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Latest issue of Front Sight

In reading my Jan/ Feb 2008 Front Sight I noticed that the USPSA/Robin Taylor failed to recognize the other categories who shot the LPR Nationals. I’m talking about Women and Juniors in particular. No place in the entire magazine can you find anything about the Woman or Junior who won in any division at the Nationals. This is pathetic. I don’t expect them to have a huge article devoted to the High Lady or High Jr. but a mention would be nice. If you weren’t at the match and didn’t know who the winners were, you still don’t. If you are a brand new female USPSA member and you got your new Front Sight expecting to see some info about the ladies in the sport, you would be disappointed.

We always hear about how we need to grow the sport. There’s even an article about it in the Front Sight now. The Women and Jrs. are big part of that and they just got a slap in the face from the USPSA.

If anybody can find the Ladies and Jrs. results in the Front Sight please let me know where it is.

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What abot the Seniors and Super Seniors? They deserve recognition also.

If the Nationals are all about the pros then why are we supporting a handful of people all year long? Would not be a shoot if you take away the lowly amatuers, that set it up and staff it not to mention thier annual dues and the money they spend with the industry sponsors every year.

Edited by Jaxshooter
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I'm sure if you write a bang up article about the Nationals and submit it to Front Site, including High Super Senior Lady Left-Handed Law Enforcement Officer, it will be well received and will swell the ranks of USPSA. Or folks who really care could look up the results on line.

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You're right. USPSA needs to focus more on women shooters. Front Sight has a dedicated section for Juniors but if we want to increase participation by women then we need to promote it better. I watched part of the some of the Ladies shoot at the Open/Limited 10 Nationals at Montana and it was great to watch.

Don't ask me how come I had time to watch the ladies shoot, it's still a sore subject <_<

At a nationals there may be one or two people who go around and gather the info and watch the match to write up the reports. Generally they tend to follow the Super-Squad and that is entirely understandable, but this is an organisation made up of members from different categories and range of skills and so it would be better if there was a wider spread of coverage. There is no reason why we could not have more than one article for a single match.

The trick is to find someone to cover the other segments of the match. Most Nationals now seem to work on the half-day shooting schedule (which is brilliant, in my opinion). So if someone was on an opposite schedule from the ladies squads then they could write up some coverage, take some pictures and produce an article.

I have no doubt that Front Sight would publish it. Someone just needs to do the legwork.

If I get to do Nationals in '08 then I may try get squadded from an opposite schedule and cover the ladies match. I have a good camera now and I know how to write articles.

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Still waiting on my Front Sight.

I am sure Robin did not intend to offend anyone by not wrting about a division or specialty catagory. Seeing as how there are several people that write articles for Front Sight, it possible that someone else could have, and may still write an article about another story that went on at the Nationals in Tulsa.

I am sure the editors of Front Sight magazine will be happy to receive your article and consider it for publication in their magazine.

Happy New Year.

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You should definitely list all Division and Category winners (even though I despise categories to begin with) of the Nationals. I don't think there needs to be a big write up about it, but listing them is a pretty basic concept of match reporting.

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I agree that they should definitely publish the division winners of our Nationals events. That's an easy fix. But I think that we do need to cover the back-story of the match and fill in some details of how Ladies/Juniors shot the match. Exactly what is done now for the Super-Squad should also be done for Ladies/Juniors.

We don't have that many women competitors but those that we do have are exceptionally talented and should serve as role models for more growth in this area. But this is only possible with good coverage and sadly there has not been enough in my opinion.

As I said in my previous post; If they have half-day squadding at the Open Nationals then I am more than willing to step up and cover the ladies match, perhaps someone can cover the Juniors.

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LIke has been stated, I dont see Frontsight bursting at the seams cover to cover with great works of literature. I am sure a half way decent article with a couple pics is all it would take to get published.

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Add 5 or 6 pages to the Front Sight when you have the National results and post the whole list. We post pictures of the staff as we should for all the hard work they do. Maybe the shooters would appreciate seeing thier names listed also.

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Add 5 or 6 pages to the Front Sight when you have the National results and post the whole list. We post pictures of the staff as we should for all the hard work they do. Maybe the shooters would appreciate seeing thier names listed also.

Normally pages are added when there are more "advertisers" and the the remnant is alloted for member interest articles. This is the normal way of magazines to "pay" for its publishing. Although some of the money to publish comes from members dues, it is the understanding that only a "badly administered" magazines acrues its publishing cossts from these dues exclusively. Since Front Sight depends "exclusively" on members to submit stories, then it is these writers who will really determine its content, with no input from management. Although in this case the writer IS in the Front Sight staff, still the non-mandated format was individually selected, IMO. Robin otherwise did a good job in reporting what he saw ... very possibly restricted by the space available for the article, literally. Remember that space IS at a premium for advertisers, not necessarily so for articles. Adding pages to article text costs $$ money, and this unfortunately is secondary to advertisers and total cost to keep it viable.

Frankly, the growth is there, and it will continue. IMO, it will continue along demographic lines. That means a LOT more of us "baby boomers" looking for something to do and spend our money. The younger (whipper-snappers :mellow: ) "pro" oriented new comers, may or may not hang around, depending on their interests or career move of the moment, especially if it is done without real commitment. This can be the case also with juniors and women that are participating because of "family ties" and not their own volition. Recognizing a little bit more these "teetering" participants will go a long way in boosting their self esteem and sense of loyalty to the sport, rather than just the "family ties". Let's face it, there is plenty more of us "baby boomers" in the sidelines waiting to come in. Hey is either this (shooting sports) or buying that new Mercedes or Corvette. :rolleyes: Of course a little bit more of recognition would do wonders for the adrenaline to move our weary bones, and keep us coming ... instead of going back to the car dealers showroom ... :devil:

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Well... I think that there needs to be a listing of everyone who won everything in front sight.. all divisions, awards, categories.... Robin's story was good.. he followed as much of the action as he could. But having the production super squads on one time slot, the Limited on the other. it was pretty dificult to cover all the action of the juniors, and the ladies. who were spread on far ends of the range many times.

So if we just make a simple list of everyone winning... then we can put a great article in telling about the match and nobody is left out.

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Well, one problem with providing nice coverage of the junior shooters in attendance at the 2007 Nationals is that there weren't very many juniors at the match because some idiot scheduled it during the school year.

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(This isn't pointed at anyone specific, but we've been getting too much angst lately...in general.)

Perhaps some might take a moment to review why you come to Brian's Forum.

This is a SHOOTING forum. It's not the bitch about XYZ forum. I'm getting tired of having to moderate it, when sombody can't keep themselves from sounding off. It seems we have had a rash of it lately. I can understand the frustration, believe me (I share much of it).

Get your heads right or don't post.

We talk about shooting here. Please clean your shoes before coming in.

Kyle F.

Forum Administrator

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