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My New Best Friend


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My new best friend's name is Tucker. Look how cute he is!

He's been at my house for about 6 weeks or so. Technically, he's my girlfriend's dog, be we've agreed that we now have joint custody.

Everybody who sees him asks what kind of dog he is. We don't know. But we did some research - he looks a whole lot like a Black German Shepherd, and walks like a German Shepherd too. And maybe some Chow. Before he was shaved, he had a real heavy mane, and the inside of his mouth is black.

I've never even really been a "dog person" - but I just love this guy. He's the coolest dog ever. He's so smart... If you're hiking with him, he keeps looking back to check on you. If you motion to the left with your head, he heads in that direction. He sits on the porch with me at night... Lots of other dogs walk by - he'll watch them, but he never leaves the porch. Whatever you tell him to do - he just does it.

He's a fetching machine. I have this plastic stick tennis ball chucker... Last night we threw the ball in the park for an hour and a half. Then we came home, I'm taking a break on the porch - he grabs a tennis ball and wants me to throw it in the driveway. He's a dog-of-action - always ready to do something. But he never bugs me - he just hangs out till I'm ready to go.

(The pic doesn't give you a very good perspective - he weighs in at 65 lbs.)


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My new best friend's name is Tucker. Look how cute he is!

He's been at my house for about 6 weeks or so. Technically, he's my girlfriend's dog, be we've agreed that we now have joint custody.

Everybody who sees him asks what kind of dog he is. We don't know. But we did some research - he looks a whole lot like a Black German Shepherd, and walks like a German Shepherd too. And probably some Chow. Before he was shaved, he had a real heavy mane, and the inside of his mouth is black.

I've never even really been a "dog person" - but I just love this guy. He's the coolest dog ever. He's so smart... If you're hiking with him, he keeps looking back to check on you. If you motion to the left with your head, he heads in that direction. He sits on the porch with me at night... Lots of other dogs walk by - he'll watch them, but he never leaves the porch. Whatever you tell him to do - he just does it.

He's a fetching machine. I have this plastic stick tennis ball chucker... Last night we threw the ball in the park for an hour and a half. Then we came home, I'm taking a break on the porch - he grabs a tennis ball and wants me to throw it in the driveway. He's a dog-of-action - always ready to do something. But he never bugs me - he just hangs out till I'm ready to go.


Dogs are cool. some of them are really smart...sounds like you have a good one...You got lucky..

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Congrats on the new companion.

You know how to prove he's your best friend?

Lock him and your g/f in the trunk of the car for an hour and then see who's happy to see you when you open it! :cheers:

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Wow, Brian, very cute pup.

I have a similar story. I had larger dogs all my life, most of them were Lab mixes and one very Special German Shorthair Pointer.

A year or so ago, with both kids out of the house and finished with college, the house paid for and I'm kind of settling into a "cruise control" sort of life, my lovely wife says that she'd like to get "a little dog". My reaction is, why, when things are going so nicely? Well, she found Molly last July. Molly is a Maltipoo, (Maltese and Poodle) who turns out to be Ms. Eight Pounds of Personality. She follows me around, does just about every thing she's told, barks at the squirrels and cats, plays fetch for hours and misses me when I'm gone.

Of course, the big dogs always were either outside or in their crates, and not allowed to even look toward the dinner table (I guess I used to be a hard-ass) but Molly has the run of the house, is welcomed on the furniture or on my lap, and of course sleeps between Diane and me every night. (Lucky Dog).

I wish you the best. Have fun with your pooch.


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My dog is way cooler/smarter/better...

She really likes to eat. Does it twice a day, but doesn't mind snacking if something is offered.

She doesn't fetch, but she does run. In circles. And if you give her something she chews!!!

She's really smart! She always knows if I'm serious or not. Like if I call her. She'll just wait to see if I'm really wanting her. Most times she decides not...

She's a terrific sleeper. WOW can she sleep like no ones business!

She keeps the cats in line. After six years she still knows just how to make the cats jump on the shelves in the garage and spill stuff.

She's a lover. At 120 pounds she just knows you want her to put ALL her weight on your leg when she gets a scratchin'

She's a great protector. Every night bout 12 she starts barking to fend off all the commies. Official record is zero red menace sighted in six years!!!

No competition I know,,,

But, she's my pup.

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Always love a good dog. I had a experience with a fetching machine years ago, three drunk army guys, tennis ball, one jack russell. I have never seen a dog wear out three guys arms before that night. by the end of it we were throwing the ball with our left hands and begging the dog to quit fetching.


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Congratulations, Brian!

As for this hypothetical situation...

Lock him and your g/f in the trunk of the car for an hour and then see who's happy to see you when you open it! :cheers:

:devil: Yep...+1 for the canines

Nothing like a relationship between a man and his dog. I know yours is a shared one, but the benefits are amazing. Unconditional love, ever faithful, always ready for adventure, and they always believe that you'll do the right thing, no matter what it is. No wonder I have always loved my dogs as much if not more than my spouse. :rolleyes:

It's a beautiful thing, enjoy it. B)

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Thanks everyone!


We just got back from our second fetch-fest today - he's all sprawled on the floor by my chair. But not before he gave it one last effort on the porch before we came in for a bit.


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Some words of wisdom from....

In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.

~Edward Hoagland

In the world which we know, among the different and primitive geniuses that preside over the evolution of the several species, there exists not one, excepting that of the dog, that ever gave a thought to the presence of man.

~Maurice Maeterlinck

Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing right in your ear.

~Dave Barry

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.


You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us.

~Robert Louis Stevenson

I wonder what goes through his mind when he sees us peeing in his water bowl.

~Penny Ward Moser

If you can look at a dog and not feel vicarious excitement and affection, you must be a cat.


I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.

~Rita Rudner

The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he can breathe without letting go.

~Winston Churchill

I like a bit of mongrel myself, whether it's a man or a dog; they're the best for everyday.

~George Bernard Shaw

Edited by JThompson
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Good stuff, Brian ;) I think dogs were put on earth to remind us that we take ourselves and our lives far too seriously (well, they do that for me, anyway). Tucker's a good lookin' guy ;)

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