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Worldshoot in the US?


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Let's assume just for a moment that the next Worldshoot after Bali is going to be at USSA in Tulsa. (I have no knowledge that this will happen I'm just making this up).

What would/is the process for getting a slot? I get the impression (although I don't know) that Americans were able to go to the Worldshoot in Equador without having to qualify based on their performance in certain matches or something.

Bottom line what will be the method(s) by which I could get a slot?

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That is to qualify for the USPSA sponsored teams. You would get a slot by getting on the waiting list just like the nationals. The slots will be handed out in order of the list. (That’s how it was for Ecuador anyway)


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This year its at least partially being determined by these "Road to Bali" qualifier matches, though.... So, my understanding (which is limited, since I'm not going, and not trying...) is that you'd need to shoot a couple of qualifier matches to insure the best chance of going. I would imagine that there might be a wait list beyond that, too - but I'd expect it to fill up quickly, since we have a lot of shooters in the US that would like to go...

I'd love to see the WS here - and USSA could certainly do it. I'd also love to see them think about reviving the North American Championship, which they could also host. If IPSC won't bring the WS back here, wouldn't it be a hoot if the NA Champs outdid the WS??? :D

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Tulsa could hold a WS easily, the abundance of hotels in Tulsa, easy access to the range and not too far from the airport either.

Would love to see USA host a World Shoot. Even if I could not get into the match I would be there every day just to watch. I've done 3 WS's in the past and they are amazing !

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IPSC regional WS slots are given to the RD (that would be the President in USPSA's case) to distribute more or less as they see fit. I suggest being polite to the Prez for a while if you want a Bali slot ;)

I believe the host country gets extras, and of course it would be a lot easier to make the pre-match for locals..

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This year its at least partially being determined by these "Road to Bali" qualifier matches, though.... So, my understanding (which is limited, since I'm not going, and not trying...) is that you'd need to shoot a couple of qualifier matches to insure the best chance of going.

The qualifier matches are only to determine who will be on the USPSA teams. They have nothing to do with getting a slot if you do not make a team. You can still go to the WS without attending one of the qualifier matches.

After the team members get their slots, the RD will distribute the rest. Last time it was a waiting list just like the nats.

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I dont want to sabotage this thread, because I would love to have a ws in the us. but with the heightend terror alert. do you think it might be difficult for people from other foreign countries to bring guns and ammo to the us without some eyebrows being lifted. Do you think it might be a fiasco(sp) with all the beefed up security?

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People can bring guns/ammo into this country easily as long as BATFE get plenty of notice for the paperwork. I suspect that IPSC shooters bringing guns into this country would be considerably easier than US shooters getting their guns/ammo into other nations.

I don't see it as an issue. In fact there are some advantages to hosting in USA. The availability of ammo is becoming a major problem for taking part in a WS. With all the reloaders here, it would be relatively easy to organise people to help load ammo for the competitors to their exact requirements.

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I dont want to sabotage this thread, because I would love to have a ws in the us. but with the heightend terror alert. do you think it might be difficult for people from other foreign countries to bring guns and ammo to the us without some eyebrows being lifted. Do you think it might be a fiasco(sp) with all the beefed up security?

Frank Garcia's Florida Open brings in many international competitiors. Check out the app from the last match:


get invited, fill out the atf form and you are good to go.



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Probably the single biggest thing stopping IPSC from having a WS here (well, beyond a total lack of bids as yet), is the US hasn't put on a continental championship in a long while. The voting delegates pretty much want to see you can run a very big IPSC match (not USPSA, IPSC) before voting for you.

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I would like to see the US combine WS and our Nationals together in some way. I think Tulsa would be a great place for it especially for as many bays have. It would recieve incredible amount of people and shooters from around the area and world to come see this kind of match. Media would be easy to get to since we have a lot of action going on at one time. Too Bad somoene hasn't tried to set this up already. We have to set up something big to have more international shooters. more competition that allows USPSA to compete against the world.

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From the GV thread above:

As this seems to be a recurring question, I thought it was time for an FAQ.


