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Friday Flamefest 04 Oct 05


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I hate that I have been dating all my correspondence for November but we are still in October. -- Pat you are obviously still asleep.

I hate that I the cost of everything; gasoline, natural gas, food, club dues, etc. is increasing but my paycheck does not show an increase, despite how hard I work.

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I hate that when watching the news all I hear is people complain about how bad the Federal Government has responded to the latest natural disasters because they have to stand in line for ice and water. Because a meal they were GIVEN was cold. Because the blue roof tarps were not available right at the moment the wind calmed down. Because 2 days after the storm they still don't have power. I hate that personal reponsibility seems not to be a factor for these people because the government is supposed to take care of them during events like these.

I hate that all my friends and coworkers that are deployed to the different impact areas, many times leaving behind family and the comforts of home, have to listen to this shit too. I hate that my neighbor whose a lineman for the power company came back from South FL but not back home, back to the hospital because of injuries sustained while trying to restore power to the same people that complain.

I hate that because of heavy workload this year I couldn't work any emergency ops mission. Did it last year for 60 days but didn't feel the ungratefullness I see this time.

People, when you see a FEMA vehicle, a Corps red shirt, a Red Cross volunteer, a National Guard man or woman, or any other emergency operations person, DON'T BITCH AT THEM, think they could be home watching a game and having a Bud. SAY THANK YOU!

No more news for me this week... They've pissed me off too much lately.

Feel better now. Let's get to work.

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i hate when a certain friend of mine,(initials PW), calls me on his cell phone from Lake Kissimmee to tell me what a great time he is having fishing when he knows that i am locked up in my shop in the New York and it's 40 degrees outside here. that son of a bitch should be at work like the rest of us! how the hell does he think the economy is going to get any better if he's out fishin' all the damn time!!!! :angry::o:wacko:

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I hate that I have to follow that tragic news with my selfish hate.

I hate the fact I had a (self edit because I hate whining) and only one BE'r saw it. Thanks for the call Phil.


Edited by Bear1142
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Following my theme for the last few, ah many many months....

I hate that I have to leave my wife and dogs again on Monday and then again the following week, and then probably part of Thanksgiving week as well. I liked my job a whole lot more when the travel was limited to a week or two a month at most.

I hate trying to salvage a project after promises that couldn't be kept under any circumstances aren't met and I am the one onsite at their location having to explain that we're really "here for them" when they feel like they've been thrown under the bus on repeated occasions.

I hate that the matches in my area are done for the year and I just don't have the time to drive over to the match this weekend in OH for one last spin through the cardboard and steel.

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I hate people that live in their own filth. Who defecate in a toilet that will not flush for 5 days before deciding it might be a problem. And who are suprised when your answer to the problem is "boy, you're screwed".

I hate Gerber Incorporated. Bastards moved even more of their manufacturing to China.

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I hate that when the media reports on any accidental shooting of any kind, it is always stated that "the gun went off", like there was no human intervention in the matter. Kinda like the line "SUV kills man in rollover", well no in both instances odds are someone was negligent or made an error. Granted mechanical failures do occasionally cause accidents, however the facts are still the facts and when they are presented in a skewed or slanted fashion the truth is glossed over. Sheer laziness on the part of journalists...

Now for more of the selfish type of hate....

I hate that my wife is working 80 plus hours a week this month.

I hate that I should be very busy at work and making lots of commission dollars, but instead I begging for non exsistant sales and falling further behind with each passing hour.

I hate that this rant hasn't really releived any of the frustration...

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I hate three day handgun waiting periods. I bought a gun off an internet auction. I had to wait for the auction the end, wait for payment arrangement instructions, wait for the gun to be shipped to my dealer, I walk into the gun shop on my way home from work with a gun on my hip, but have to wait three days before I can take my new gun home.


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There are a number of things to hate today.

1. Two-faced people who take advantage of another person who is being nice to them.

2. Saying things about a person and being too much of a coward to say it openly.

3. People who have lost touch with the reality of who works for whom.

4. Unequal application of rules.

5. Censorship in a forum where responsible adults have conversations.

6. Being replaced by four people, when no one used to think I was over-worked.

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I hate getting emails on offers for my guns and then.......................nada, no hear-o back-o. "Hey, I am going to make an offer, I will contact you , whats your number" But, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, they will let you hang without the decency to say they are no longer interested or some such.


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I hate that I have to follow that tragic news with my selfish hate.

I hate the fact I had a (self edit because I hate whining) and only one BE'r saw it. Thanks for the call Phil.


If you'd have called back like you promised... I'd have given you all the sympathy and moral support needed.

I miss my gun. :(

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I hate going back through the goals thread for 2005 and realizing that due to working too much I not only didn't even come close to my goal but only increased my overall percentage by about 3 points with only 2 classifiers left to shoot for the year unless I do a bunch of driving. Ya gotta practice and ya gotta actually shoot classifiers to move up.

I hate that I have to to work to afford my avocations but my work gets in the way of doing what I really want to do. Gahhh!!!!!!!!

I hate that I have become so "comfortably solid" in "B" class.

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I hate online wise-a**es who make fun of your online personal/legal/privacy security issues, go poking around in your personal information, then publicly make light of it (in an a**hole kind of way, of course) as though I were interfering with their rights to do the poking! Then telling everyone how easy it was to do. I think this is called "lack of respect" and "an odd form of harrassment." Might mean I have to axe them from a certain forum location, yep. Some people just need killin' I guess. :ph34r::angry::angry:

Oh, and I also hate how the attendance at our local indoor league competitions has dropped by a full 50% over the past year..... ever since range fees and league fees went up across the board. We warned them this would happen. They didn't listen.

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