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if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Unless you deal with sellers from this forum. Some very outstanding people here. ebay nowadays just suck. you can find stuff cheaper if you look hard enough. i bid only on items that are less than $100 and if they supply contact info where i can reach them at, along with acceptance of a postal money order. if its way cheap, i'll just send a check.

as for your paypal issues, if you can get the charges reversed, do it. just make sure you don't accept any packages from anyone for a while unless you know where its coming from. i've had an instance where i bought something off ebay, didn't get the items i wanted, reversed the charges, and got some junk in the mail with a delivery confirmation. That delivery confirmation showed proof to paypal that "something" was delivered regardless of what it was. at that point, paypal froze my account and wanted me to pay them back for the reversed charges. if you have any amount of cash deposited with them i suggest you withdraw everything before you reverse those charges. Their terms of service just suck :angry::angry::angry:

Read payment horror stories here

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It was a used bow and the guy has a pretty good feedback, so I assumed that meant he was reputable. I really don't want to go through the hassle of reversing the charges because of paypals history, but if I have to then so be it.

I'm out $50 bucks at the most, but I'll give it another week before asking for my $$$ back. Years ago I remember Ebay being a haven for fraud, I don't guess anything has changed.

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I have had to reverse charges with PayPal twice for non delivered auction goods. Both times it was hassle free on my end. I wouldn't worry about a "black eye" from PayPal, the seller that never delivered the product is the one that receives the"black eye". I would bet that you are not the first person that the seller didn't deliver product to.

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Sorry to hear about your troubles with Ebay...I have had much success going through the paypal process. There have been several transactions where miscommunication make things tense for a moment, but they all resolved cleanly.

If you do not get your bow, get your damn money back! If for anything, do it on principle.

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the guy has a pretty good feedback, so I assumed that meant he was reputable. Years ago I remember Ebay being a haven for fraud, I don't guess anything has changed.

I've, knock on wood, never been burnt ---- but I'm very selective on who's auction I'll bid. If the person doesn't have 100% positivie feedback with a fairly high number of transactions, then I'll skim through the feedback comments to find the negatives and neutrals, and read those. Combined with the text of the listing that usually provides clues about the sincerity and reasonableness of the seller.....

Postal money orders only!!! People take the postal inspector seriously, and rightfully so.

Yeah, that's what I tell my buyers when they're nervous......

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Postal money orders only!!! People take the postal inspector seriously, and rightfully so.

"NOT" I repeat, "NOT" true.

Three years ago I lost $750. on eBay using a MO. I filed a fraud complaint with the U.S. Postal Inspector and two police reports of theft with my local PD and the theif's local PD.

As of yet I haven't gotten any results and I doubt I'll get any satisfaction.

Using a money order should be the second to the last form of payment you should use, with Western Union or MoneyGram being last.

If you aren't dealing with someone you trust, pay with a credit card. You can do that through PayPal or BidPay. If you're not satisfied just call the C.C. company and dispute the charges. They handle everything and you've got your money back.

Just make sure before you dispute the charges you've given a reasonable amount of time for the seller to come through on his part.

Good luck,


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Postal money orders only!!! People take the postal inspector seriously, and rightfully so.

+1 to that.


I will say this -- there's precious little I want to buy so badly I'm willing to stand in line for an hour at the United States Post Office, just to get a money order. :)

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File a claim with Paypal. It is not that big of a deal at all. It is up to the seller to prove they shipped it, insured & tracking # or else Paypal will make them return your money.


If they empty their account you have no recourse / no leverage. You can allways drop the refund request if it shows up or send him a MO if it shows up 3 weeks later.

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Their terms of service just suck :angry::angry::angry:

Read payment horror stories here

Thanks for that paypalsucks link - good stuff.

I had a guy buy a 650 from me once, after an Ebay transaction went really bad. So bad in fact - the "ebay website" he was buying the 650 from wasn't even actually ebay. He said everything looked perfectly legit... right up until the seller wanted him to wire the money to a "different address," at the last minute. (I can't remember all the details but it was total bs.) So he pulled the plug on it and did some checking - that's when he figured out the entire experience was fraud. Crazy stuff.


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I've completed 200+ transactions on Ebay All Successfully.

I am by nature a suspicious person and don't deal with new or less than excellent rated sellers.

I like to use the paypal, but have also sent off USPS Money Orders.

I'm a correct to assume that if some fraud involves the US Mail Service additional charges can be involved?

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"I try not to buy electronics on eBay..."
Bid with confidence with seller 'redheadesign'.....! I sell mainly electronic items and have (as of this writing) 201 raging positive feedbacks, for a 100% positive rating. (Plus the handful of buyers who were too lazy to post feedback but indicated their product was satisfactory.) SOME of us, then, are honest and cool in the electronics world.

I both buy AND sell (mostly sell) on eBay and exercise normal cautions... and have had little or no trouble with anyone. I do as Nik does, though, which is to research any neutral or negative feedbacks and see who's barking at whom and read between the lines a bit if I can. If there are any dodgy trends therein I'll avoid a transaction with this/that seller/buyer, but mostly I just do the normal thing and normal things then tend to happen.

