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TL, you'll probably be pissed off at me, when we meet. The dog normally goes to all of my matches, and stays in the hotel/motel with me.

However, I do not appreciate undisciplined, anythings...........................adults, children, animals, etc. and if mine becomes unruly for any reason he gets smacked, he does not receive a "timeout".

To each their own,


Not at all Trappr...I appreciate the clarity of your statement...undisciplined kind of says it all...

Mr. Patton

Don't you mean gender constrictions not constructions...and NOPE, not everything needs further clarification...some things are clear from the start...and I think this topic was one of them....

No I meant constructions.

As far as horses counting as service animals. I hate horses more than any other non reptile. I for one am glad pick up trucks have replaced horses for the most part.

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yeah, but... when did a dog become a fashion statement?

There's a lady (?) who brings her chihuahua to *church*, for goodness sake. Not at all sure why the dog can't be left at home, but it is there every Sunday, and nobody but me apparently feels it is ... inappropriate?


Bruce (plus, IMHO, if it isn't bigger than a football, it doesn't really count as a "dog") B)

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Great Topic!!!

A freakin' lady last week had a dog in her purse in the airplane. Lucky for her, she was sitting in the row in front of me and not next to me. She would have had a MISERABLE flight listening to me while I had to put up with her pandering to that rat on a leash!!!

And yes, I love dogs, not a great knowledge of the multitude of species, but those things that look like rats on a leash have NO business in places of travel, dining, or shopping.

LEAVE them at home!!!!!!!!!!

Better yet, GO HOME and stay there with your freaking dog!!!!

I am no Micheal Vick, but I have NO problem dispensing of problem dogs. I forget who said they had a German Sheppard both them in Petsmart, but that dog woulda been dragged out dead if it bother me!!!

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Where a friend of mine works this lady had a dog in a sling she took everywhere on campus. She took a header one day on a staircase and flattened the dog- DRT.

Always seemed a bit irresponsible to me for someone to carry a critter around that way.

I never minded being in the company of someone with a good dog, but I do hate people who bring their uncontrolable super hyper dog to visit.


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You married? Got any children?

Petsmart I can see..unless you are legally blind and you dog is a guide dog..they don't belong in stores or establishments which cater to customers...I don't want to sit next to someone with a dog on a carrier in a restaurant, movie, library, department store, courthouse, or anywhere else...

Same thing as you not wanting to sit next to someone smoking....what about other people's rights and common sense...??

What is wrong with leaving them at home, in the yard...in your car, with a friend....anywhere else but toting them with you all the time..

Your comment begs me to ask...WHY.....

Married, no kids.

My dogs don't bother anyone, they don't jump on people, bark at them, piss on them or otherwise harass people in any way. Most of the time they are being carried.

Other people have a right not to like them, they have a right to express that opinion to the store management, the store has the right to allow or not allow dogs based on what they think is best for their business. It's a free market, let the market decide if dogs should be there or not.

Nothing wrong with leaving them at home except they enjoy getting out. Leaving them in a car we do as long as it's not hot.

Anyways wherever you saw them, tell the store owner/management that you don't like it.

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TL, you'll probably be pissed off at me, when we meet. The dog normally goes to all of my matches, and stays in the hotel/motel with me.

However, I do not appreciate undisciplined, anythings...........................adults, children, animals, etc. and if mine becomes unruly for any reason he gets smacked, he does not receive a "timeout".

To each their own,



Your dog is well behaved. More than what I can say about some kids. And those kids get "time outs." Hmmmm I wonder...

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I wish it was acceptable for me to take my pooch more places with me. I feel bad leaving him stuck at home all day when I know he would love to come with me but what can you do. If the place allows it, it is not grossly inappropriate, and the animal is kept under control, then I'm all for the dogs coming with.

What I object to is the trend of dogs being treated as jewelry. If you're bringing your dog because you like having him around the job site with you or because he loves to ride in the truck and you're not going to be going anywhere that you'll have to leave him stuck in a hot car then that's fine. If you're bringing your dog because it matches your outfit....

Oh, and if a dog attacks you or yours, by all means defend yourself. If a dog "bothers" you and you really think the appropriate reaction is to kill that dog, then you are a very unbalanced individual with something to prove.


Edited by John Heiter
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As far as people feeling sorry for having to leave phydeaux at home alone..you have a choice with a pet...either get one that can fend for itself or don't get it...not like children, you have a choice...

And remember that they aren't human...they were meant to run and romp thru the grass and dirt, not be carried all the time...

If you are that attached to your pet, find an at home job so you can be together all the time...

pets, are wonderful and provide many things for lots of people...but they deserve better than to be dragged all over hells half acre with someone who thinks they just have to have poor puppy with them all the time...the dog is better off in the back yard with his bone of rawhide or his ball..He will be just as glad to see you when you get home as when you left.

