's sake, could this just happen?

My father in law died a few months ago after suffering from parkinson's. I hated the emotional toll it took on my family; I hated the guilt from being glad that when he died everyone, including him, were out of their misery somewhat.

I hated the fact that when I was upset that God would let someone suffer so much I was jumped all over by people who could spew a lot of words but never even come close to anwering "why". People who truly need to walk in someone elses shoes before they so easily judge and dismiss the pain of others.

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I hate watching someone you love kill themselves on drugs, store bought or street bought, and being helpless to do anything about it. I hate even more to watch thier parents spend their retirement nestegg to keep them off the street and out of jail. :angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Kimel-that's sad.

Siglady- I don't know if magnets in your hip would be so good. You'de run the risk of all of us guys with metal plates in our heads being stuck to your ahem.

I HATE KMART! I went in one today for the first time since they quit selling pistol ammo years ago for no good reason. Just to look at fishing gear. They had a synthetic stock Ruger 10/22 with a Tasco scope on clearance for $130. I was trying to decide if I should get one or two when I failed the instant check. She tells me they will call me in three days and tell me if I pass or fail, if I fail the manager will decide if I can buy the rifle. HUH? I remember this is a Kmart policy that everyone buying has to pass an instant check.

I guess it doesn't matter that with an Indiana CCW I can walk out with the same rifle in any other store in the state the same day. How irritating.

Now I have to decide whether I should renew my boycott or get the cheap 10/22. If they let me...argh.

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I hate UPS. I hated them when they declared all handguns had to go next day air because of their thieving employees. I hate them even more now because they have a policy of not shipping guns from individuals at all. Never mind that it's legal, they just won't do it at all now.

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I hate the my middle finger hasn't healed yet and that I have to shoot a stage week hand this weekend with two freakin fingers to hold the gun with :( Damn all the motorcycles!!! And Damn me for jumping one into a tree and dislocating my finger!!!

Well If you'd quit holding it up when riding...maybe it won't happen again :P

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