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Stupid Pedestrians


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So I'm backing out of my parking spot in front of the local Lowe's and I'm going really slow because there's a guy loading stuff into the back of his SUV behind me. While I'm doing this some freakin' brain surgeon walks right behind my car so that I have to stop or hit him. WTF? Just because pedestrians have right-of-way doesn't mean that you should have to stop what you're doing because they happen to think they're more important. Sure, if you see them coming before you start moving, let them pass, but walking in front of an already moving car and forcing them to stop is stupid, and wrong.

I can't count how many times I've been in a parking lot and some moron decides to walk directly into my path...no crosswalk, just step out and make everyone slam on their brakes to let them cross.

I think the proper procedure is to make it clear you're going to cross i.e. turn perpendicular to the direction of travel of the cars (not suddenly angle out into the path of them), let the cars that are close go by, let the other cars stop and THEN proceed. Sure, cars have to stop for a pedestrian, but it's not all-inclusive regardless of the circumstances. There are drivers that don't let people cross, and that's wrong, but doing something risky and stupid to force drivers to let you cross is ridiculous!

Ah, I feel better now :)

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We call those people ..accident victims... here....

We call those people..an ambulance ... here.....

Thats a quick way to go from .."is a good ole boy" to "was a good ole boy"..... here.

"hold my beer and watch this" Kinda people

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Frackin' damned parking lots, once built, seem to automatically morph into "Dumb Zones", I swear. Enter at your own risk because once people enter these Dumb Zones they don't look where they're going, they don't watch where they're backing up, they speed like blazing banshees up and down the lanes with no regard for anyone else, they park in handicapped parking places, they park so crooked in the designated spaces that you either can't drive around them or they take up two spaces in their idiocy; and so you take your life in your hands whether on foot or behind the wheel in... THE DUMB ZONE...!!!!!! :angry2:

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I've had juvenile "thugs" around here walk in front of my car while I was making a right turn. This happened during a "no walk". He had this definant " you won't hit me "look on his face, and then proceed to walk even slower staring me down as if I was suppose to be intimidated.

In my mind I'm thinking " the only thing stopping me from making you a part of my grill are witnesses ".

Edited by Aristotle
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Here in South Africa we see the the Law as a guideline. A pedestrian that tries that with me will hear the sound of my hooter just before the Merc hits him. I have little patience with these hi-jackers that walk around looking at what cars they are going to `jack. It is completely acceptable to run down a hi-jacker if you fear for your life. The witness cannot always be in the position to see the guy reaching into his pocket for what you believe is a gun. Well that is my story and I will stick to it.

Edited by Johann the Horrible
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Roads were built for people driving cars and pick up trucks not for walking the dog, taking a bike ride with more pads than a high school cheerleading squad. Learn to ride the bike and then the helmet and padding will not be necessary, or give it up altogether.

It is also tough to hit them with the door if driving alone and they are on the edge of the road.

Great rant.

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I can't count how many times I've been in a parking lot and some moron decides to walk directly into my path...no crosswalk, just step out and make everyone slam on their brakes to let them cross.

+1 all the way.

Add to that list:

a) the morons who walk down the center of the lane between the rows, or angle slowly across it, completely oblivious to any cars behind them which have to slow to a crawl while waiting for them to get their @xx to one side or the other.

b ) the lazy 4k&&s who park their butts along the curb of the sidewalk in front of the store while their passenger goes in to shop, blocking traffic and obstructing views of --

c) the morons who force drivers to stop 6-7 times driving in front of the store, because they trickle across that lane in everywhere except at the marked pedestrian zone, even if it means popping out in front of you, because you couldn't see them due to the SUV parked along the curb.

Witnesses. Why does there always seem to be witnesses?

Edited by Punkin Chunker
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We call those people ..accident victims... here....

We call those people..an ambulance ... here.....

Thats a quick way to go from .."is a good ole boy" to "was a good ole boy"..... here.

It is that mentallity that makes me say to my wife, "We should move to Texas." :)

Edited by betterment
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I agree with most of what has been said here. I have taught driver education (on and off) for over 30 years. Dumb pedestrians and inexperienced drivers can make for some interesting entertainment. Alas, our big chunks of iron must always yield to the pedestrian and we can't let it get under our skins. Road rage and pedestrians are a poor mix.

