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Ninjas Texas Style


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"Fake My Space Page"

Looks like someone else is making serious fun of him by creating a my space page on his behalf and without his approval. It's almost as funny as the vids...check out the blogs....and Kevin's comment is hilarious

I live as a warrior too! We should totally hang out.


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I want to learn to roll and shoot!!! They did it on swat and now these guys!!! There must be a Tatical advantage!!!!! :o

Humm you are allmost shaped rite. :mellow: You could lay on the ground with your gun pointed above your head, & I will roll you like I was rolling up a carpet and You could spray bullets. Advanced - very adavanced we will call it

The IPSC Gatiling gun

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Although funny, the vid actually makes me mad. To think they use that as propaganda to get people in thier door, typically those kind of people (not all) are the type of people who give well minded shooters (to include the average plinkers and hunters) a very bad name. :angry:


Edited by betterment
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A snappy ninja name for Shred?

Roy from this day shall you be known as Shredder, Master of the Egret Style.

I dunno...I kinda' like this one:

Whut’s your wu? What’s your Wu Name? WTF is a Wu Name? Who cares, it’s probably gonna make you laugh.

Roy S from this day forward you will also be known as Smiling Freak

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Search for Recoil Management... his post was in a thread about something like that - and I'm not sure it involved the use of the word Egret, just a demonstration.... ;)

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I practiced and taught Okinawan martial arts for many years.

There are many, many variants, styles, schools, etc.

It was sort of an unwritten law that we never belittle someone elses efforts.

You could call it professional courtesy or perhaps a point of honor...... but really.

If we went down on the ground it's usually because someone put us there.

There are a few defensive techniques that can be used if that's where you end up but it's not the preferred location.

Hard to fight when you are on your belly or your back. :ph34r:

Forgive me but I just don't see the wisdom of doing cartwheels with a firearm.

Considering the hundreds of movers and swingers I have drilled, I have no doubt I can hit a moving target.

If someone wants to roll around on the ground in a gun fight, fine by me.

While they're doing that they're not shooting back.

I will give these guys at least some credit for trying to blend ancient and modern fighting skills.

Very imaginative.

A for effort.

C- for tactical implemetation.


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If we went down on the ground it's usually because someone put us there.

There are a few defensive techniques that can be used if that's where you end up but it's not the preferred location.

Hard to fight when you are on your belly or your back. :ph34r:

Having played judo for the past 5 years, IMO, it's easier to fight on your back than on your belly (on your feet is the best, of course). On your back you have full use of the arms and legs. On your belly you are much more defensive and relying on the other guy not hitting the snot out of you because of game rules.

Forgive me but I just don't see the wisdom of doing cartwheels with a firearm.

Considering the hundreds of movers and swingers I have drilled, I have no doubt I can hit a moving target.

If someone wants to roll around on the ground in a gun fight, fine by me.

While they're doing that they're not shooting back.

I don't see much point to the cartwheels. The rolls with a firearm could be useful as a way to safely control the firearm after being knocked/blown down or tripping over some obstruction in the field. Rolling as a way to engage... asinine. I wonder if they got alot of the rolling around with a gun stuff from Systema.

Got to love the sword posture... sword out, back bent, buttocks sticking out. :goof:

In self defense knife classes I've taken, it has been pointed out that most folks that get cut in a knife fight don't realize it immediately. Yet, a small pucture wound from a thrown shuriken causes a massive flinch and pause.

Perhaps the draw, then rack, then shoot drill was taken from some Israeli shooting techniques school?

Seeing things like this reminds me of how mediocre :) I really am (sandan aikido, sandan iaido, 'A' Limited).


Mark Kruger

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I like it, think it will stick?

Chuck Anderson from this day forward you

will also be known as Lesbian Veteran

As far as the video. I don't really know what people are complaining about. That is some of the finest combat shotgunnery I've ever seen. The leaning back, bladed posture, rocking back and forth with those magnum birdshot rounds. And clearly they are fine tacticians, loading their handguns with only one round (and not even chambering it) to show their domination over any foe. I think I might go down there and learn some skills to whoop up on y'all.

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