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Dune by Frank Herbert - a simply incredible book.

The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum

Ninja by Eric von Lustbader

anything by HP Lovecraft

Pain God and Other Delusions by Harlan Ellison

anything by Louis L'amour

(Edited by cypher at 7:00 am on May 18, 2002)

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The Holy Bible - God

SH 21-76 U.S. Army Ranger Handbook

Freckles - Gene Stratton Porter

Blood on the Risers - John Leppelman

Black Berets and Painted Faces - Gary Linderer

Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger

Hit Man - Lawrence Block

Hit List - "     S.A.A.          "

Just some of my personal favorites.

(Edited by Bigbadaboom at 11:04 pm on May 18, 2002)

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  • 1 year later...

Art of War by Sun Tzu

The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

Hagakure: the Way of the Samurai

The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tsu

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

Bridges of Madison County by Robert James Waller

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Eleven Minutes by Palo Coelho

The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane

The Looking Glass by Richard Paul Evans

The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown

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nobody's mentioned the C.S. Forester series about "Horatio Hornblower", or the Patrick O'Brien series about "Jack Aubrey" (the new "Master and Commander" movie). historical fiction about the british navy at the turn of the 19th century. iron men and wooden ships, cannons at pistol shot, etc.......... you can't put em' down....

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Some of my favorites.

Science Fiction & Fantasy:

Stranger In A Strange Land (Heinlein)

Dune (Herbert)

Stand On Zanzibar (Brunner)

Gateway (Pohl)

The Forever War (Haldeman)

Lucifers Hammer (Pournelle/Niven)

Neuromancer (Gibson)

The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy (Tolkein)

Riverworld (Farmer)

History & Science:

From The Jaws Of Victory (Fair)

The German Wars (Goodspeed)

Enemy at the Gates: The Battle for Stalingrad (Craig)

QED The Strange Theory Of Light And Matter (Feynman)

A Brief History Of Time (Hawking)

Popular Fiction:

All Tom Clancy Novels (Not Op Center)

All Stephen Hunter Novels

All Ian Fleming James Bond Novels

Competition Shooting:

Practical Shooting (Enos)

High Power Rifle (Tubb)

The Competitive AR-15 (Zediker)

Handloading For Competition (Zediker)



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Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand

The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand

Unintended Consequences - John Ross

Treason - Ann Coulter

Icons of Evolution - Jonathan Wells

Fingerprints of the Gods - Graham Hancock

Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien

Rendezvouz with Rama - Arthur C Clarke

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  • 3 months later...

Starship Troopers - Heinlein

Hammer's Slammers - David Drake (pretty much any of his Mercenary SciFi)

Footfall, Lucifer's Hammer - Jerry Pournelle (and I think Larry Niven)

Ringworld - Larry Niven

Beserker series - Fred Saberhagen

Dune - Frank Herbert

Lord of the Rings - Tolkien

Team Yankee - Harold Coyle (and pretty much everything else except his Civil War period books)

Bravo Two Zero - Andy McNab

anything by Dale Brown

Rainbow Six & The Hunt for Red October - Clancy

Red Storm Rising - Larry Bond (ghostwritten for Tom Clancy)

Gates of Fire - Thomas Pressfield

Killer Angels - Michael Schaara

Embattled Courage - Gerald Linderman

Band of Brothers - Stephen Ambrose (all of his WWII stuff is excellent)

Death Ground: Modern American Infantry in Battle - Daniel Bolger

Enders Game - Orson Scott Card

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  • 8 months later...
  • 3 months later...

I don't have a list to post (its pretty similar to what's here) BUT for those who may not have discovered it, probably the very best source for finding many of these titles is the online used book broker abebooks.com

They represent many used book dealers with an online database search and order system that's worked well for me. Particularly for rare or out-of-print stuff.

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The DaVinci Code - Dan Brown

Angels and Demons - Dan Brown

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - HS Thompson

Anthem - Ayn Rand

I read The DaVinci Code last summer and read Angels and Demons last week. Both are fantastic reads and page turners. I'm currently reading Deception Point, also by Dan Brown. It too is a page turner. Dan Brown has found a way to deliver crack via ink and paper. :D

Anthem was a facinating read. Very simple, yet profound. I'm also reading Atlas Shrugged. Ayn Rand paints excellent mental pictures for me.

I'm so, so happy I got my eyes tested and glasses. I've read more in the last 6 weeks than I have in the last 13 years.

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  • 4 months later...

Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit- Tolkien

Dune- Herbert

Tortilla Flat- Steinbeck

Three Musketeers and Count of Monte Cristo- Dumas

Something Wicked This Way Comes- Bradbury

Mars and Tarzan series- Burroughs

Musashi- Yoshikawa

Foundation Trilogy- Asimov

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I guess I'm not much of a "thinker" when it comes to my favorites. I've read plenty of good classics but my true favorites tend to be strictly entertainment. I also tend to pick an author that I like and read everything I can get my hands on by that author.

