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I shot a 3-Gun match at Palm Springs, CA about two weeks ago.

The first stage of the day I didn't run to a shooting position because I was already zapped. I was thinking/going "WTF?" the whole match.

Driving home and listening to the radio I learn that it's 110 degrees outside. I hadn't realized it was that hot because as they say it's a "dry heat." That's the hottest I've ever shot a match.

It's been high 90's and over 100 the past couple of days here in So Kali. I went out and did some draws last Tuesday and I practiced with the rifle on Sunday. All of it in the shade. If I had to do it in the sun I'd go delirious in a minute.

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They can talk all they want to about it not feeling as hot because it is a dry heat. Well a pizza oven is a dry heat and I wouldn't want to practice there either.

I'm sure if our good friend Rhino was still posting here he would agree!

Give me 45 degrees any day.

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There is a difference between dry and wet heat.

I live in Arkansas and it can be 80 degrees and so sticky that you just can't stand it. It is not uncommon for it to be 98% humidity in the morning and 70% through out the day when the temps are around 90+. IT SUCKS!!! When you leave your house in the AM your clean and fresh and before you get to work your sweaty. I've been to AZ and it's hotter than hell. But when you step in the shade it almost feels cool. Reason, no humidity.

Arkansas name in the summer time is Arkan-sauna.

This post should probably go under "Hate"

Have a good day.

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Yep it's a dry heat. But 116 in the shade is still 116 in the shade. When it is 90 in the shade in Oklahoma it is a little hotter out in the open. But in Arizona it is HOT in the sun. Try riding a bike (spelled motorcycle) when it is 110 and it will cook you on the road. 90 to 100 out here you can ride and it is better. When I lived in Arixona I used to "make brass" when it was that hot just shot and found a shade then shot some more. Drank lots of water and kept the bandana around your neck wet. Not that either did me much good. B)

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I have lived in L.A. for 17 years and now in Kentucky for 26 as well as shot all over the country. I dont know how they stand it down in the South East, nice in the winter but summers are miserable. Its the humidity. Here in KY we get a taste of both. Every winter and summer in the height of the seasons weather I start talking about moving out west again. The rest of the itme its actually pretty nice here in Kentucky. But I will take the dry heat over the humidity anyday. When the humidity is high its like you are constantly covered in your own sweat and there is no relief, in the shade or even at night.

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Last week at tuesday steel it was 115 degrees. There were still 110 people out there and the match starts at 3:30 which is the hottest part of the day. We out here in AZ are just tough! :P My fiance just moved out here with me from texas and she cant take the heat like I can since I grew up here. She is getting used to it better though.

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You said it, Chuck! At Sunday's match it hit 94, and the humidity was HIGH. Miserable. Me being "well-insulated" makes it worse.

The upside is, if you want some fresh air in the house, you don't have to open the windows and let the AC out. You just go outside with a sharp knife, slice out a large chunk and carry it back inside.

Still, I remember Houston as being worse in the summer.

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The midwest heat can be bad as well. The humidity really does make it worse. All of the competitors complaining about shooting in IL this week in the heat will feel it for sure.

Just made a range cart and have a spot for an umbrella for the sun. Those long matches are killers when there is no shade to take cover.

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It's been hot and muggy here as well. I had a good laugh last week when they interviewed a woman from Kenya here on a trip.

She said "My God it's hot here with this humidity, I dont know how you stand it. I can't wait to get home. Kenya has no humidity like Philadelpia." There you have it.

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It can get pretty warm (95-103) here in the Willamette Valley at times, and we DO have a modicum of humidity year 'round (not as bad as the Midwest or Southeast, but still...). Today and yesterday in the 90's easily, but humidity down to about 50% (today) instead of 85% on cooler days in the summer.

Mostly it gets miserable in the indoor range on league nights under these conditions (like LAST night, for instance!! Accckk!!) :wacko:

I experienced a two-day toaster oven bit of torture in California some time back... 115 degrees followed by a day of 117. Cripes, I was CONVINCED we were going to die--absolutely die. We could only sit in the shade and pour water over ourselves. It was hideously uncomfortable. And not just a little scary for the location. :o

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It's been hot and muggy here as well. I had a good laugh last week when they interviewed a woman from Kenya here on a trip.

She said "My God it's hot here with this humidity, I dont know how you stand it. I can't wait to get home. Kenya has no humidity like Philadelpia." There you have it.

I don't remember the exact year (maybe early 80's?), but the Democratic National Convention was being held here in Atlanta. And it was hot. And it was of course, very humid.

A local news crew spotted one of the delegates from Alaska who went for a walk and became miserable with the weather conditions. They (thankfully) stopped to film an interview with the poor guy.

He was sitting on the curb outside of a small convenience store, holding 2 bags of ice to his chest with a contented smile on his face you usually only see after someone has had very gratifying sex.

What a picture he made....

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The good thing about the dry heat is that you can wet a bandana and put it on your neck. That will give you some relief. Try that in Tallahassee and you will just have a wet steamy bandana. Pretty mild right now, 90 degrees with 70% humidity. The weather web site says that "feels like 102"

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Well, and the latest report from my buddy in Bullhead City, AZ is reflecting numbers like 119, 129 and so on.  :blink:  :blink:

With 90-95 at night.  No thanks. 

My experience at 29 Palms was that the night was the best time. Even though it was still in the 90s, the wind picked up and it was 30 degrees cooler than it was during the day. It was good "sleeping outside" weather (which was lucky for me since this is where I had to sleep).

Daytime though, it was a blast furnace.

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I am the guy that usually gets to test fire the guns before shipping here at the shop when it gets over about 105 degrees. It takes a little getting used to but it not as bad as people make it sound. Dress right, and drink lots of water and you will be fine.

Last Wednesday it was 116 at the shop (29 Palms California), with a slight breeze......felt good ! It has cooled down a lot since then, it was only 108 today.

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108 is the highest I've ever personally seen the raw temperature get to here. But the humidity is unbelievable this year. I mean 91 and 90% humidity- I can't breath! Give me sub 40% humidity and I'll be fine, even if it is over 100.

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Reno just set a new record: 8 days in a row of 100+. (What, I skipped the nats at PASA for this?) But it feels like 90 in San Francisco. My weather web site said humidity would be -1% at 4 PM today. How do you have negative humidity?

But yeah I am avoiding practice.

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