The only 'big-ticket' items I've transacted online were two handguns (GunBroker.com) and I received excellent service and excellent product. eBay has essentially been the same, though I've not performed high stakes transactions there (except one--a laptop sale to someone cool in New Zealand). B)

I've transacted via PayPal and Money Order (both selling and buying) and limit my payment methods to those two options, as they're the most common and most convenient for most people.

One thing I DO avoid is transacting with people in countries I regard as "iffy".... I think that one thing has helped avoid problems.

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i've done quite a few transaction with ebay and paypal with sucess. Unfortunately I got scammed pretty good and paypal froze my account. So no paypal account for me. I could care less after reading their TOS.

rant on.

I can't accept the fact that if the seller shows proof of delivery, the seller has held up his part of the bargain. HOW THE HELL IS THAT ACCEPTABLE?!?!?! The seller that scammed me sent a box of junk (Literally knick knacks you would buy from a drug store) and provided paypal with a delivery confirmation.

rant off.

A few months ago my ebay account got hacked into and someone was selling bootleg copies of "24" and other paramount pictures products (i think it was PP) using my account. I had to continuously stay online for a good 8 hours to keep up with what the perps were doing. I was able to close the door on them and delete most of the auctions but a few items ended with the buy it now option. i had to email those "winners" and tell them it wasn't me that was selling the items and to be on the lookout for some sort of email saying to send the payment else where. one winner actually sent payment to another email address. not sure what happened after that. ON TOP OF ALL THAT, i get a e-mail from lawyers representing PP to stop and desist all sales of their bootleg products. i had to call them up and send the majority of info i collected to them saying it wasn't me that was selling those items :angry::angry::angry: . You would think a large corp like ebay would have a good password security system. But i guess if someone really wanted in, all they need is time :ph34r:

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Keeping muh fingers crossed since so far I've not had a bad experience with pp or ebay....

I buy only from people in the USA, 100% rating unless they have like a 5000+ feedback then I might let them go down to 98% but no negative feedback in the last twelve months.

No electronics so far, but lotsa gun stuff...gun people on ebay seem to be straight up. Got me a few bargains, too. If I'm selling, pics and prompt service...and no inflated shipping and handling fees.

I also look to people I've bought from before...like George at EGW1.

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I've bought and sold a bit on ebay, mostly to good results, but ONCE.......

I was buying a laptop computer for my son to take to college. Everything about this particular Dell laptop looked right, not too cheap etc, but the guy's English didn't match where he was supposed to be, can't explain exactly other than to say he "had an accent in print" that I wasn't comfortable with. I looked at his feedback (100% pos) and emailed the latest 10 feedbacks with the same message. "Your feedback says you.....and sent your $ to this address. Is this all true?"

One guy said "I have been doing bidness with this guy for years and know him personally. He used to be in the Mounted Police. I know he is still there and his first language is English!"

I got an email from the Mountie.......his entire ebay persona had been usurped, feedback and all, by a guy in Milan Italy! He thanked me, the disaster was averted! You just can't be too careful! Steve Taylor

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no such thing as "too safe" with online purchases. keep on asking question after question until you're satisfied. if the seller gets mad at you for being ultra safe, maybe the deal wasn't meant to be. most legit sellers are quite understanding and will provide contact info without hesitation.

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Yep, make sure all the info matches up. If its a big amount be sure to call in person by doing a contact info request. I have done allot on Ebay. Only had one non delivery of a product. I got refunded from paypal. I called the guy and asked him why he didnt send it. He said I dont know. He only had about 30 feedbacks. I always look at feedback and at the other items for sale.

Sometimes when you are looking for high dollar items you will run across a to good to be true price. The seller will only have 10 feedbacks from sellers for small items and they will have several high dollar items. Sure sign of a fraud. I turn them in to Ebay and they get taken down.

I doubt hackers are the main culprit in the password theft they are more our own fault by falling for the fishing scams where you get an email that gets you excited and you click on that email to get into your account. You just gave them your username and password. I like to comply and enter some choice words in the fields.

I have even conversed with some of the scam artist that deal moslty in vehicles, high dollar ones. They give some sob story about the vehicle being in another country and needing the money sent. They say they will ship for free. The auction wont take your bid they want you to email them direct. One guy told me that he wouldnt be doing it if people didnt send him thousands of dollars at a time. This was on a 80,000 cobra mustang that he said you could buy for 8000.00. I just report those to ebay nd within minutes they take them down. Most those listings are done with accounts that have good feedback obtained through the fishing scams.

Ebay is ok if you are savvy and careful. Dont let the excitement of a geat deal get in the way of common sense.

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I got burnt once in a complicated scam. He had friends "buying" stuff and posting fake feedback.

He got 5-7 years and was in Cleveland OH. I was asked to testify but it ended up I didn't need to show.That's very satisfying for me to know he is 21 and f---ed for life.

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