Slots are allocated on a strictly pro-rata basis (by far the fairest system), and IPSC HQ calculates the initial allocation by:

1. Determining the average number of members reported and paid to IPSC by each member Region in the previous three years (up to a maximum of 2,000 members per Region per annum). The three year average is used to prevent naughty Regions from reporting and paying for lower numbers for two years, then reporting a sudden increase in membership the year before the match.

2. We then divide the number of slots available at the match by the total of the average membership numbers for all Regions (result multiplied by 100) to arrive at a "slot factor". For WSXIV in Ecuador in 2005, the slot factor was 3%. In other words, the allocation was 3 slots for every (average) 100 members reported and paid to IPSC.

Hence, at the top end of the scale, our top 6 Regions which each reported and paid for an average of 2,000 members over the previous 3 years were each allocated 60 slots. Regions which each reported and paid for an average of 100 members over the previous 3 years, were each allocated 3 slots, and so on.

Of course as we admit more member Regions (we jumped from 40 Regions in 1996, to 75 Regions in 2005), and as Regions continue to grow, the 3% factor will most likely fall, assuming that we can't increase the number of slots available at the match (World Shoots were previously limited to 525 competitors, but WSXIV accepted ~1,000 competitors, over the Pre-Match and Main Match), because we're already stretching our human resources to the limit, not to mention gambling with the weather and other external influences.

Note that the Regional Director of each Region is given one free (non-transferable) slot to the Pre-Match, as are Match Officials, Sponsors and a handful of VIPs. Also, contrary to some myths, the host Region does not get extra slots just for being the host Region.


In January of the year of competition, IPSC HQ informs each member Region of their initial allocation and, by the deadline stated, each Region must advise how many of those slots they need, and pay for them. If a Region needs more slots, the surplus requested is added to the "debit" side of the Match Director's waiting list. If they don't need all the slots allocated to them, those slots are added to the "credit" side of the waiting list.

Slots are allocated on a "use them or lose them" basis. In other words, Regions are not permitted to directly give any of their slots to other Regions or to other Region's members. Note that physical residency determines from where you can obtain a slot (see Section 6.5 of the rulebook).

Hence, since I live in Hong Kong, I can only obtain a slot from IPSC Hong Kong, not from other Regions of which I may be a member (e.g. Philippines, USA) or from the Region of which I am a citizen (i.e. Australia).

Unused slots can only be re-allocated by the Match Director who, once the deadline arrives, is free to deal with his waiting list, at his discretion.

The same applies to slots which were accepted and paid for by a Region but which, for whatever reason, cannot be used by a Region. In such rare cases, the Match Director will deal with the reallocation of that slot and the refund (possibly minus a handling fee), to the Region which originally paid for it.


The only way to get a slot is from your Region of residence or, if you're a Match Sponsor, from the Match Director. IPSC HQ does not accept requests for slots.

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Assuming the membership desires a Worid Shoot to be hosted in the US of A, and note I say assuming, there are going to be costs involved to USPSA. If you feel that this is a worthwhile endeavor for USPSA, now is the time to contact your AD and ask him to support such an effort. Events like these are planned years in advance and if the US is going to submit a bid, we need to be preparing it.

I am mindful that 90%+ of our membership do not shoot internationally and appear to have no interest in doing so. I am also mindful that just because I do not shoot international skeet, that is not a reason for me not to be excdited about the Olympics coming to the US. There are some who believe we should actively seek the WS. There are others that believe the effort and money of USPSA in hosting could be better spent on other projects.

If this is something you desire or do not desire USPSA to do, I would very much encourage you to contact your area director and to do so NOW. You may contact me at area6@uspsa.org and in your email please tell me in which state you reside. For other directors, substitute the appropriate area in the address line.

Charles Bond

Area 6 Director


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Assuming the membership desires a Worid Shoot to be hosted in the US of A, and note I say assuming, there are going to be costs involved to USPSA.


I wrote this really long diatribe about how much that statement rankles me. Then I deleted it to spare the moderating staff the hassle. If you plan matches with the expectation to fail, you should hardly be surprised at the results. <_<

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