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kryddat brännvin = swedish

Snapsordningen - Shot Drink Order:

1. Helan - Whole

2. Halvan - Half

3. Tersen - Third

4. Quarten - Fourth

5. Quinten - Fifth

6. Sexten - Sixth

7. Septen - Seventh

8. Rivan - a scratch

9. Räfflan - a shallow groove (as in ploughed)

10. Rännan - a trench

11. Smuttan - a sip

12. Smuttans unge - the sip's child

13. Lilla Mannase - a small encouragement

14. Lilla Mannasses bror - small encouragements brother

15. Femton droppar - fifteen drops

16. Kreaturens återuppståndelse - The animal comes out

17 Ett evigt liv - Eternal life

För ingenting är så klart som sprit

som vodka och akvavit.

Och ingenting är så gott och lent

som vinbärs och riktigt rent.

Vi ska fylla våra tarmar

och lyfta våra armar

ta mycket brännvin och bli så full

så vi alla ramlar omkull.

You got to appreciate a culture that has defined a name for each shot drank. My DNA is engineered for drinking. My ancestors trudged through snow to get Aquavit.

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While akvavit is good (jubileum being my favorite), it's not commonly found at a local watering hole (unless you're in scandanvia). So the drink I currently order is a dirty martini. Sharon Zaffiro introduced me to them at the nationals in Bend. Besides, it's fun to tell the wait staff that you want it dirty!


Hey now! Not like that! I mean it in that "spaghetti western - in a dirty glass" style, as in tough! Geeesh!

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...  it's fun to tell the wait staff that you want it dirty! 


Hey now!  Not like that!  I mean it in that "spaghetti western - in a dirty glass" style, as in tough!  Geeesh!

Of course that's what you meant ;)

Southern Comfort on the Rocks, double.

If I really mean it, naked Tequila with a beer back.

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Hmm.. If it's something with dinner, Vodka collins, generally with either Absolut Citron or Mandarin. Otherwise as an after dinner drink, I go for one of the vintage ports. Depending on how decadent I'm feeling, older is generally better, but also much more expensive. I tend to go for 10-15 bucks a glass.


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Knob Creek or Gentleman Jack.I have been meaning to get around to trying Bookers and Single Barrel Jack.Bushmills Irish whiskey ain't too bad either.I work with a guy who makes the smoothest "Spring Water" . ;) in East Tn.

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Any vodka drinkers out there? The local experts (who all work fancy local bar/wine bar/restaurant) were raving about a new vodka - Hangar One. Pretty good stuff, and reasonably priced, if you can find it.

And also recently discovered a very good sipping-guality tequila that is also very reasonably priced - El Jimador. ($23 at Tops) It's on par with $50+ tequilas...


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Hey BE,

You're right about that El Jimador! Goes down smooth with a slight hint of Agave.

You can always tell if the manufacturer adds artificial color or additional additives to their Tequila.

Right now, I'm into Jagermeister. Two big bottles in a week. Maybe I would drink less if I shoot more :lol: The latter being the optimum choice.



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Any vodka drinkers out there?

Ah yes, vodka....very close to akvavit! Did I mention my dirty martinis are made with vodka and not gin? My staple vodka is Skyy. Triple filtered which means very little toxins (translation: not as likely to cause a hangover). Of course my secondary citizenship may be revoked if I do not say a kind word about Absolut. A chocolate martini made with Absolut Vanilla and Godiva Liquer is a sure fire remedy for PMS....


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I didn't have a drop of alcohol in all of 2004.

Hence the "M" in Limited.

I've been tortured with the idea of going on the wagon for a month (gasp!) and just practicing after the kids go to bed. Still thinking....2 rum and tonics later....still not practicing. There's always tomorrow. :P

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I'm pretty much a purist when it comes to most things, especially alcholic beverages, however (and I almost hate to admit this publicly), lately I've been enjoying a fine chocolate beverage - On the rocks... Van Gogh's Dutch Chocolate Vodka, Bailey's, and a splash of Creme de Cacao. Man is that a tasty beverage.


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Please keep 'em coming. I know those that have a passion for our sport have a passion for life. Let's shoot and drink to celebrate life!

I remember after I found out about the Tsunami tragedy, right before new years eve, I cried looking at my computer screen. My friends called me out to go to a party at a hotel and I didn't want to go 'cause I was massively depressed. I had a smoke on my balcony and said I will go to celebrate for those that can't!

On a side trip! I had an interesting conversation with my 56 yr old buddy tonight.

He said, "Life without fear is impossible." I beg to differ, vehemently!

Sorry for the blogging, just something I wanted to share.

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Cazadores Tequilla and Oro de Azteca Brandy. Those are my store bought choices. For liquer it would have to be Skywalker76s home made...er what ever it was he gave me at the ESC in 2003, it was DEVINE. For fermented, My apple cider and Porter beer! :D KURTM

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