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So was the MD the one SO'ing you?

That's kind of a fail right there. There needs to be at least 2 "layers" of officiating... if the SO makes a call, he/she pretty much has to stick with it. That's why you have a Rangemaster or MD to which to appeal.

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I would never set foot back at the club and would bash the club locally every chance I got

I agree that I would probably not go back to this club unless some changes are made, but other than making the OP feel good, bashing the club won't help a thing.

Talking down a club due to one poor call by an RO just don't sit well with me.

Maybe the MD and RO are here on the forum.

Maybe the RO will get a little more experience, or if he has the experience, step aside until he can do a better job.

And maybe the MD will learn that his RO's are not infallible. They do make mistakes and good MD's take more information into account than just the RO's version.


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Big boy rules, your dq'ed when they say you are, and they will set the steel off the end of the muzzle if they want too. :-)

I think you are confusing "Big Boy" rules for "Bully" rules. Totally different. :roflol:

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Im over it for sure, and wont stoop to a lower level to bash the club. If anyone asks me ill be honest w em. Ill shoot ya straight.The 2 layers thing on match issue settlement makes sense,along w some other points that were brought up. I can be worse than the cops that show up every time Jesse shows up at a match but I wont do that either. ( just kidding). I will discretely mark my slug and buckshot ammo from here on out, and just avoid their events like the plague ( or ebola). And for the guys that validated my concerns, and offered wisdom, thanks,IM still new at this, for those that couldn't, i get it, all good here.

Thanks! :bow:

Edited by Dustbuster1
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Yeah hitting a steel plate at that distance with a slug is an easy thing to see. They fly pretty good. Don't ask me how I know ;)

I will never forget the response from Trapr on a stage I was running at RM3G in 2006. I said "I think you hit a plate with a slug." to which he replied..."You THINK". :) We had to pack a lunch to go get that plate.

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I remember that as well. We showed up to the stage and there was a big old Rattle Snake hanging from the tree....dead. Mark had blasted it right on the stage with a custom built shot shell he had made for his .41 magnum....after packing that lunch we were all a bit hesitant to hike out and get Trapr's plate he had just " bought"! :)

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Man these are hard lessons at a match...not that you needed a lesson in loading your gun by any means. Just lessons about dealing with the man in charge. The only true way to get our point across is to just not attend anymore matches at this club or maybe you can request to be ran by another RO. IDK but, either way I would figure something out. Sounds like the RO was a little "green" so to speak. As everyone else has stated, you will definitely know when you blast a knockdown plate or any other piece of steel with a slug from 5' away. Its a wonder you guys didn't catch a little frag!! Hell a Mod choke will nearly blast those small square knockdowns 10-15 yds away...hit one of those with a slug and it will end up in another bay !!

Hadley O.

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RO's sometimes make mistakes, it happens. The problem is when they are afraid to make mistakes so they refuse to see common sense, or even worse they start making shit up. I have had an RO blatantly lie to my face about something that was not even important and easily researched instead of being able to admit that he did not know the answer. Sometimes people perceive the RO job as one of power, as a sort of policeman over the game, instead of what it really is, a job of service that all who are capable need to do on occasion so that we all get to play. Big personalities can make the game more interesting, but big egos rarely do. Take the DQ like a man if you earned it or not, then RO next time or even run the match and see that someone else does not get buddy f*#ked like you did.

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We have a guy at a local club that likes to make up rules, or change penalty values on the spot. Since at that range the ROs travel with the squads instead of staying with the stages, I request to be moved to a different squad if I end up on his. He glares at me every time he sees me, but I would rather that than the alternative. Might be the solution here. At least until half the shooters won't shoot on his squad :)

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  • 2 months later...

In order to play this sport you have to accept the following:

- The rules mean nothing. RO's and MD's can make up rules and calls as they see fit along the way.

- The RO's and MD's will cheat and make exceptions to the rules to benefit each other and their friends.

- RO's and MD's will never admit they are wrong no matter how obvious it is to everyone and anyone who can see otherwise. Even if you catch them lying/cheating on video they will still deny it.

- If you get DQ'd on a bad call you have to smile, be happy and thank them for DQing you or they'll ban you for life.

- The stage designs will put you in danger with rifle and slug steel on the same stage as pistol and birdshot steel that is at an unsafe distance to shoot with a rifle or slug.

- If you are in the firearms industry the MD will not accept your registration to a major match in order to force you into sponsoring the match to be able to shoot it.

-Major matches are a marketing event not a shooting event.

There are precious few exceptions to these rules.

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The stage designs will put you in danger with rifle and slug steel on the same stage as pistol and birdshot steel that is at an unsafe distance to shoot with a rifle or slug.

I hate it when I get a MDQ

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I've been at this game for a while and I must have rose glasses and lots of Sun screen as sunny as it has been in my world! I really haven't run into much of what Bobby is talking about. They always take my money, there have been very few bad calls and when there were the RM and MD have always listened and been professional. Most R.O.s are trying to the right thing, and as for endangering with mixed ammo, steel to close....etc. Who does that ultimately come down to? Maybe the guy holding and loading the guns? I agree that it shouldn't be set up that way, but if it is and you L.A.M.R. You are agreeing to the challenge.

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WOW! Nearly 20 years shooting USPSA and 3-Gun and with extreme rare exception I have not seen anything approaching what Bobby says. Yes, I have seen cheating, from shooters, I have seen a few crappy stages, and a couple that were not as safe from an RO's point of view as they could have been. Usually the stages favor the shooter over the RO as in RO traps where the RO has nowhere to go id the shooter gets lost. As for the big name shooters, I have seen only less than I can count on the fingers of one had tantrums and bad behavior on the range. On those occasions, other big names have taken the offender aside and more or less read them the riot act and also taken the RO aside and let them know that their calls were good and that their work was appreciated.

yes there is the one infamous case of the 'Plus Two RO' why is it so well known? becasue it is so rare!

I love the shooting sports as much for the if not more for the people than for the shooting.

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Sounds to me like the MD needs to rethink some of his layouts on the stages. I tend to go with safety first on all steel targets when I set my matches up. Sometimes targets need to be moved for the safety of all.I don't ever want to relive seeing a RO take a ricochet from a steel target last year at one of the matches I was shooting.

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  • 2 months later...

Do RO's make mistakes...Yes. Sounds like he made a decision and when proven wrong he did not want to reverse his decision to save face.

Best to avoid that particular match from now on.

Stay safe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If the RO or MD doesn't KNOW it was a slug hit, they should give you the benefit of doubt.

Most are very good people and make the right calls, but occasionally we have all run into "that guy".

They pull out the red card too fast, then when it may be that they are wrong, instead of looking at the situation objectively, they get all defensive and really dig in.

Best thing to do in this case is avoid the match and at other local matches, avoid the squads that these people shoot with.

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