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Friday Flame War


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Before I start my own petty little Hate thread I want to quote from Brian's main site's Hate Page.

What I Hate:  Various essays on petty tyrants and annoying situations.

Hate Intro:

I was at the range with Rob one day and we were bitching about something, and we laughingly decided that I would call my first link on my web site the "Hate Page." The name stuck.

At first I thought the word "Hate" would be offensive to some; however, since I’ve spent most of my life trying not to offend anyone, I thought it might be fun to just write exactly what I felt.

I don’t put much value in opinions, especially my own. If I really care about something, I’ll take action. Otherwise, sometimes it’s just fun to bitch – especially if you don’t have to provide a solution. Even so, just through the act of bitching, often a solution emerges. So why hate? You decide.

I hate small minded, weasley a$$h0les who go out of their way to make EVERY little aspect of life difficult for those around them. I see them everywhere but when I have to deal with them at the range it really burns me up. I'm not even talking about a particular small minded, weasley a$$h0le here just all of them in general. I sincerely hope that one day these people wake up and realize how others percieve them. I can think of no more just punishment.

I also hate waitresses who don't know how to pour beer.


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Speaking of 'waitpersons', I'm utterly and completely fed up with them using the term "...you guys..." when addressing customers!!!! How about just "...you..." when speaking to me!!! Who-T-F ever taught them that "You guys..." was even remotely POLITE?????!!!!! :angry:

I also hate it when people in positions of responsibility for distributing donations to disaster victims STEAL the donations for themselves!! This is an outrage as serious as the disaster itself! :angry:

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Generally speaking, I like my job, but lately...

I hate working with people who couldn't find their a** with both hands and a flashlight. I hate that my job has become 95% cat herding, and 5% everything else that I was hired to do - simply because of these nimrods. I hate that there's basically nothing I can do about it (except quit) because a couple of these rocket scientists are at the VP level.

If you don't have enough skill to understand the damn problem, and/or you don't have the common sense to listen to those that do, you should *NOT* be in a position to make decisions about that thing.

If you're a VP, making the big bux, and your sole focus is on short term revenue, so you can make your big ol' bonus, you should be required to pay that bonus to the folks who have to come clean up the porta-potty after you tip it over. Your job in life should not be to make needless work for other people simply because you want to.

Making an engineer play project manager because you're incompetent, and then making him hand hold idiots who don't have the technical wherewithall to wipe their own butts is a very, VERY cruel thing.....

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I also hate it when people in positions of responsibility for distributing donations to disaster victims STEAL the donations for themselves!!  This is an outrage as serious as the disaster itself!  :angry: [/color]

We need to bring back "drawing and quartering" and "the wheel" as appropriate punishments for this sort of thing....

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Today I hate...a short hurricane story.

I finally got in touch with customer in Chalmette, LA. His shop was flooded by Katrina but he evacuated and his home is fine, even has power back. However, his shop was broken into by the sherrif's department under the pretense of removing the guns so no looters would take them. In the process, his business was looted of ammo, holsters, clothing, boots and assorted accessories presumably by the same deputies that were his customers and friends only a week prior. My customer had to find out from the ATF that the local authorities had raided his business and were holding all his long guns. None of the local cops had the common decency to tell him they had busted down his doors. Incidentially, the handguns remained rusting in a safe at the business location. My customer had only nine months previous, purchased the business and since the previous owner had gambled for 40 years with no insurance he followed suit.

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I hate the fact that my day to day life so closely resembles a Dilbert cartoon.

The general consensus around here is Dilbert is/ was a Motorola Employee. (Now Freescale...)

I also hate that the managers think it is ethical to give themselves a 24% bonus and the peons that do the work get a 4% bonus.

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I hate the fact that my day to day life so closely resembles a Dilbert cartoon.

The general consensus around here is Dilbert is/ was a Motorola Employee. (Now Freescale...)

I also hate that the managers think it is ethical to give themselves a 24% bonus and the peons that do the work get a 4% bonus.

He was actually a PacBell employee but who cares, Dilbert is a documentary...

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I hate kids that get into impromptu races in the middle of rush hour, with their souped up honda/acura/toyota/bmw whatever, driving 70+ MPH on surface streets in thick traffic. I see this almost every day in the Sacramento region.

It makes me sick every time I think that because of their recklessness, some kid could lose their father or mother. They don't realize that they are putting the lives of others at risk, just so they can play their stupid games. Or maybe they do, and they don't care. Either way, I hate 'em.

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with their souped up honda/acura/toyota/bmw whatever, driving 70+ MPH on surface streets in thick traffic.  I see this almost every day in the Sacramento region.

I hate their damn fart-can mufflers, too....

And I hate their damn Subwoofers. But they hate my Bag Pipe Music :D

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I hate sitting in a classroom listening to a boring lecture and nearly falling asleep while my perception of the instructor closely resembles that of the Peanuts Teacher. What really sucks is that he's not boring. The subject is boring. It's intense. And I have a sinking feeling that I will be working in one of those offices when I return from Korea!!! AAAIIIGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

Someone PLEASE wake me up from this nightmare!!!!!


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Speaking of college...

OK, wanna see some REAL hate??!! (Even worse than the "...you guys..." waittresses)... I absolutely HATE--with every fibre of my being--students who CHEAT in school!!!! Cheat!!! WTF??!! Don't they know it defeats the purpose of LIfe itself to cheat...???!!! They emerge from their expensive, beer-soaked cocoon four years later with essentially a big debt and NO education whatsoever (and no morals, either)... and have the gall to try and enter the workplace with NO fundamental skills at all--can barely read and write and couldn't care less because no one taught them it was frackin' important!

I have NO WORDS to adequately describe how I hate cheaters!! I saw it budding and beginning to bloom when I was in college and some of the instructors were as appalled as I was (a couple of 'em even resigned over it at the time). Grrr... Growl.... Snarl.... :angry::angry:

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