Sorry, I just don't get it..and I am not alone...pets, anykind of them should not be fashion statements or trinkets to be held closely to the boosom and receive baby talk...

Having Max of Zeek ride in your truck to the store is another matter entirely...or any hunting dog do their thing in the field...that is great...but the rest....forget it..

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As far as people feeling sorry for having to leave phydeaux at home alone..you have a choice with a pet...either get one that can fend for itself or don't get it...not like children, you have a choice...

And remember that they aren't human...they were meant to run and romp thru the grass and dirt, not be carried all the time...

If you are that attached to your pet, find an at home job so you can be together all the time...

pets, are wonderful and provide many things for lots of people...but they deserve better than to be dragged all over hells half acre with someone who thinks they just have to have poor puppy with them all the time...the dog is better off in the back yard with his bone of rawhide or his balls..He will be just as glad to see you when you get home as when you left.

Sorry, I just don't get it..and I am not alone...pets, anykind of them should not be fashion statements or trinkets to be held closely to the boosom and receive baby talk...

Having Max of Zeek ride in your truck to the store is another matter entirely...or any hunting dog do their thing in the field...that is great...but the rest....forget it..

I fixed it for you....

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I would rather squad with Trapr and have Scout tag along than a lot of shooters I know. Good kind natured dog that a good guy did a hell of a good job with. But a purse puppy in a resturant I aint putting up with.-------------Larry

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......I am being brainwashed that everything needs further explanation, and it is not really simple. ......

I'm afraid that is one of the problems in this country. Why do people think they need further explanation when told a simple idea or instructed to perform some simple task.

I can't tell you the number of times I took my life in my own hands by asking my Daddy, Why? :surprise: Would you dare ask the boss for a further explanation when instructed to be on time for work?

As for the dogs. The only place my wife takes our dog that isn't the vets office is to see one of her invalid Aunts in a nursing home. The Aunt loves it and the nursing home encourages it. Other than that, she stays home.



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Dogs......haven't seen a problem......Kids.......tons of problems.

Allow me to respectfully disagree, Jerry. Kids and dogs are no problem, parents and owners are.

Let me add that kind of bugs me that some people have more patience with undisciplined pets than with the young of their own species. "Yeah, kids are a problem. Let's not breed and just raise animals". I have neighbors that complain when a kid chases a ball onto their lawn, but walk their dogs allowing them to crap and pee everywhere. Tell me where is that not wrong?

I believe that people that by choice rather have pets than children just want the easy way out; the shorter commitment. Easier to get rid of pet that you get tired of, than of a son or daughter. Whoever thinks that one of my children do not belong some place intended for humans but a K-9 does, will never have my respect.

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We started teaching my daughter from a very young age how to behave in public. She learned real fast that I would not hesitate to bust her butt anytime or anywhere I deemed it necessary. Consequently, she has always been a very well behaved kid in public.

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We take our dogs with us sometimes to places where we can - pet store, parks, coffee house that allow dogs on the patio, etc. We enjoy their company and they enjoy getting out and about. Ours are very social and well behaved, more so than a lot of kids we encounter out. I think dogs in purses are stupid, but if we have our dogs with us and they're laying next to us quietly while we enjoy a cup of coffee or something, I can't see why anyone would complain, but people do. I'd rather sit next to a dog than a bratty kid, but that's just me.

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I can kind of understand the dog thing, but sheesh. My dog is 10X cleaner than a lot of the stinky ass, drugged out trailer trash in my town, but they're allowed in hospitals and restaurants and my dog isn't. I'm always stuck by the irony of that.

This thread is yet another reason to go visit Mitchell's Clay Target Sports. They have a sign on the door that announces that they are a dog friendly range and if you have an issue with it not to let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. :lol:

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yeah, but... when did a dog become a fashion statement?

Bruce (plus, IMHO, if it isn't bigger than a football, it doesn't really count as a "dog") B)

When Paris Hilton, the most important person in the world, started carrying one. <_<

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About 7 or 8 years ago, a bunch of us were in a restaurant/bar in northern Missouri on a duck-hunting trip, and there was a dog who got up on the tables to clean the leftovers off people's plates. For some reason, it didn't seem strange at the time.

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Here's one for you TL


At least it is in the car...


Maybe if we shut off the A/C, close up the windows and park in the direct sunlight, we won't have to worry about that one after an hour or two...just kidding.. and it is in the car...good for the owner...

This thread is not about comparing dogs in places with kids in places...I feel about the same way about disrespectful and wild kids as I do about dogs in places...

This is not a tough topic..not one that needs further explanation..I don;'t like dogs anywhere that gives customer service, off the leash in public, and it is MY OPINION that they do not belong there...

