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Say Goodnight, Tookie


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What did Tookie have in common with Tim McVay? Mass murder. Only Tookie was responsible for creating the Crips, who's victims number in the thousands (if not tens of thousands) by now.

Now, his murderous Crips creation is praised and promoted by Snoop Dog - that is when Snoop is not busy appearing on network TV along side Lee Iacoca, Ellen DeGenerus, David Bowie. Good riddance.

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I just love the way that Hollywierd, and the entertainment industry as a whole, has continued to marginalize itself by adopting outrageously stupid causes.

I resigned myself long ago to the fact that every day of my life will be a battle, on some level, as long as I stand for my principles. It's so much easier when the opponents expend their time and energy conquering positions that are tactically inferior.

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How's this for a stage...You're passing through Los Angeles during a trip along the Pacific coast. You lose track of time and find yourself in downtown L.A., 2 minutes after midnight. On the start signal...engage all rioters as they become available. Any questions? Load and make ready! :o


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this issue should never have been brought before Arnold, it should have been handled years ago and still yet he was tried and convicted, so it should never have made it to the govenor.

I think if someone is convicted and they have 2 or 3 credible witnesses it should be an immediate death penalty, none of this 25 years crap and appeal after appeal. Tookies victems didn't get any of those benefits. good riddens, now, 1002!

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aw shucks, they had a hard time administering the injection due to his grotesquely huge arms......another reason they should get rid of the weights in prison. DougC


Dem was some big arms!!!

And the accounts here in local news say it took the poor nurse 35 minutes to find a vein in them big steroid-deformed arms.

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The law says that a Governor has the right to grant clemency or not. His choice!

So, the way I see it, Tookie was just another victim of "The Right to Choose" under our legal system. According to the Hollywood Bunch, the "Right to Choose" always trumps " The Right to Life". :rolleyes:

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