Of course, in my fantasy land I have grill mounted .50 cal machine guns and chain saws rotating off of the wheels. :cheers:

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In my state the pedestrian is required to stop and check foe vehicular traffic before crossing. They are required to wait for any cars that are coming who would not have time to safely stop without hitting them. If you watch a person walk into a roadway without looking for cars they can be ticketed. Cross on the red hand you can get a ticket. I have made pedestrians at fault in a motor vehicle crash before.

Motor vehicle laws like stop signs and cross walks are not enforceable in parking lots. They have to be city approved and covered by City ordinance. So if you hit one you won't get a ticket.

It is funny how a person will walk out in front of traffic and sit there and wait for Christmas before they pull out in their car.

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Where are you guys when I'm trying to find a decent jury pool when we try these cases? We can't win a case when Louie the local drunk stumbles off the sidewalk into our guy's path. When you poll the jury they go.... "We felt sorry for him, he was hurt sooooo bad." :angry:

This of course excludes all cases tried by master dremelologist and litigator Carmoney!

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I agree with most of what has been said here. I have taught driver education (on and off) for over 30 years. Dumb pedestrians and inexperienced drivers can make for some interesting entertainment. Alas, our big chunks of iron must always yield to the pedestrian and we can't let it get under our skins. Road rage and pedestrians are a poor mix.

Of course, in my fantasy land I have grill mounted .50 cal machine guns and chain saws rotating off of the wheels. :cheers:

Ron, you hail from the most polite state I've ever visited.

On vacation several years ago 4 of us stopped for breakfast. The restaurant was closed and we had half an hour to wait. One of the girls spotted an antique store across the street. As we crossed the parking lot headed for the opposite side of a four lane road, and looking both ways for the nearly non-existent traffic, we spotted one vehicle approaching from our left. We paused, waiting for the car to pass and as it came to a complete stop the driver waived us on. I could only surmise he was not in the habit of seeing women folk or was very polite! A similar incident in another town convinced me you folks are either mighty polite or fascinated by tourists. :)

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In my state the pedestrian is required to stop and check foe vehicular traffic before crossing. They are required to wait for any cars that are coming who would not have time to safely stop without hitting them. If you watch a person walk into a roadway without looking for cars they can be ticketed. Cross on the red hand you can get a ticket. I have made pedestrians at fault in a motor vehicle crash before.

Motor vehicle laws like stop signs and cross walks are not enforceable in parking lots. They have to be city approved and covered by City ordinance. So if you hit one you won't get a ticket.

It is funny how a person will walk out in front of traffic and sit there and wait for Christmas before they pull out in their car.

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We have the "Boulevard of Death" here in NYC, a/k/a Queen's Boulevard. The press hypes this up everytime the news is slow and they need a headline.

Basically it's a case of nimrod pedestrians continuing work on Darwin's thesis by leaping out, ninja-style, from behind the stone elevated subway support into the path of oncoming buses that just got a green light.

The other problem is that Queen's Boulevard is something like 10 or 12 lanes wide with a raised median that everybody HAS to cross on one light, despite moving at a glacial pace. They're in such a hurry to cross the road that they can't wait for one cycle in the median, where it's safe, but they can take their sweet a$$ time during that one light. The trick they use here to get themselves killed is to make sure that they cross in front of a bus that was stopped at the light into the path of a car that's been approaching the intersection.

Edited by R112mercer
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I'm glad I'm not the only one that finds this annoying!

I recall a while back when my wife and I were together and I was driving her Toyota FJ Cruiser....it's a reasonably burly rig with a high bumper and big wheels/tires that wouldn't have much trouble going right over some stupid pedestrian. We're in a parking lot and I leave one of the rows to drive along the front of the store....just then some jerk steps out between another lane and cuts right in front of me. I had to slam on the brakes and he was maybe two feet in front of the bumper. He casually walks across the front of the car and without looking at us, flips us off. I couldn't help myself and rolled down the window to tell him I thought as much of him....to which he replies "pedestrian, right-of-way". I said "you wanna try it again and see what happens?" :devil: Wisely he decided to keep walking....

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Were you in your G car?

I see people jump in front of police cars and other municipal vehicles often enough to believe the stories that they do it for the lawsuit money.


I can't count how many times I've been in a parking lot and some moron decides to walk directly into my path...no crosswalk, just step out and make everyone slam on their brakes to let them cross.
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The nicer the car, the more people will jump right in front of it. A friend had a wrecked 240Z with jagged rusty bits sticking out of the front end and he could drive right through campus without stopping ;)

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