If you have to drag your dog along everywhere you go...do it somewhere I am not and post in another thread about it..

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Not that I take my dog to places that would upset TL, but maybe some historical perspective should be added to this. Most people forget the dogs have been with us longer then any other critter. Most modern dogs are better at reading humans then any ape, they evolved very close to us for that long. It used to be that dogs where a fixture of life and they went everywhere with their owners. In many ways dogs and humans have similar social behaviours and certainly dogs integrate in human "packs" better then any other critter. The "civilized" way of keeping your dogs at home is fairly recent and in some ways it has lead to more antisocial dogs. Nope, I'm not saying we should turn back the clock and all wear animal skins and I'm not saying I should bring my dog everywhere I go, but it is sorta built into ourselves to do so after a about three primer sleeves worth of years.

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This thread is not about comparing dogs in places with kids in places...I feel about the same way about disrespectful and wild kids as I do about dogs in places...

This is not a tough topic..not one that needs further explanation..I don;'t like dogs anywhere that gives customer service, off the leash in public, and it is MY OPINION that they do not belong there...

If you have to drag your dog along everywhere you go...do it somewhere I am not and post in another thread about it..

I don't drag my dogs everywhere, my point was just that if I choose to take my dog with me to a public place where they are allowed to be there and they are well behaved, on leash, etc., I can't see how it's a bad thing (and maybe that's not what you meant.) Dogs aren't allowed in the majority of public places, so it wouldn't be a huge problem to go elsewhere I wouldn't think. If you're just talking about people smuggling their mutt into someplace where they aren't allowed, well that's different and I'm with ya there!

I better exit this thread now, I should know better than to jump in on discussions like this... <_<

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This thread is not about comparing dogs in places with kids in places...I feel about the same way about disrespectful and wild kids as I do about dogs in places...

This is not a tough topic..not one that needs further explanation..I don;'t like dogs anywhere that gives customer service, off the leash in public, and it is MY OPINION that they do not belong there...

If you have to drag your dog along everywhere you go...do it somewhere I am not and post in another thread about it..

I don't drag my dogs everywhere, my point was just that if I choose to take my dog with me to a public place where they are allowed to be there and they are well behaved, on leash, etc., I can't see how it's a bad thing (and maybe that's not what you meant.) Dogs aren't allowed in the majority of public places, so it wouldn't be a huge problem to go elsewhere I wouldn't think. If you're just talking about people smuggling their mutt into someplace where they aren't allowed, well that's different and I'm with ya there!

I better exit this thread now, I should know better than to jump in on discussions like this... <_<

Dogs, large, small or mid sized are a personal expression of peoples personal taste...in a place where you have a multitude of very different people congregating like a department store, movie, coffee house, theater....you subject all those different people to YOUR personal favorite type of dog....Now the dog isn't going to buy anything in a department store, watch the movie, drink any coffee, or appreciate the play...so why the hell is he there? Just to make you feel better and offer companionship to you...dude, that is why you date the opposite sex...not bring your mutt with you to those places...I don';t care how well behaved your dog is...it is inconsiderate, and rude to make the others there with you abide with what you and your dog do, or might do....This trend just became popular lately and hopefully it is just a trend...but animals have no place in the places I just mentioned and lots more...

Yes, I do tell the store manager I don't like it if I see one...Yes, I am reluctant to return to that same place...but truthfully, the dog just likes being with you....he could not care LESS is you are at the mall, the grocery store, department store or what, and perhaps it would even make the dog happier if you took them to the park to play catch,fetch or just see the grass and open spaces instead of keeping them leashed up or handbagged up or whatever...

You are trying to tell me it is about the dog, but the truth is that it is about you wanting to be trendy, different all you end up being is rude, discourteous and silly...

Edited by tightloop
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Nemo. I agree with you 100%, but the end result of those parents and owners is what drives us nuts in the world.

When I was little we took our Boxer everywhere possible with usfor several years. Dogs don't give a damn about their yard and a ball when the option is being with their owner IMHO. However the Boxer didn't go into stores or anywhere else he could be in physical contact with other people without them approaching us. He'd be left in the car if it was nice, or I'd have him on a leash in the shade somewhere. It took a lot of effort to do it right.

Reminds me how much I like Boxers. My sister's Boxer guarded my niece in her crib from day 1 and has followed her everywhere possible for the last 12 years.

I assume TL is talking about taking action against a dog attack in Petsmart, not just coming in contact with a dog. Petsmart encourages you to bring your dog into the store and not expecting to come onto contact with a dog in Petsmart is kind of like not expecting to see animals in a zoo. So far I haven't seen any aggressive dogs in Petsmart, but stupid people are everywhere, so it's smart to be aware.

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