Louis L'amour - all

W.E.B. Griffin - all

John Sandford - Prey Series

Dan Brown - most though I agree that Fortress and Deception Point are a little weak

J.R.R. Tolkien - all

Tom Clancy - most of the Ryan series but very few of his "co-authored" work

Clive Cussler - although I do wish his hero's had a little more depth to their characters

Dean Koontz - Odd Thomas, The Face, Velocity, & a few others.

John Grisham - Primarily the ones they haven't made into movies yet

Greg Iles - all so far

Ted Dekker - just now getting into these. Black and I'm halfway through Red

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Anything by Victor Davis Hanson, who is IMHO the preeminant conservative thinker of our day. While many quote history few actually know anything about it. Victor brings the past alive and uses the past to guide decision making in the present.

His books include:

Who Killed Homer? (about the decline of academia)

Mexifornia (about the impact of Illegal Immigration in California)

Carnage and Culture (about the peculiar dominence of western military power)

Ripples of Battle (about the lasting effects of three battles: Okinawa, Shiloh, and Delium with a particularly interesting analysis about the American reaction to Japanese suicide tactics)

The Soul of Battle (about three different leaders Epaminodas of Thebes, Sherman and Patton, their democratically inspired armies and their campaigns to free others from their elitist autocractic oppressive antidemocratic opponents: Sparta, the South, and Nazi Germany. Good stuff in an age where the U.S. is trying to bring democracy to regions where statism, tribalism and tyranny have reigned.)

He also writes a weekly column for National review Online.

Other good books?

Killing Pablo Mark Bowden

Not a Good Day to Die (about Operation Anaconda in Afghanistan)

Books that I've recently read and not cared for:

Guns Germs and Steel which completely ignores the effect of culture on human development.

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I thought Guns, Germs and Steel was fantastic. He simply looks at different variables in human progress. Rather than argue about this or that culture, or socila structure, Diamond only looked at the tools available. Hansen then builds on that (not specifically) by then addressing what social groups did what with the tools they had.

The Pre-Columbian Central American cultures didn't invent the wheel because they had no draft animals. They weren't dumb, they just didn't have the tools. But cultures on the Norht and the South of the Mediteranean had the same tools, climate, animals and other resources. Why the difference? That's what Hansen chews on.

Don't look at them as "one vs. the other" but two sides of a coin.

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  • 1 year later...

Don't get to read as much as I used to (except for Barney, etc books to my kids :) . How about:

Red Storm Rising

Patriot Games

Any of the Dune series

Hot Springs and the "Bob the Nailer" books by Stephen Hunter

BlackHawk Down

Into Thin Air

One Bullett Away

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JRR Tolkien - pretty much everything

Roger Zelazny - The Amber Chronicles

Frank Herbert - the Dune series

Robert Heinlein - Friday, Stranger in a Strange Land, everything that man has written

Isaac Aasimov - Foundation series, Robot Series, short stories

Tom Clancy - his early stuff, I'm not current with his latest work

Michael Crichton - Rising Sun, Eaters of the Dead

Edgar Allan Poe - The Cask of Amontillado is my favorite story, but I like 'em all

Non-fiction, inspriation, leadership, how-to, etc... :

Pat Riley - The Winner Within

Spencer Johnson - Who Moved My Cheese?

James Collins & Jerry Porras - Built To Last

Heinl - Handbook for Marine NCOs

Hyrum Smith - The Ten Natural Laws of Time and Life Management

Donald Phillips - Lincoln on Leadership

Benjamin Hoff - The Tao of Pooh

The Art of War for Executives (a modern business translation of Sun Tzu's original work)

Miyamoto Musashi - A book of five rings as translated into English

B. Enos - Practical Shooting; Beyond Fundamentals (of course)

G. Edward Griffin - The Creature from Jekyll Island (a great history of the Federal Reserve)

Gary Aldrich - Unlimited Access; An FBI agent inside the Clinton Whitehouse

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard - The Secret Life of Bill Clinton

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"The Book of Five Rings" Musashi

"Unintended Consequences" Ross

"The God Delusion" Dawkins

"The Art of War" Tzu

"Zen in the Martial Arts" Hyams

"The Bible" Author unknown

"Bushido" Nitobe

"Tao of Jeet Kune Do" Lee

"Way of the Peaceful Warrior" Millman

"Inner Athlete" Millman

"Iron and Silk" Salzman

and many others.

EDIT: Latest book I really did not like: "Godless" by Ann Coulter. She is a mean spiteful hate-monger hinding under the guise of a christian conservative.

Edited by TEricksen
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